

Well-Known Member
New battery tech being developed for EVs could see the endurance of these drones increase by 3 to 5 times in coming years, the US military might be ahead of the rest though. A truck with a tube could launch them like switch blades, only it would pump them out of the tube preprogramed at 200 DPM (Drones per minute) like a machine gun. New battery technology could see them have the same range, as long range artillery. They would fly circuitously and independently at tree top level, or even in among the trees, to the GPS located target.
I like the idea of flying smaller drones in on a missile or a large drone, to keep costs and complexity down on the small ones.

this is where I got the idea decades ago.



Well-Known Member
People are evacuated in Kupyansky district due to attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
In the Kupyansky district, the evacuation of the population is being carried out due to attacks by the Ukrainian military. This was told by the head of the CAA of the Kupyansky district Maxim Gubin.

“The authorities of the Kupyansky district of the Kharkiv region are trying to evacuate the population as much as possible. The evacuation is going to the territory of the LPR and the Russian Federation, ”RIA Novosti reports his words.

It is noted that people will be evacuated for a short time - for 3-4 days, until the situation stabilizes. Citizens are located in temporary accommodation centers. He also added that not a single sabotage and terrorist group of Ukrainians was able to enter this territory, although attempts were made. The Russian military is holding Kupyansk.

Kupyansk is a city in the Kharkiv region, it was there that at the end of August some citizens received Russian passports. The head of the CAA of the Kupyansky district of the Kharkov region, Maxim Gubin, also became a citizen of Russia. The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive on this territory in early September. According to the Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bezsonov, the disguised intrusion group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was discovered by intelligence on September 7 in the Serebryanka area, near the city of Seversky, Tsargrad writes . Russian troops control the situation in this territory.

The military of the Russian Federation are trying to dislodge the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the suburbs of Balakliya
The military of the Russian Federation is trying to dislodge the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from the suburbs of Balakleya in the Kharkiv region. This was announced by the head of the regional administration Vitaly Ganchev.

“The military is trying to drive Ukrainian forces out of the suburbs of Balakliya in the Kharkiv region. At the same time, Ukrainian militants have pulled up all the reserves in the region, they are suffering colossal thousands of losses and leaving people for slaughter, ”Ganchev said on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

He noted that the main task of the Ukrainian military is to show the West a picture with their raised flag and shoot a video of an imaginary victory. However, what happens then, they do not report, added the head of the administration of the Kharkiv region.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region on September 8. They pulled troops to Balakleya, Izyum and Kupyansk. The population is being evacuated from the Kupyansky district, but attempts by the Ukrainian side to enter the area failed.

The Russian military is concentrating troops on the Kharkov direction. Video
The Russian military is moving armored vehicles and personnel to the Kharkov direction. This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry.
“The Russian military is gathering troops in the Kharkiv direction,” say representatives of the department. The information is provided by RIA Novosti.

Earlier it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are making attempts to attack the Kupyansky district of the Kharkiv region. Because of this, local authorities are evacuating people for 3-4 days until the situation stabilizes. Missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a repair plant in Kharkov and fuel warehouse near Dnepropetrovsk, writes Pravda.Ru.


Well-Known Member
Voenkor revealed the details of the fighting in the Izyum direction
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are trying to attack the positions of the Russian army south of the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region. The details of the battles in this direction were revealed by the journalist Alexander Kots in his Telegram channel.

The military commissar published there the messages that he receives from the scene. On Wednesday, September 7, he was told that "mercenary infantry" fighting on the side of Ukraine, consisting of 20-30 people without equipment, went from Dmitrovka and Vernopolye. They tried to strike at the company, but the Russian servicemen successfully repulsed the attack and did not give up their positions.

“The strength of the mercenaries was growing, and 18-20-year-old guys voluntarily ran out on foot from neighboring positions (...) to meet them. These (...) people smashed all the attackers to pieces, and they retreated. Ours has one light 300 and it was burned on a fragment when it was lying, ”Kots wrote and explained that the mercenaries were recognized by foreign speech.

The next day, September 8, it became known that at about eight o'clock in the morning six enemy tanks, more than 10 armored personnel carriers (APCs) and other equipment, as well as about 150-200 infantrymen went to the fighters of the Armed Forces of Russia. “They were opposed by our people ... and then in different observation posts. Well, plus our artillery worked very well. In the most striking direction was Buba with (...) fighters. So they repulsed the mercenaries, but a tank came out at them and began to hammer, ”the journalist said.

According to him, four people died in this battle, and a volunteer from Vologda , Sergeant Buba, had his legs broken, although he continued to lead the battle to the end. The serviceman ordered the young subordinate to move away and said on the radio: "Goodbye men, thank you for serving with you." Then the Russian artillery hit the enemy. As one of the wounded later said, Buba blew himself up.

Armed Forces of Ukraine seriously damaged the bridge across the Oskol in Kupyansk
As a result of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), the bridge over the Oskol River in Kupyansk was damaged . Journalist Yevgeny Poddubny reports this on his Telegram channel .

According to the military correspondent, the city is now under attack by artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “Formations of the neo-Nazi regime use Western MLRS, howitzers and self-propelled guns. The defense of Kupyansk continues. Reserves continue to come up, ”he said.

Earlier, correspondents of the Russian Spring publication published a message from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade Kholodny Yar, which refers to heavy losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kupyansk. “There is a kneading near Kupyansk, worse than Balakleysky. We are taking heavy losses. The enemy is transferring a bunch of reserves by airmobile, and the Wagnerites have already arrived in the city itself, ”the Ukrainian military said.

It became known about the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack Krasny Lyman
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are preparing to attack Krasny Lyman. This became known to the WarGonzo Telegram channel.
“A serious accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment is observed in the area of Nikolaevka and from the side of Slavyansk - in the direction of Krasny Liman,” the message says.

The Ukrainian army, according to WarGonzo, is pulling tanks and infantry to the line of contact, and is also preparing to strike with American MLRS.
At the end of May, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of Krasny Liman. The loss of control over the city was confirmed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Earlier it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region towards the cities of Balakliya , Izyum and Kupyansk


Well-Known Member
Russia transfers heavy flamethrower systems to the Kharkov direction
The Russian military is deploying heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A Solntsepek to the Kharkov direction, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.
Intense battles are going on in this direction with the Ukrainian troops, who launched a counteroffensive on September 7.

TOS-1A are designed to destroy manpower, equipment and fortifications with the help of thermobaric munitions of 220 mm caliber, from which you cannot hide in dugouts.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense published footage of the transfer of troops and equipment, namely Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), KamAZ army trucks, Msta artillery tractors, and infantry fighting vehicles.

Earlier on Friday, the head of the administration of the Kharkiv region , Vitaly Ganchev, said that Ukrainian militants had brought all their reserves into the region and were suffering enormous losses, literally leaving people to be slaughtered.

As the head of the Kupyansky district, Maxim Gubin, said, the situation is difficult, but the Russian army firmly holds its positions. At the same time, local authorities are evacuating the population to the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic and Russia until the situation is completely stabilized.

Gubin also said that Ukrainian sabotage and terrorist groups repeatedly tried to enter the territory of the region, but their attempts were stopped by the Russian military.

During a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Russia and the LPR took control of part of the Kharkiv region, where they created four district administrations with centers in Volchansk, Izyum, Kupyansk and the village of Kazachya Lopan. In the region, whose population, according to preliminary estimates of the new authorities, is 230,000 people, both rubles and hryvnias are used. Residents of these areas are paid one-time allowances, pensions, and public sector employees have begun to receive salaries.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Russia transfers heavy flamethrower systems to the Kharkov direction
The Russian military is deploying heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A Solntsepek to the Kharkov direction, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.
Intense battles are going on in this direction with the Ukrainian troops, who launched a counteroffensive on September 7.

TOS-1A are designed to destroy manpower, equipment and fortifications with the help of thermobaric munitions of 220 mm caliber, from which you cannot hide in dugouts.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense published footage of the transfer of troops and equipment, namely Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), KamAZ army trucks, Msta artillery tractors, and infantry fighting vehicles.

Earlier on Friday, the head of the administration of the Kharkiv region , Vitaly Ganchev, said that Ukrainian militants had brought all their reserves into the region and were suffering enormous losses, literally leaving people to be slaughtered.

As the head of the Kupyansky district, Maxim Gubin, said, the situation is difficult, but the Russian army firmly holds its positions. At the same time, local authorities are evacuating the population to the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic and Russia until the situation is completely stabilized.

Gubin also said that Ukrainian sabotage and terrorist groups repeatedly tried to enter the territory of the region, but their attempts were stopped by the Russian military.

During a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Russia and the LPR took control of part of the Kharkiv region, where they created four district administrations with centers in Volchansk, Izyum, Kupyansk and the village of Kazachya Lopan. In the region, whose population, according to preliminary estimates of the new authorities, is 230,000 people, both rubles and hryvnias are used. Residents of these areas are paid one-time allowances, pensions, and public sector employees have begun to receive salaries.
sooo, the russians are going to give the Ukrainians some flame throwers, when the Ukrainians over run the russian's positions? that's great, i'm sure the Ukrainians will put them to good use.


Well-Known Member

“Ukrainians Encircled Us In A Flick Of Time!” - Russian Soldier About Recent Counter-Attack
97,030 views Sep 9, 2022 Very insightful interception! You’ll hear a phone call with a Russian soldier who experienced a Ukrainian counter-offensive attack near Kharkiv first-hand! Ukrainians did a good job there and I’m sure great news will keep coming :)


Ursus marijanus
Russia transfers heavy flamethrower systems to the Kharkov direction
The Russian military is deploying heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1A Solntsepek to the Kharkov direction, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.
Intense battles are going on in this direction with the Ukrainian troops, who launched a counteroffensive on September 7.

TOS-1A are designed to destroy manpower, equipment and fortifications with the help of thermobaric munitions of 220 mm caliber, from which you cannot hide in dugouts.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense published footage of the transfer of troops and equipment, namely Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), KamAZ army trucks, Msta artillery tractors, and infantry fighting vehicles.

Earlier on Friday, the head of the administration of the Kharkiv region , Vitaly Ganchev, said that Ukrainian militants had brought all their reserves into the region and were suffering enormous losses, literally leaving people to be slaughtered.

As the head of the Kupyansky district, Maxim Gubin, said, the situation is difficult, but the Russian army firmly holds its positions. At the same time, local authorities are evacuating the population to the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic and Russia until the situation is completely stabilized.

Gubin also said that Ukrainian sabotage and terrorist groups repeatedly tried to enter the territory of the region, but their attempts were stopped by the Russian military.

During a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Russia and the LPR took control of part of the Kharkiv region, where they created four district administrations with centers in Volchansk, Izyum, Kupyansk and the village of Kazachya Lopan. In the region, whose population, according to preliminary estimates of the new authorities, is 230,000 people, both rubles and hryvnias are used. Residents of these areas are paid one-time allowances, pensions, and public sector employees have begun to receive salaries.
I await the photo of one such being towed by a tractor.