Well, I'm still young enough. I have 18 mo's to decide before I turn 60. My type 2 diabetes might be an issue. But, yes, interesting.
That's part of the point people have been discussing here all along. The USA hasn't committed any troops. The military industrial complex of all countries supplying arms have made money, but especially the USA. Before the Republicans delayed funding the Ukranians were pushing the Russians back. That's when all we heard out of Putins regime was nuclear sabre rattling. That's where I don't understand your comments about an unwinnable war. Kind of a defeatist attitude, but whatever. They just want their sovereign territory back. Putin wants the Soviet Union back and will rape and pillage to get it. They need to be stopped because most believe if they are allowed to take the Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic nations are next. But in your heart, you have given up. Not sure what to say to that.