Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia


Well-Known Member
THANX..Many people homeless, with nothing but the cloths on there backs.......... again please have a toke and take a silent minute........:-(


Well-Known Member
To all over in victoria ,our thoughts are with you ,it is fucking disgusting that someone may have lit those fires on purpose,
i live next to the bush myself and nothing worse than seeing the smoke and the water bombers fly over ,but what has happened in vic is just too much ,so many dead ,we learn to live with the fires and now so many have died in them.
rest in peace ,regards blackout.


Well-Known Member
no need to bump this
online angst coming up
god damn son of a bitch
motobike riding prick
you own 200+ lives
this will not be a arson charge
murder motherfucker
we got ur number now bt505
only a matter of time
it might not be just you but your a start
your type of crime is weak
ill be seeing you in another life


Well-Known Member
also to the people fixing this nightmare
all the people who lost loved ones
all the people who past
my heart is with you
be careful


Well-Known Member
no need to bump this
online angst coming up
god damn son of a bitch
motobike riding prick
you own 200+ lives
this will not be a arson charge
murder motherfucker
we got ur number now bt505
only a matter of time
it might not be just you but your a start
your type of crime is weak
ill be seeing you in another life

WTF... you talkin to me ??? Or directed at those responsible?? Only because Im confussed ( ive ridin` moto`s for a living )


Active Member
all the best i hope everything turns out ok and i can't wonder how it would be in that situation im sorry to here about all the losses (stupid bush fires)
from a fellow aussie


Well-Known Member
no need to bump this
online angst coming up
god damn son of a bitch
motobike riding prick
you own 200+ lives
this will not be a arson charge
murder motherfucker
we got ur number now bt505
only a matter of time
it might not be just you but your a start
your type of crime is weak
ill be seeing you in another life
what are you running your mouth about?


Well-Known Member
no need to bump this
online angst coming up
god damn son of a bitch
motobike riding prick
you own 200+ lives
this will not be a arson charge
murder motherfucker
we got ur number now bt505
only a matter of time
it might not be just you but your a start
your type of crime is weak
ill be seeing you in another life
WTF... you talkin to me ??? Or directed at those responsible?? Only because Im confussed ( ive ridin` moto`s for a living )
Chill.. Hes not mad at you.

what are you running your mouth about?

"online angst coming up"

I thought he made it perfectly clear. He's just venting his anger towards the scumbags who started the fires.



Well-Known Member
LOL... just stoned......jimmy130380 vent all you want sorta what the thread is for.....
angst= anxiety - >>>> - fear, torment, sorrow >>>>


Well-Known Member
THANX LIS - eye for an eye I say.............. I hope that those two fronts dont join...... we are in for much more detruction if it dose ! :(:


Well-Known Member
As a fellow Aussie, this is some sad shit.

To those effected - my thoughts and prayers are with you.

To those responsible - the fires you lit will be nothing compared to the shit that awaits you when you get to hell!


Well-Known Member
bc thanks 4 that i just sorta cracked it
its cool i was just pissed off
i just wanna see the people who did this pay the price
so eza you ride for a living
i ride a bit
but to do it 4 a job would be sick


Well-Known Member
Was sponsered for many many yrs - broke back 2006 everything went to shit...... still ride most days (gsxr750 `06 & crf450r `08} dont do comp MX anymore just Endruo and alittle track occasionally, Too much of a stoner now....... about to get married have kids all that......