Well-Known Member
"articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick"
And that is exactly what is wrong with the world.Well I don't actually care who has a negative opinion of me. Let somebody talk shit to your wife and see how you feel. Unless you're a psychiatrist, you probably shouldn't diagnose people. The only unresolved issue I haven't worked out yet, is my issue with some dick who liked to talk shit to my wife.
My attitude is getting me very far in life. I have everything I want, except a decent education. In a few years I will have more money than I can count, when I have a PhD, choose my own hours, and make a 100k a year. I mean, that's all I really want, is to go to work, come home, smoke some weed, and watch my kid grow up.
I probably come off as a little hot-headed in my post. That's fine, because if you were in the situation, you probably wouldn't just say, "oh please do excuse me kind fellow sir, i would sincerely appreciate it with the utmost gratitude if you would refrain from disrespecting my spouse, thank you so much and have a really perfect day."
Sometimes, it takes a bad attitude to get what you want out of life. Nobody who is successful on any level has ever been "nice".
Hey Ian, are you in Florida? If so when you get arrested I'll gladly take care of your wife. God knows the next door neighbor is probably doing it while you're at work already.
dude you handled yourself well cause i would of showed that racist as fuck a lesson when he got out in the parking lot for you, INGNORANT PEOPLE FUCKING SUCK THEIR GENERATION IS DYING OUT LOL
Yeaaaah, I was at a party once with some roudy loudmouth teenagers.
They stole my friends alcohol, who was throwing the party, then proceeded to drink it in front of her and diss her.
Then they attacked me and my friends verbally, calling us scum and whatnot.
Then they asked my friend for a bogey,
and to them it meant cigarette,
and to him, since he's from scotland,
it means a booger,
so he picked a fine one out and offered it to them,
then they got pissed and started beefing him,
and he said he'd rumble after his beer,
so he's drinking it,
and the two guys decide to both jump him while he's drinking her back,
and I was like,
he said he'd fight the dude beefing him,
but both of them jumping him?
I grabbed my skateboard and just started beating them with it,
in the head and back and ribs and everything,
blood gushing out,
then I walked away because I was drunk and out of control,
and the one guy followed me,
bleeding from his head,
and trying to be tough,
I fucking took that nigga to the ground,
no hesitation to put him on his back.
I pounded him till I deemed him unworthy of anymore attention.
That's what happens when you fuck with me or my friends.
True story.
Scary part is I was walking through the park and a bunch of cops stopped me,
and I almost shit my pants,
but they were looking for some lady who escaped from her home and had Alzheimers.
They were wearing spelunking helmets. It was weird.
My friend got a couple of welts but those bastards got what they deserved.
very interesting story, good thing you didn't swing on that guy in the store. you probably wouldn't have been able to make your purchase and standing in line for so long would have been a waste.
I once took out a piece of gum and this guy asked me for one, so I shot him.
nah but imagine that happening.
You have a vivid imagination....
Aint you the kid whom was cruising around East Stroudsburg Smashing peoples Mailbox's with a baseball bat from a car ?
I was in the car. that was in the past, I don't think about it anymore and I think that you should drop it also. I don't vandalize property or commit crimes that hurt/affect others anymore.