If we would give them the support the need to actually win the war, the concern that they get their hands on this technology would be irrelevant.
russia as a terrorist agressor state would no longer exist. Their entire central government would be facing war crimes charges at the Hague.
The Russians have many enemies, Kazakhstan now has security backing from China and it shows, this along with the Russian defeats and weakness shown in Ukraine has emboldened many, especially those who were under their thumb. Xi gave them security assurances earlier in the war, once they both saw the state of the Russian military, it was the first serious international move made by China in this war. If you look at a map you can understand why, especially considering how much oil and gas they have. They will end up a lot richer and Russia will have another powerful neighbor to their south along with Ukraine. It along with China can connect Siberia and the Asian Russian republics with the world, if they should declare independence. If Russia wants to keep fucking around with imperial games trying to separate the Russian speaking areas in the north, then they will target those republics in Siberia and the east and encourage them to break away from Russia. Better to keep them fighting to keep the empire together than to have them focused on getting them to be part of it again. The Muslim republics populations are growing fast and the Russians are facing a demographic time bomb with population decline and the war in Ukraine made it much worse.DOH!!!!
and a lot more other nations in that area too, that are starting to rise up.....Kazaks are just one...there are rumbles in Chech republic, Azerbajin, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbecks, and i think one more can't remember......they're just waiting for the Russian Federation to fall and crumble.....
These pack a big punch, move fast, but are not particularly stealthy, though with western electronics upgrades they could do some damage and apparently are. Dunno if they hit those Wagner's and Chechens with it, but it killed a lot of the fuckers in one go and made one Helluva big hole in the middle of the building they were housed in, they expect half the survivors to die from lack of proper medical treatment, half of wounded Russians do. The Russians have been losing over 600 dead a day in infantry attacks on Ukrainian dug in positions in the east and getting slaughtered by artillery and mortars in no man's land with machine guns mowing down the few that get through the hail of artillery steel.they may be old, but a little retro and some duct tape....plus some heavy explosive....now ya got something
seems like they're using those old TU's for distance targets, the 2 air bases, and another base that repairs trucks and stuff....basically a crude long range rocket, and what 's freaky......where is all the air defence...there is none......These pack a big punch, move fast, but are not particularly stealthy, though with western electronics upgrades they could do some damage and apparently are. Dunno if they hit those Wagner's and Chechens with it, but it killed a lot of the fuckers in one go and made one Helluva big hole in the middle of the building they were housed in, they expect half the survivors to die from lack of proper medical treatment, half of wounded Russians do. The Russians have been losing over 600 dead a day in infantry attacks on Ukrainian dug in positions in the east and getting slaughtered by artillery and mortars in no man's land with machine guns mowing down the few that get through the hail of artillery steel.
The Russians have been attacking using infantry since armor is confined to roads for the most part, and losing badly, the kill ratio for the Ukrainians has been astronomical, they are losing people, but nothing like what the Russians are experiencing. The Ukrainians are literally killing them by the trainload, they get off the train from Russia and they are often dead inside a week. They need to equip them with body bags for themselves, not guns, who needs winter uniforms, they won't live long enough to break them in.
ok, they've identified all of these companies...time to shut them down, with whatever level of prejudice is required to make sure they won't do it again.
Ya gotta make it hurt, if they broke the law and tighten the screws even more, international cooperation from countries that count is not an issue. They are cracking and doing stupid shit like attacking in mud season when armor or artillery can't move much except by road and using up mobiks by the trainload daily in pointless attacks. They should be licking their wounds and taking advantage of mud season to rebuild, the Ukrainians can't attack either until the ground freezes and that's what they are doing resting and building out their forces. Only a few battalions in defensive positions in the east and some artillery can chew up a Helluva lot of Russian frontal infantry attacks from well dug in positions with artillery doing the vast bulk of the killing.ok, they've identified all of these companies...time to shut them down, with whatever level of prejudice is required to make sure they won't do it again.