
another thing i came across is, remember that A-50 aircraft that got damaged in Belarus, well seems like the guys had a little fun before hand.......

right under the radar, and no air defense......
Beat me to it. Here is what a FPV racing quad can do in the hands of an expert pilot, this is Steele Davis from Atlantic, aka Mr. Steele. 800mw is the video transmitter power, this is analog, today many use HD digital video FPV.

Why Should you fly Freestyle at 800mW? | FPV

Ukraine Wall: Has Russia launched a 'false flag' operation?

27,638 views Mar 2, 2023 #skynews #ukrainwar #russiaukrainewar
Sky News military analyst, retired Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell, looks at claims a group of Russian soldiers who are fighting for Ukraine have launched an attack in the Russian border region of Bryansk.

He also looks at Ukrainian claims 150,000 Russian soldiers have been killed since the war began last February.

Ukraine Wall: Has Russia launched a 'false flag' operation?

27,638 views Mar 2, 2023 #skynews #ukrainwar #russiaukrainewar
Sky News military analyst, retired Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell, looks at claims a group of Russian soldiers who are fighting for Ukraine have launched an attack in the Russian border region of Bryansk.

He also looks at Ukrainian claims 150,000 Russian soldiers have been killed since the war began last February.

ck post 21,701
Absolutely,I did think Russia was landlocked losing Crimea,technically not but yeah Sevastopol is the primo port facility for the Black Sea,and the new bridge built over the Kerch Strait was a big$$$$ commitment, that's why I can't envision Russia letting it go without getting crazy as in opening up the nuke briefcase,that's the gut feeling I get,wish it wasn't true.
I think that upon sober reflection, they won’t go there for that. It’s an existential threat only in the propaganda.
Just having fun it appears, I doubt the Russians would humiliate themselves like that and if the Ukrainians were driving it, it would have gone bang! Still a special operations team would not need to penetrate a base's perimeter to cause a lot of damage, particularly to an airbase. They could be in a high rise building miles away or in the woods outside the fence. Alternately they could drop an FPV drone over the base or near it with a plane type drone and relay the signal from the high-flying drone. The FPV drone then becomes a long-range precision munition similar to a small rocket or artillery shell, but for just $300, the carrier drone (and it can carry several) could return to home.
I see Wagner is recruiting in Moscow schools now, at the grade 10 level. See what not having your vote count and being bamboozled by ethnic nationalism and propaganda can get you, your kids as cannon fodder, their bodies used to shore up a crumbling empire run by psychos and miscreants.

Russian soldiers dying in large groups, pleading to Putin for help

150,856 views Mar 2, 2023 #CNN #News
CNN's Erin Burnett reports on the desperation of Russian soldiers pleading for help due to the severity on the ground.
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