Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

It's OK to hate the person for their evil deeds.
I don't think hate's okay. It's unhealthy. Love is the operand for a good life, not hate of anything.
But if you must, hate the thing Tuck the fuck does, and not that fucking, son of a bitch, Tuck. See? :)
for me Tucker is a right wing, bullshiting Russian stooge, heck that mofo already has job offers in Russia, one from RT and the other from the General of the BS Brigade over there.....so fuck him.....asshat...

Lemon did say sexist things, but i don't think that's what did it for him.....in a interview with a GOP candidate on Wednesday...that interview didn't go well...maybe this also was a factor for him leaving, rather than him being fired, CNN refutes firing, they actually want him to come back and talk...meanwhile...here is the interview that got heating, his co anchor really wanted to get out of there...js

I thought Don Lemon did a good job calling him out in that interview. Ramaswamy was peddling bullshit.
I thought Don Lemon did a good job calling him out in that interview. Ramaswamy was peddling bullshit.

i think he did too, even though it did get heated, he held himself rather well.....

now my question is " did this spark him leaving CNN?", that's the think idk, and i have a strange feeling we will never know.....
I don't think hate's okay. It's unhealthy. Love is the operand for a good life, not hate of anything.
But if you must, hate the thing Tuck the fuck does, and not that fucking, son of a bitch, Tuck. See? :)
No. Tuck is responsible for his contribution to the danger this country is in and I hate the fucker for that. I don't see why people feel the need to candy coat it. He did it. You say I should hate what he did and not the person who did it? That makes zero sense to me.
No. Tuck is responsible for his contribution to the danger this country is in and I hate the fucker for that. I don't see why people feel the need to candy coat it. He did it. You say I should hate what he did and not the person who did it? That makes zero sense to me.
some people do heroic things, selfless acts that put them in great danger, because they're trying to stop an injustice, trying to right a wrong, or keep a wrong from happening...and they're doing it because it's the right thing to do.
People admire them, and try to emulate them, they "love" them, in a generic, from a distance kind of way...
Some people do horrible shitty things, usually because they're trying to make those same wrong things happen, to benefit themselves.
Some people don't actually do those shitty things themselves, but they help those that do, enable their efforts to make the world a worse place, for everyone on it. Decent, non-deluded people despise them, hold them in contempt, feel little if any pity for them...they "hate" them...In almost the same generic, from a distance kind of way.
It may be noble to aspire to not feeling hate, but it's one of the major inspirations for both action and change in the world.
It is my belief that there is a balance in the world, which swings this way and that, but always eventually returns to the same point of balance.
How can you have love without hate? passion without despair, inspiration without stagnation? Without black, white is just all the colors mixed together...It is no longer the symbol of purity, the enemy of darkness, the bringer of light...it's just white.
You say I should hate what he did and not the person who did it? That makes zero sense to me.
Well, remember how the christian right were running all over saying homosexuality is
an abomination to God? Then the retort to that was to hate the act and not the actor. That way
you can love the gay people, but just hate what they do, thus following God's commandment
to love one another. That's just an example, but i like it. Too busy to hate, always time for love
for everybody. One thing about it is, how do you know how Tucker or some other ahole came
about their aberrant, abhorrent behavior? I mean if you dig, u might find out something horrible
happened in their lives to make them that way, and you almost feel badly for hating them so much.
So just operate on love for everybody, all the time, why the fuck not? What good's hating ppl do you?
It's always better to love than to hate. Hate eats u up from inside, love is beneficial to everybody, plus u.
I dunno, i mean i'm as guilty of hating as anybody, so i'm not preaching, i'm just trying to find the rationale
for love and no hate, and i think it's there. Hate's negative, love's positive. Live a positive, loving life.
It may be noble to aspire to not feeling hate, but it's one of the major inspirations for both action and change in the world.
Well, noble, i guess so. But if it's one of the major inspirations, where's that leave love?
Shouldn't love be THE MAJOR inspiration for action and change? Look at all the love songs
vs all the hate songs. More love songs than hate songs, yeah?
Then the retort to that was to hate the act and not the actor. That way
you can love the gay people, but just hate what they do, thus following God's commandment
to love one another.
that's rank hypocrisy...I love you brother, but i hate everything that makes you you...
and an enormous cop out. "we can agree to disagree, and i'll pray for god to save your immortal soul from the evil shit you do on a daily basis."....
I'll take the world that's all love, tyvm. I hate hate. LMBO
then your world will be forever off center, and there will be no contrast, no lows to reveal the true highs, no despicable behavior to make heroism heroic...You'll live in a Disney movie parody of paradise.
Tucker Carlson's departure won't change Fox News

The real reason for Fox News’ abrupt firing of its most popular star remains a mystery that the media industry will surely be chewing on for months.

But if history is any guide, there’s one thing we can count on: Cutting Tucker Carlson loose is not a sign that Fox is ready to change its ways.

Carlson may have been its loudest and most extreme vanguard of far-right pandering and misinformation, but he was hardly the first. He will not be last.

“The O’Reilly Factor” was a tentpole in Fox’s programming, occupying the 8 pm slot for nearly two decades. Its host, Bill O’Reilly, a self-styled populist patriot who railed against politically correct liberals, was shown the door in 2017 after multiple allegations of sexual misconduct sent advertisers fleeing.

I fuckin HATED that Asshole soooo much.
glad to hear he is History. His pathetic career is over. Good riddance! This is worth a celebration. Actually a good piece of news!
don't count him gone yet, he's just off of fox, there are still a lot of opportunities for a hard working douchebag like carlson to cause more human suffering...