How to turn your buds purple


Well-Known Member
is it possible to shock your plants prior to harvest and turn your buds purple??

my buddy was telling me you can set them outside overnight in freezing weather or something, then chop it the next day.

i dunno how promising that is though, so i was wondering if anybody else here knew anything about the topic???

+rep to anybody who KNOWS, not bullshit replies :joint::hump:
There's no easy, guaranteed way to turn your buds purple. For the most part, your genetics is key. Some people say that cold temperatures OVER A PERIOD OF TIME may (and the key is, may) turn the buds purple. So if you lower the temperature over a period of weeks during the dark cycle, it might help.

Why don't you just smoke green buds? Purple is only a color...
its for commercial use ^_^

and how cold are we talking here?? my temps right now are 70F (lights on) and prolly around 55-60F (lights off) water temp = 60-65F
55-50 might do it at night, over a period of time. You cannot shock your plants into turning purple however. Putting them out in the freezing cold won't help. If you continually drop the temps at night to an absolute low of 50 (which you seemed to do already), then that's all you can do. Over your late flowering period, that might give them a tinge of purple.

However, the most important thing is GENETICS. You may never be able to get your plants purple if their genetics don't allow them to - plants are mostly determined. If you want purple, you need to buy a purple strain and even then, it's not a guarantee. Sometimes with purple strains you still need to drop the temps at night to about 50.

So ultimately, I'd say there's nothing you can do. You cannot color them artificially, so if dropping the temps doesn't work, then nothing will. You can buy special ferts put out by Humbolt and Fox Farm that help plants to turn purple, but I'm told on good authority that they don't work for regular (non-purple) strains.
messing with the temps, making it colder, will give a tint of purple over time. it wont turn the bud purple like a purple strain turns.. it takes time though and it cant be freezing, more like 45-50 so the plant still lives. if it freezes the little bitch is gonna die.
My second plant I grew turned purple cause my basement temp at night was about 55-60 deg(December-January). Might have had some purple in it's genetics, but I don't know for sure. It took the whole flowering period to turn the whole plant purple though. This wasn't just an over night thing. I watched it turn the whole flowering period. Then after I harvested the bud looked more green then purple. Now a buddy of mine took a clone from that same plant. His basment was about 45-50 at night and his bud after harvest was purple as purple could be. But, his plant had way less bud. The plant didn't grow much at all. The cold temps slow the growth big time. Most of the bud looked like popcorn bud like you would find on the bottom of the plant. Mine wasn't as bad as his, but it still suffered from the cold temps.
Whats the benefit of having purple buds, in regard to quality of smoke?
The only thing I can think of is people are dumb. They see purple and say OMG sure I will pay twice as much for it. No problem. Atleast thats how it is in my area. But we all know it's the samething.
Any one that says purple bud taste bad has never had a well grown purple strain.
I have only smoked my gdp for over six months. Still tastes great and rocks my world every time.\
i not saying if its purple its good because that is never true. Most purplish buds are mid grade but only most.
There is always an exception to the rule.
you sir, are a faker. why dont you just grow top notch bud?

my guess is if you already dont know what these guys have already told you, you have no business in the "commercial" business.
:hump::hump::hump: a "commercial grower" would have ran a purple strain to begin with.:joint: or a strain that moves, not stress a perfectly good product resulting in diminished yields:joint:
Any one that says purple bud taste bad has never had a well grown purple strain.
I have only smoked my gdp for over six months. Still tastes great and rocks my world every time.\
i not saying if its purple its good because that is never true. Most purplish buds are mid grade but only most.
There is always an exception to the rule.

i agree 100%. there is great purp. but its mostly hype thanks to lil wayne and company. and temp induced purp is fake, those who grow it intentionally are fakers, and nobody likes a faker.
I usually assess the quality of the bud by checking out the quantity of trichomes and if it's low on that, the pistons
i never did get the purplr this and the blue god that... must be like someone here said, people are stupid and just like shiny things, though in all fairness i never really had a "coloured" strain. i am thinking now about getting blue god next seed time, just so i can have a educated opinion.
if u put purple food dye in the water for a few weeks , thatll turn them purple.
does with flowers neway.
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR NUGS OUTSIDE IN THE FREEZING COLD! Not a good idea, that is unless it is a cold climate strain.
Y don't you just put purple food coloring in their water?
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR NUGS OUTSIDE IN THE FREEZING COLD! Not a good idea, that is unless it is a cold climate strain.
Y don't you just put purple food coloring in their water?
:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: how are you going to give advice against stressing the plant but then turn around and tell him to ruin his weed?
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR NUGS OUTSIDE IN THE FREEZING COLD! Not a good idea, that is unless it is a cold climate strain.
Y don't you just put purple food coloring in their water?

Yeah, so your buds taste like food coloring...that's awesome. Possibly the worst idea I've ever heard. One of the mods even tried it as an experiment and stated that the buds were not smokeable.
