Thundercat's Groooooooow

Hey TC...

How are you?

I'm invading your space again... :dunce:

here are a few current pics of the op...





An Indica that made it's way in with the Sativas...


And the Veg area with the moms, clones and a few edibles...:weed:

Wow! When did you start this, I'm outta date. Did you have this while doing the aerograden, or is this new? Looks awesome! What kind of set up is it? Hydro/Aero?
MHM thanks for stoppin by man, I know your busy with your massive operation. I hope they turn out as well as the shrooms have been. These South American shroom I started like 2 weeks ago are being bitchs. They colonized well, the tray colonized well, and they aren't getting any contams, but for some reason only one mushroom has grown so far, and its growin pretty slow. I'm hoping the temps are my problem, its been about 5-7 degrees warmer in that room from my 400mh being in there. Its out now, so I hope they come around. I also cased a tray of Koh Samoi yesterday, and they are already showing heavy growth over the casing which is great, and honestly what I've come to expect from the KS. I wouldn't be surprised to see KS within a week at this growth rate.

Sacredherb, I did see that post, I didn't look back, but I'm not sure what happened to it, but thanks for the congrats man. I appreciate it. They are coming along well, funny thing is every body has been saying good job on the LST, but I havn't done any LST. I have just been trimming fan leaves, and I've topped several of them. But still thanks, I'm fairly happy with how they look, and any dissatisfaction is only due to high expectations. Such dissatisfaction will fade as they continue to take shape, and fill in more.

Natmoon, as always glad to have you swing by the thread. I'm glad the 40 gallon will work, its only 20 bucks, which I thought was pretty decent since the10 gallon was 13 bucks. I wish I could start the air sooner, but it won't be in till next thursday. They looked good tonight when I got home, but theleaves were a bit droopy. I don't know if its just from climate change of going into the basement, and under the 1000w, or I suppose it could be from justwaterig them yesterday night. I'll keep an eye on them. Again I still neeeeed to transplant them, and they are going to get a good flushing when I do water them. I'm sure they are gonna be great, I don't really think I'm gonna kill them, lol. I'm not superstisious, but knock on wood!!

Well guys as always glad to, and looking forward to hearing from even if its just to say hi! Peace, TC

And I'll pass this bowl everybodies way............

I figured it was LST because Gypsy good job on LST, oops, lol!
Hey TC...

How are you?

I'm invading your space again... :dunce:

here are a few current pics of the op...





An Indica that made it's way in with the Sativas...


And the Veg area with the moms, clones and a few edibles...:weed:

Wow! When did you start this, I'ma little outta date. Did you have this while doing the aerograden, or is this new? Looks awesome! What kind of set up is it? Hydro/Aero?
Its all good thinkin its LST man, everybody has been, I'm not sweatin it. Gypsy is running an ebb and flow system, in a perpetual "AL B Fuct" style grow.

So heres the real update. 8 out of 10 plants are transplanted now. The mango and the ornamental ar the only ones I have left to do, I ran out of soil unfortunatly. It takes alot to fill these bags! All the plants are lookin great. I gave most of them another little trim, removing any lower imature growth that won't serve a purpose, to try to let the plant use its energy on the important points of growth. This is how I've been trimming all along. Mostly just removing fan leaves, before they get huge and allowing the plants to grow from the tips, and side shoots. They've just ended up growing sort of striaght out like they are. Once they reach the edges of the bags, I'm going to LST them and allow them to grow stright upwards. I have taken 2 clones now off of the largest purple power. You'll see the spots where they were cut from. The first was a mistake, but is looking very nice, and healthy still. The second I took, just for the sake of balancing the plant( I'm alittle o.c.d. like that) I'm also going to clone the one growth shoot in the middle from where I topped it, it never split into 2 shoots, only one grew, and it is kinda weak. So in a couple days once its just a bit bigger, I'm gonna cut it as a clone too. One of the other Purple powers is still kinda yellow in the middle, not really sure why. But once I give them another good watering with plain water, I'm gonna give them just a little more nutes this next time. I watered them each with about 3/4 of a gallon of water tonight, but it wasn't enough, none came outthe bottom of any of them. I checked my other bags, and the soil is still moist below the surface, but I'd like to give them a good flush. I'm also sure that once I get the air pumping, they will dry faster I imagine. I did get a nice water filtratoin system today, I beleive it will solve my water problem. I'm just borrowing it for the time being, but if it works I'm gonna buy it. I will get that hooked up tomorrow, I have to go to the hardware store to get a fitting for my fuacet. Well heres the pics!!

These first 2 are an over view with both lights on. I'm going to try to move them around every couple days so they all get a good amount of both lights. Then I think the rest all have the labels showing so you know what they are!

















Well hope you all enjoy. I think its easier for you guys to see the progress then for me, cus I see them every day, but I've got to say I'm pretty happy :) Now its time for a salad blunt, little mids, and a little nugs I got today! Peace guys TC :peace:
No I don't, I've kinda been wondering that. They havn't been overwatered I don't think, I raised the 1000w a couple inchs today, maybe it was to close? The ones under the 400 were actually a bit more perky. I have them hung seperatly now so I can adjust the height better. I kinda wish I wasn't using any reflectors at all, so they could all get both kinds of light more evenly. I think that would make it hard to keep the tent cool as we get into the hotter weather though. We'll see I'm hoping they perk up and really take off now that the transplant is done. Thats another reason they could be drooping, those plants were transplanted like 2 days ago, could have stressed them a bit. Any body else got any ideas?
Ya me either gypsy, its just over 3 weeks till they go into flower! I hope they get bigger before then!

So seriously any ideas on the droopiness guys. Its still happening on several of them. I don't have a thermometer but it doesn't seem hot over them, and they aren't burning at all. I can't figure out whats causing it.
any ideas on the droopiness guys. Its still happening on several of them. I don't have a thermometer but it doesn't seem hot over them, and they aren't burning at all. I can't figure out whats causing it.

TC... you said you transplanted them.... that's quite the shock... (you went from soil to soil right?)

I can only think of 4 things... over heat, over water, under water or transplant shock....

You have eliminated 3.. so it's gotta be the shock...

Have you heard of the pot on pot method for soil, to avoid transplanting?
Ya Gypsy is prolly right TC you jus transplanted so they will have a little shock and heat can also play an issues so jus watch em, but look nice man! keep up the good work.. Ill be updating as well with some new pics tonite:blsmoke:

and Im sure you know of the pot in pot method as you've visited my journal :D works pretty good little to No shock

TC... you said you transplanted them.... that's quite the shock... (you went from soil to soil right?)

I can only think of 4 things... over heat, over water, under water or transplant shock....

You have eliminated 3.. so it's gotta be the shock...

Have you heard of the pot on pot method for soil, to avoid transplanting?
Only once my plant looked droopy like Yours, Thundercat, after transplanting. I figured out it was from overwatering - soil was like mud a bit.
Transplanting + overwatering - that`s my guess.
Transplanting is the only thing I think it could be too. All the 2liter bottles have felt very light before the transplant, and I've only given each of them like 1/2-3/4 of a gallon of water since the transplant, so I can't imagine they are over watered. The top of the soil is bone dry, and but they are just moist about 2-3 inchs below the surface. I'm gonna move them around under the lights, and switch the droopy ones over under the MH, and the perkier ones under the HPS. I'm also gonna raise the HPS another 1-2 inchs. They really don't feel like they are getting hot, but I figure it can't hurt to raise it a bit till I figure this all out. I'm not sure what the night time temps have been getting down to, but could cool night time temps cause the drooping? I need to get a thermometer for the tent, just havn't picked one up yet. I did get more soil and perlite, so I'll get the other 2 stragglers transplanted tonight. So I just went down to check on them, and honestly I think they are looking better the when I was home for lunch. 2 of them are still a bit droopy, but the others have actually perked up. I'm hoping it was just some stress from the transplant. So fingers crossed, we'll see what the next couple days hold! I can't believe its been over a month already, and they have less then a month till flower. I'm just hoping these sativas don't take a year and a day to finish. I'm alloting for 12-13 weeks, but if they are all looking good, I might start flowering a week early to give them plenty of time to finish. Honestly I wish I may veg the Kush,WW,and mango extra week or 2 since I started them late, and they should finish faster. We'll see how they all look. Well sorry for babling guys, just typing whats goin through my head about all this.
dont be fooled by the surface, your soil looks fairly moist in the pics
but yea always dig your finger in a good few inches to get the best idea
and as for the light, usually 2- 2.5 feet away from the plants works....dunno about your situation though
love the grow TC!
I raised the light another 2inchs or so. Its a good 24-28 inchs above them. I stuck my finger in from the top and the bottom about 4 inchs. It felt slightly moist, not wet. I also turned up the heat in the house, so it won't get as cold at night when the lights are out. We'll see how they do. I was planning on watering them tomorrow. I've gotthe water breathing overnight. I ran it through this water filter I got, but it didn't really change the ppm much, maybe by like 50 or so. I thought I would give it a try this watering, and see how they do. My options are getting low, other than buying water, or getting an RO system, this is my best option.
Thundercat said:
My options are getting low, other than buying water, or getting an RO system, this is my best option.

That`s good, that they felt better. I hope everything is going to be alright with Your plants.
What`s RO system?
The system is $200. It would get me through this grow, but I don't have another 200 right now. Another thing that sucks, is the replacment filters cost like 150 I think.
I raised the light another 2inchs or so. Its a good 24-28 inchs above them. I stuck my finger in from the top and the bottom about 4 inchs. It felt slightly moist, not wet. I also turned up the heat in the house, so it won't get as cold at night when the lights are out. We'll see how they do. I was planning on watering them tomorrow. I've gotthe water breathing overnight. I ran it through this water filter I got, but it didn't really change the ppm much, maybe by like 50 or so. I thought I would give it a try this watering, and see how they do. My options are getting low, other than buying water, or getting an RO system, this is my best option.

what i bolded is good, u want strong roots so make them search for there water, stronger the roots stronger your plant
i dunno man just water every 2-4 days maybe even 5? depending on how it feels...just listen to what your ladies try to tell you
I raised the light another 2inchs or so. Its a good 24-28 inchs above them. I stuck my finger in from the top and the bottom about 4 inchs. It felt slightly moist, not wet. I also turned up the heat in the house, so it won't get as cold at night when the lights are out. We'll see how they do. I was planning on watering them tomorrow. I've gotthe water breathing overnight. I ran it through this water filter I got, but it didn't really change the ppm much, maybe by like 50 or so. I thought I would give it a try this watering, and see how they do. My options are getting low, other than buying water, or getting an RO system, this is my best option.

you dont have a cheap moisture gauge yet ?... they are worth it :bigjoint: