How much of an affect did "BUSH" have on our Nation as a President????


Well-Known Member
Tell me your thoughts, about what this Mother Fucker "GWB" did for our country while in office? Other then putting us in this MESS we are in as a country now. The FUCKEN worst Man to EVER sit in Office. Hes Evil in it self, that whole BUSH family is corrupt to the bone, CANT BELIVE THE PEOPLE WANTED HIM FOR THE 2nd TERM!!!yes i lost my job cause of this MOTHER FUCKER!!!!how many more families has he affected????
I voted for Bush twice---he got a raw deal---everything went wrong---some things were his fault and some things weren't. He isn't even close to being our worst president. A politician is a politician---there may be two sides in our country---but they're both covered in shit.
I voted for Bush twice---he got a raw deal---everything went wrong---some things were his fault and some things weren't. He isn't even close to being our worst president. A politician is a politician---there may be two sides in our country---but they're both covered in shit.
But, brah, ya have to admit, some of the things he SAID, those alone gave him a runnin fer the not-so-brightest!:lol:
i was not around for Nixon!!! I do know that some guys that post to say Im stupid? Really, YOU DUMB WHITE AMERICAN, YOUR the ones that put this genius in office? TWICE...that tells me that your IQ cant be much higher!!! I do know as a FACT, that this man BUSH, Did have a HUGE impact on what the fuck is going on or what wrong with our society..NIxon??hes been dead for 20 years, its history,,,what this DOUCHE BAG did is killing this great nation NOW & maybe(3/5 years) and people are suffering? ASSHOLE, do you know how many people are unemployed??do you watch TV do you READ??are you even aware whats happening???LOL,,some of you dumb ass mother fuckers live in a cave, like Dick cheaney...thats just my take on what going on...and for those who take this lightly, i hope you guys get laid off, or are in jeopardy of losing YOUR HOME......
i was not around for Nixon!!! I do know that some guys that post to say Im stupid? Really, YOU DUMB WHITE AMERICAN, YOUR the ones that put this genius in office? TWICE...that tells me that your IQ cant be much higher!!! I do know as a FACT, that this man BUSH, Did have a HUGE impact on what the fuck is going on or what wrong with our society..NIxon??hes been dead for 20 years, its history,,,what this DOUCHE BAG did is killing this great nation NOW & maybe(3/5 years) and people are suffering? ASSHOLE, do you know how many people are unemployed??do you watch TV do you READ??are you even aware whats happening???LOL,,some of you dumb ass mother fuckers live in a cave, like Dick cheaney...thats just my take on what going on...and for those who take this lightly, i hope you guys get laid off, or are in jeopardy of losing YOUR HOME......

If bush didn't fuck up so bad---democrats wouldn't be in power right now---simple as that.
Wow, dude claims it's fact that bush was the worst president ever, then when I say it's not true he says 'well I wasn't born yet so that doesn't count!' Neither was I dipshit. Doesn't mean I'm a dumbfuck like you who never seen a history book. How do you know who I voted for? My guess is you're an Obama supporter....
im not a Obama, i dont even vote. if you think YOUR vote counts for shit, that what im saying dumb white a clown?you really think you go in a box and pull a chain and GBW is the Pres...LOL,,i have a saying for MOES like you DWB,,,dirty white, also stupid, i did not say nixon didnt count,,im saying having an affect
NOW impacting ALL OF US,, got that? you need more explaining?
dont take it peroneal, he could be YOUR pres. for the next 20 years , i want that mother fucker to die the worst death he could you even know how many people hes killed in our time and age, he should be brought to justice, hes a war criminal!!! That fuck....him and his father were WAR MONGRILS.....thats what they belive in power, war, money, EVIL!!!!!
How old are you? You don't vote, bitch about the president, and have no concept of the words your using, and callin me dumb.

quote: do you even know how many people hes killed in our time and age

No, but what since you're obviously the expert, give me a number. This will be good for a chuckle.

Edit: He was a War mongril? Elaborate, better yet, define it.
How old are you? You don't vote, bitch about the president, and have no concept of the words your using, and callin me dumb.

quote: do you even know how many people hes killed in our time and age

No, but what since you're obviously the expert, give me a number. This will be good for a chuckle.

Edit: He was a War mongril? Elaborate, better yet, define it.

aww leave the rapscallion alone :lol:

seriously though turkster, smoke some - calm down. you ask for opinions and then you attack people for having them. remember, no one started calling you lashed out for no reason after asking for it....