
this is not good......

Until now it had been reported that Russian forces fired on the facility, but the results of the attack were unknown. "Apparently it has been destroyed," said Grossi matter-of-factly, leaving the assembled media shocked.
However, he then tried to assure those present that the situation would not be a new Chernobyl-style disaster, saying, "the neutron generator facility had a very small inventory. It was a subcritical facility to use neutrons for scientific experiments."
"It was a relatively new one [facility], part of an operation between the US and Ukraine from the Obama administration. It was a scientific institute," he said.
Asked if this meant that Russia had attacked a facility protected by IAEA safeguards rules, Grossi paused, but then answered, "Yes, when there is nuclear material," meaning since there had been nuclear material there, Russia's attack violated IAEA international protection rules.

noted part in the post....stuff could be used for a dirty bomb....
Desperate Russian Rear-Area Troops Are Armoring Their Vehicles With Wood Logs

Ukrainian roads have quickly become a killing ground for Russian convoys moving through hostile territory amid a reportedly worsening logistics situation. While losses of heavily armored tanks and armored personnel carriers to anti-tank weapons are piling up, far less fortified vehicles are vulnerable even to small arms fire. Losses of light and unarmored vehicles trying to ferry men and materiel to advancing Russian forces are also increasing. As a result, Russian drivers have gotten creative in fortifying their trucks for the deadly roads leading ever deeper into Ukraine.

Images of Russian KAMAZ trucks appeared Saturday showing logs stacked on the front bumper as additional improvised armor. Crews even managed to retain their distinctive “V” markings seen on Russian vehicles in the sector. Other vehicles use wood boards and junk metal to protect their most vulnerable frontal areas.

The three vehicles look to be carrying PMP pontoon bridge elements, a valuable logistics asset and one of the Ukrainian forces’ preferred targets alongside fuel trucks. A PMP bridge was likely set up over the Pripyat River in the Belarusian side of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in the final days leading up to the war.

The logs themselves appear cut from trees right behind the vehicles and are likely intended to protect the trucks’ radiators from small arms fire. The last thing any Russian vehicle crew wants is to survive an ambush only for the truck to overheat and break down nearby.

This is far from the first instance of Russian troops trying to improve their vehicles’ armor for their invasion of Ukraine. At least one captured T-72 tank had sandbags on its turret in a vain attempt to augment its explosive reactive armor blocks. Russian units have also carried logs onboard as a means to help vehicles escape the suffocating mud long feared by observers as a threat to the Russian military's off-road operations. This is in addition to the cage-like improvised armor that began appearing on Russian tanks before the invasion in an attempt to counter-drone and anti-tank guided-missile attacks.

I remember our local National Guard asking for folks back home to send them flak jackets their first tour in Iraq. They were all raiding scrapyards to up-armor their vehicles.
Reading all the stories about how the Russian soldiers seem to have some interesting ideas of what they are doing as well as the stories about how Ukrainians who have relatives in Russia have been unable to convince them of what is going on in Ukraine sends a chill up my spine. When they talk to their relatives and send them news stories about the shelling of cities and deaths of civilians, their relatives claim that they are fake news and that this is a precision operation against Nazis. So now we know what Trump and the current sorry excuse of the Republicans want: a supplicated population that believes whatever they are told.

Back in 1956, Russian soldiers quashing Hungarian independence were told that they were being sent to Germany to fight a resurgent Nazi state. But at least back then the Russians had to pull troops out of far Eastern places like Mongolia to get them to believe such nonsense. They did largely believe it as the Hungarians were totally foreign to them and few realized at first that they weren't in Germany.

Now the Russians don't have to bother with that as their population has been gaslit for so long that many no longer have the capacity to question what they are told. I guess the internet has made it much simpler to create an alternate rabbit-hole world. This is what they want for America but they only got the job half done.
Soon they will be getting the truth on their old analog military radios, NATO has been prepared for this for a long time and the Ukrainians are pretty good a psychological warfare. These radios are in all their equipment and have many channels and their equipment is filled with bored young conscripts who are news starved, besides they will be playing popular music and they took their phones before the invasion. If they aren't now they will soon be all over the Russian military network in Ukraine, it will be first class entertainment too and will walk all over their communications. They still have regular radio and TV in much of Ukraine FFS!
there has been something bothering me for a while now..
i understand why everyone is upset over putin's actions...but why isn't everyone upset over whats going on in Syria? in Yemen?
what about what the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians for decades?
this phrase has been used multiple times in this thread "white christians with guns and guts"....
why are the Ukrainians worth fighting for, but not the Yemenis, the Syrians, or the Palestinians?


the media isn't even aware of the blatantly racist way they report on a lot of issues


i'm still all for supporting the Ukrainians, and kicking putin's ass, but maybe the world could muster more than a shrug when its brown people or non christians getting slaughtered, and not white christians?
It's an issue of pigmentation.

Ukraine says more 20,000 foreign volunteers want to join special unit to combat Russian forces
From CNN staff
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry says it has created a special unit — the International Legion — which has already started to carry out combat missions to counter Russian aggression.
More than 20,000 volunteers and veterans from 52 countries have expressed their desire to join, according to Brigadier General Kyrylo Budanov, commander of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry that will run this legion.
Burdanov expressed his gratitude to the fighters and said they are mostly experienced fighters who have participated in many peacekeeping campaigns around the world.

"Any help is worth its weight in gold," he said.

this would make it 36,000 in total....
I think all NATO countries should give any soldier leave if he wants to go fight. Would love to see whole units join together.
Just bought gas tonight, $1.77 liter CDN and going up tonight, usually gas prices are announced on Thursdays, but they have provisions for this kind of thing. I would suggest you top up your tank tonight, gas is only gonna get more expensive.
I think all NATO countries should give any soldier leave if he wants to go fight. Would love to see whole units join together.
A lot of these people have military experience on equipment the Ukrainians are getting from NATO like AA systems. They can train Ukrainian women soldiers for these jobs, freeing up men for close combat. They are probably classifying them by experience and training, ex soldiers will be given preference and specialists will be picked out. NATO is doing a lot of advising and helping here with organization too, as is the CIA. I have no doubt there might be a retired NATO general or two on contract with the Ukrainians
I think all NATO countries should give any soldier leave if he wants to go fight. Would love to see whole units join together.
Ukraine could probably have it's pick of retired NATO officers right up to general. Most have assessed the situation there and like what they see, I don't see any problem with them getting lot's of military experience. Besides they trained for this shit all their lives and many believe in the cause.
Anger is caused when desires are thwarted and Vlad's have been thwarted, he has been humiliated, but not yet humbled, that will take some time. I think internal pressure might soon become unbearable, that's why he is doing this shit, to avoid eventual internal pressure, as Ukraine becomes a prosperous western democracy and Russians live like shit because of his failures. Well now he will be remembered for his failures, blunders and fucking mother Russia for a generation, by a generation of his victims. This will happen, even if he packed up his army and went home tomorrow, the die has been cast and it came up snake eyes for Vlad.

He's a cornered rat, but not suicidal, care must be taken, Ukraine does not need NATO membership, not any more! If he thinks he got thumped this time, wait till he tries again! So the deal might be, no NATO membership for Ukraine, a Finland like settlement will be reached that gets Vlad out of a jam, but he might have to give up Crimea and get a "guarantee" of safety for Russians in Ukraine by the EU. It will all be bullshit, but it gives Vlad an off ramp and let's him save face. The map of Europe will have changed and Vlad will probably "retire" from politics and try to survive.
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