Well-Known Member
Could be, but without it, I'd have no home, no electricity to light and power said home, no fuel to operate my vehicles, no food, etc. It's just that these vermin add air to the mix as they do nothing but take money right out of the transaction. They do not produce anything but hot air, kinda like all those executives with failing companies that are begging for handouts from us, the lowely taxpayer. They are vermin, vultures, ripping flesh off our bones.
Strange, I would imagine that such a description would be more aptly used to describe entertainers who make millions, and former congressional members who after getting kicked out of office turn around and use their clout to get lobbying jobs that pay 2 - 5x more than what they were originally making.
Those people produce nothing, then again the executives don't really produce anything either, but if you look at it that way neither do a lot of positions. If some one does nothing more than beat a piece of iron into a new shape, or forge it into steel have they really done anything by your logic?
I can agree that executives are overpaid, but taxing them even more is not the solution, because then they can argue that they need to be paid even more to offset the increase in taxes, and once again who gets shafted, the little guy at the bottom.