

Well-Known Member
Overlay a map of existing pipelines to Europe from Russia and think of where the Russians will be driven back to in six months or a year. There are an estimated 5 trillion cubic meters of NG reserves in Ukraine, plenty for Europe and Turkey. The Russian's lack of precision long range weapons makes oil infrastructure as hard to hit for the Russians as the railways and that capability is dwindling weekly. There is a lot of money to be made here and Europe is desperate for gas, while the Russian's ability to do anything about it disappears along with their hold on Ukrainian territory.



Well-Known Member
It looks like with collapsing Russian and LPR units, that the Ukrainians might be able to take all of Luhansk and a good portion of the Donbas, along with a sizable portion of Kerson Oblast too, and its occupying army with much of its equipment. We will have to see how the weather holds out, particularly the fall rains, though that is less of an issue in the sandy south than in the muddy east



Well-Known Member
They are advancing a lot further than Lyman into Luhansk and look headed for Svatove, a major road and rail hub for the entire region. I'm pretty sure the territorial reserves are on the move too, coming in behind to secure gains and help out in countless ways, from check points to securing logistics and cleaning up the dead Russians and their equipment. I think they might be better prepared for large territorial gains, the Russians are ripe for panic now, with low morale, poor leadership, communications and logistics. Once they breakthrough their defensive lines, they can roll up their flanks, and drive straight to their supply hubs and railheads cutting off large numbers of Russian troops downstream from resupply. After breaking through, it is usually clear sailing in the enemy rear with few enemy units to stop them, unless they have a reseve force in the area or an air force.



Well-Known Member
Why the delay in Lend Lease? Time for Uncle Sam to prepare? Time for Russia to leave Ukraine or be destroyed? It is odd how the annexation in Ukraine and the beginning of Lend Lease are around the same time. Was Lend Lease a message to Vlad that you cannot win? As if the other shit America and the allies were sending to kill Russians with didn't speak loudly enough. Ukraine won't be able to buy whatever it wants, but it appears the doors of the candy store have been thrown open. Though I believe much of it is for future defense and will take years to deliver.

If Ukraine is selling increasing amounts of NG to Europe in a couple of years, they could easily pay for anything they need and pay off any debts fast too. That's aside from the Russian money they will end up getting for reconstruction and the Russians have enough abroad to cover the property damage so far.

America will end up with a very large American equipped, trained and highly motivated Ukrainian speaking military force at Russia's throat for free in 5 years! Ukraine should have enough gas revenue coming in from Europe to pay its own way and then some.



You know what would be nice?
If there was a 757 page debate on the Epstein flight logs.
Do a search on here & there is NOTHING about them. Well, I couldn't find a thing....
Imagine all the war mongering leaders, celebs, arms dealers & all the other detritus of life, that we could lock up for life & CHANGE THE WORLD?
Shit, you all might wake up & email your local politicians a 100 times a week & get a 100 people to do it too, until they are. Right?!?
Just imagine.......
Instead, you support the side you're told to support by actual war criminals & excuse how corrupt they are because, you know, they're not one of "them". How many of you would hand your children to someone who you KNOW is a pedo? There's gonna be someone. Is it you???
Then WHY TF do you hand your trust to these filth?
War Criminal Politicians: "These are the good guys & these are the bad guys. Got it, you dumb ideologues?"
Dumb Ideologues: "Got it! I hate Russia. No more Russian dressing for me."
War Criminal Politicians: "Don't worry, we're keeping your irrational hatred of Trump simmering in the background. When we need it to boil over, we'll let you know".
Dumb Ideologues: "Ok. We're here when you need us. Wow, I am such an independent free thinking & moral person. I don't know why everyone doesn't think like I do........."
Btw, I don't support Russia, Trump, definitely not Ukraine (I don't support ultra right wing Nazi's). I just know you're all being shown a bright shiny thing to distract you & you all can't stop looking at it


Well-Known Member
In addition to those the capture in Lyman, many were slaughtered on the road by artillery while trying to escape encirclement. Apparently, like Hitler Putin told them to fight to the death, no tactical withdrawal, they could get 15 years for that now! No wonder they need to conscript hundreds of thousands when they throw away troops like this, however they also throw away their equipment and supplies too.



Well-Known Member
You know what would be nice?
If there was a 757 page debate on the Epstein flight logs.
Do a search on here & there is NOTHING about them. Well, I couldn't find a thing....
Imagine all the war mongering leaders, celebs, arms dealers & all the other detritus of life, that we could lock up for life & CHANGE THE WORLD?
Shit, you all might wake up & email your local politicians a 100 times a week & get a 100 people to do it too, until they are. Right?!?
Just imagine.......
Instead, you support the side you're told to support by actual war criminals & excuse how corrupt they are because, you know, they're not one of "them". How many of you would hand your children to someone who you KNOW is a pedo? There's gonna be someone. Is it you???
Then WHY TF do you hand your trust to these filth?
War Criminal Politicians: "These are the good guys & these are the bad guys. Got it, you dumb ideologues?"
Dumb Ideologues: "Got it! I hate Russia. No more Russian dressing for me."
War Criminal Politicians: "Don't worry, we're keeping your irrational hatred of Trump simmering in the background. When we need it to boil over, we'll let you know".
Dumb Ideologues: "Ok. We're here when you need us. Wow, I am such an independent free thinking & moral person. I don't know why everyone doesn't think like I do........."
Btw, I don't support Russia, Trump, definitely not Ukraine (I don't support ultra right wing Nazi's). I just know you're all being shown a bright shiny thing to distract you & you all can't stop looking at it
The courts will take care of that idiot Trump and the Ukrainians are doing a pretty good job of dealing with Putin, so what's your problem? Biden is doing an excellent job and has Trump and Putin by the balls less than 2 years into his first term and is actually getting important stuff done in DC too. Hatred of Trump is not irrational, it is the natural reaction of sane compassionate people, he did much to earn it, so did Putin.

What's the matter, you don't seem to know right from wrong, stick around and we will teach you the difference.


Well-Known Member
You know what would be nice?
If there was a 757 page debate on the Epstein flight logs.
Do a search on here & there is NOTHING about them. Well, I couldn't find a thing....
Imagine all the war mongering leaders, celebs, arms dealers & all the other detritus of life, that we could lock up for life & CHANGE THE WORLD?
Shit, you all might wake up & email your local politicians a 100 times a week & get a 100 people to do it too, until they are. Right?!?
Just imagine.......
Instead, you support the side you're told to support by actual war criminals & excuse how corrupt they are because, you know, they're not one of "them". How many of you would hand your children to someone who you KNOW is a pedo? There's gonna be someone. Is it you???
Then WHY TF do you hand your trust to these filth?
War Criminal Politicians: "These are the good guys & these are the bad guys. Got it, you dumb ideologues?"
Dumb Ideologues: "Got it! I hate Russia. No more Russian dressing for me."
War Criminal Politicians: "Don't worry, we're keeping your irrational hatred of Trump simmering in the background. When we need it to boil over, we'll let you know".
Dumb Ideologues: "Ok. We're here when you need us. Wow, I am such an independent free thinking & moral person. I don't know why everyone doesn't think like I do........."
Btw, I don't support Russia, Trump, definitely not Ukraine (I don't support ultra right wing Nazi's). I just know you're all being shown a bright shiny thing to distract you & you all can't stop looking at it
Did you make it to Washington on J6 for the insurrection? Miss the bus?