Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Sry champ, I dint crit, it just didnt sit right for the first line or two...... but im feeling ya... I know it was not an ill thought... as you were expressing it would be REALLY HARD for those left.... is all..... Lets not speak of those passed except to recpect them...........
Lets toke again.........bongsmiliefor those passed and those left.....


Well-Known Member
Live in Cali, we had a pretty bad fire season this year, so I can empathize with you. Nothing compared to what's happening down under though. Here's hoping for better days ahead:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
Sry champ, I dint crit, it just didnt sit right for the first line or two...... but im feeling ya... I know it was not an ill thought... as you were expressing it would be REALLY HARD for those left.... is all..... Lets not speak of those passed except to recpect them...........
Lets toke again.........bongsmiliefor those passed and those left.....

its all good bro...
ummm i would have another billy for them but i ran out before :(.... plus i cant find anything worth buying what so ever where im from atm (i cant even find crap lol..

so what im going to do is put this here bongsmilie in place of me actually having one

dammit, this sux ass


Well-Known Member
I cant even think how I would feel if I ran out (15yrs or so never have) ...... sorry for you bro


Well-Known Member
Just think how they feel....... No homes no livlyhood,no possesions, Only each other and us aussie neighbour`s


Well-Known Member
The fires have been moving faster than cars and a lot of people have died trying to outrun the fire in their cars.
108 dead and counting, Ash Wedsnesday was 75 people from memory.
This is devestating.
And at the other end of the country we have huge floods,
and yesterday a 5 year old boy got taken by a crocadile whils 7 year old brother watched.
What's going on in Australia, It's a disaster.


Well-Known Member
And to top that we have gone into a recession, because OF economic colapse! (along with the rest of the world.}................................


Well-Known Member
Now they say the death toll could reach 230. What a fucking shit situation. I hope those little cunts that lit some of the fires have their heads cut off.


Well-Known Member
i agree..

another pissoff look at all the crops that would have been fucked up....

little pricks.... if i could get ma hands on em i'd turn them into bock choy :)


Well-Known Member
Whats with this shit? The world is going to hell... everywhere people are starting fires. This shit is the worse yet. /moment of silence for this horrible loss.


Well-Known Member
I hope the arsonists are among the dead, they deserve it, the bastards.

I heard they found a car with the remains of a family of six in it, I can't imagine what a terrible experience it would be to die like that, I hope they were overcome by the smoke before the fire got them.

If weed were legal I believe it would make a perfect fire-break, in Afghanistan they can't burn the fields even when they use fuel/flame-throwers.

My deepest sympathy's to the victims. R.I.P.