New Member
Talk about an elitest asshole viewpoint!california has long been the leader in the great socialist revolution here in the u.s. only prop 13 has kept us from being the most highly taxed state in the union and yet the deficit still grows. the mountains of red tape generated by an ever growing bureaucracy and the do-nothing social programs that have buried us here are a foreshadowing of what awaits the rest of the country should the spendthrift powers of the liberal establishment truly take hold of government.
even the idiotic liberal elitists of this state are beginning to wake up to the fact that government seems to double in size every few years and we get nothing from that mess of slobbering bureaucrats but special interest pork and a government payroll that finances the extravagances of ivory tower demagogues. californians have seen first hand what lies down the road to the welfare state and, ahead of the curve as usual, are crying "enough is enough".
the question remains; are they willing to give up some of the far fetched dreams and promises of their liberal masters in order to regain the equilibrium they have lost? are they willing to admit that we cannot hold the productive responsible for raising the standard of living for every last failure and welfare fraud and still attract the wealth necessary for even the most rudimentary of services? the unwashed masses want it all. they want low taxes and all the free stuff that the government hucksters have promised them. well, you just can't have it all. they have chosen to start limiting the increasingly ridiculous demands for cash of their irresponsible representatives. are they now prepared to sacrifice the welfare state illusions and demand some responsibility and rationality from their elected officials or will they just keep on insisting on all those goodies and force government to find some other way to cheat us all out of our liberties and what little wealth we may be able to hold on to?