
Well Australia being in Asia and Sydney being full of asians and you asked if they served Dog.
Nice try man but that rather shows your unconscious racist narrative. In China they eat over 20 million dogs pa, if they invade and start selling dog burgers in Sydney would you walk the “tightrope” between east and west and try one?( btw I’m Asian)
Nice try man but that rather shows your unconscious racist narrative. In China they eat over 20 million dogs pa, if they invade and start selling dog burgers in Sydney would you walk the “tightrope” between east and west and try one?
Yep. I'd try dog. Lots of aussies (guess Yanks and Poms to as they go there a fair bit now) have in Vietnam and other placers. I've had Crocodile, Goanna, Dugong, snake, grubs.
I havent been anywhere they have served it but sure, id try it. Id try rat and crickets to. English used to eat pigeons a fair bit.
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Long term the Russian invasion on the Ukraine will be a festering pimple on Vladimir's ass. The sanctions are going to have a dramatic effect on the Russian economy as a whole and the people who will suffer the most are the poor. Putin will have to use a heavy hand and that's where the fires of discontent are ignited. Russian work camps and gulags will proliferate even faster than the re-education camp's for the Chinese uyghur. If Putin is/was so genuinely concerned about the Ukraine joining NATO I'm sure he's aware that both Sweden and Finland will now be in line looking for the security NATO provides. Putin will also be successful in encouraging the EU to become more hawkish and dramatically increase their defense spending. The Germans while not providing defensive weapons (whatever they are) are willing to suffer themselves by putting the kibosh on the new gas line. Personally I think Putin has dug a big hole for Russia and the Russian people are hardly aware of what's going on because their media is controlled more tightly controled than the media of North Korea. As far as China goes they don't give a crap about Russia and will be happy to fill the void left by Russian exports. I would in fact like to be able to tune in to a captioned nightly report of RT simply to see how things are presented. I'm certain the above will come to fruition just as I was certain that Putin was just posturing and that there was no way he would invade. I feel hurt that he mislead us so badly but I understand he got lessons in lying from the master.

This will be long remembered by the worldwide community. Russians too.

MOSCOW — Thousands of people protested President Vladimir Putin’s attacks on Ukraine in cities across Russia on Thursday, a striking show of anger in a nation where spontaneous mass demonstrations are illegal and protesters can face fines and jail.

More than 1,700 people were arrested in at least 47 cities across the nation, according to rights group OVD-Info. The group was declared a foreign agent last year, when Putin launched a sweeping crackdown on activists, rights groups

These are some brave people. Much respect.

Putin does not care, however, the day of reckoning will come.
Fuck me ive just spat coffee all over my desk
Why? Its a sustainable cheap food. Decent size.

Dugong has been the only thing ive eaten that's made me pause ethically. I shouldnt of eatin it but it wasnt illegally harvested and its been the best 'steak" i've ever had. I can see why they are protected.

An ex girlfriend had horse in Peru. She didn't mind it except it was served raw and she is normally a medium to rare red meat eater.
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Why? Its a sustainable cheap food. Decent size.

Dugong has been the only thing ive eaten that's made me pause ethically. I shouldnt of eatin it but it wasnt illegally harvested and its been the best 'steak" i've ever had. I can see why they are protected.

An ex girlfriend had horse in Peru. She didn't mind it except it was served raw and she is normally a medium to rare red meat eater.
I was laughing, your reply was very funny to me
The US will not send troops into Ukraine,they are not NATO.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Imagine you are a big strong guy and you see a small child being attacked viciously by a bully and you are the only guy that can probably stop him.
DO you just walk by because you don't have some agreement signed with them?

Under apartheid you banned everything of ours, political; or not, even our sportsmen couldn't compete internationally... It still looks like Russia is getting delicate treatment, how about sanctions against those countries that do support them and trade with them?
The Ukrainian military defies the expectations of the world by destroying 30 Russian tanks, 130 armored combat vehicles, 7 aircraft, and 6 helicopters in a day of intense fighting.
Not even a dent then if the numbers are true, I wouldn't believe to much Ukraine or Russian propaganda.. Russia has a stupid amount of tanks.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Imagine you are a big strong guy and you see a small child being attacked viciously by a bully and you are the only guy that can probably stop him.
DO you just walk by because you don't have some agreement signed with them?

Under apartheid you banned everything of ours, political; or not, even our sportsmen couldn't compete internationally... It still looks like Russia is getting delicate treatment, how about sanctions against those countries that do support them and trade with them?
Bidens going to look weaker if he doesn't put boots on the ground (well more boots). He tried daring Putin with sanctions and Putin said hold my beer.
If Biden doesn't put boots on the ground then he looks extremely weak to China. Face is everything.

Going to be an interesting year.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Imagine you are a big strong guy and you see a small child being attacked viciously by a bully and you are the only guy that can probably stop him.
DO you just walk by because you don't have some agreement signed with them?

Under apartheid you banned everything of ours, political; or not, even our sportsmen couldn't compete internationally... It still looks like Russia is getting delicate treatment, how about sanctions against those countries that do support them and trade with them?
It's been one day. This is a summary of sanctions put in place as of today and discussion of path forward. Also a link to the administration's press briefing on the subject. They say that the sanctions are the strongest ever on Russia and they aren't done.

The US and NATO say they will not send their forces into Ukraine. It's too late now so, that boat has sailed. I think valid arguments can be made either way. aggressive defense of Ukraine or what we are doing. I do not understand this enemy and have given up trying. I will say that Biden has correctly called what Putin was going to do well ahead of when he did them. This gives me confidence that he knows what he's doing.

Below is a repeat of my summary from the actions described in the press conference today.

An update on sanctions and how Biden's administration is planning to roll out new ones.

Five major Russian banks with holdings in the US are sanctioned. Something like a hundred billions dollars in assets are frozen. (I think)
Kleptocrats around Putin. Their foreign held assets are frozen and further financial transactions with them are banned. This includes assets held by members of their families.
Financing debt and financial transactions with 13 critical Russian enterprises is cut off.
Foreign held assets held by executives of those enterprises will be frozen and further transactions with them are banned

Restrictions on Russian military end users (whatever that means) are implemented to impair Russian military capabilities
Export restrictions of technology are implemented to affect both Russian military capability and development the of Russian technology sector
About half of all high tech exports to Russia will be cut off

Sanctions were carved out to avoid disrupting energy supply from Russia
Personal sanctions against Putin are not on the current list.
Other sanctions are ready to be implemented.
These actions depend on Putin's actions going forward and the economist who gave the update explained what they were.
As someone who grew up under sanctions... to the average citizen, it means fuckall... In many ways it just drove our innovation.