According to your logic, memory is an illusion. It is not real. It is not tangible. It is just a memory. [...]Being in two places at once doesn't seem like a feat too difficult for an omnipotent being to muster.
Memory is a combination of truth and the crap your brain fills in the gaps with...more illusion the further you get from the actual event. And as long as you are going to believe in stuff that is not there...might as well see double...I bet Unicorns could be in two places at once, if they really wanted to that is.
There has been evidence to support the theory, but it is just a theory. Evolution has not been "proven". Certainly not ours.
I really wish
christians would put down the best selling novel of all time and pick up a damn dictionary, and quit using definitions 7 and 8 when speaking of "theory"....IT IS NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theory (def #1 and closer to how science would define) 1. A coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena; Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Definition(s) #7:Contemplation or speculation, and the last #8 under hypothetical or ideal conditions; theoretically
This word is so misused (thanks) that webster had to add extra info:
-syn Theory, hypothesis are used in non-technical contexts to mean an untested idea or opinion.
A theory in technical use is more or less verified or established explanation accounting for known facts or phenomena: Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Two problems here...
First, radiometric dating is more art than science... which is why if you give two teams two samples from the same object, you will almost certainly get two different results. Hardly an exact science. Were you aware that carbon dating can only be accurate to 4,700 years due to the nucleic half-life of c-14?
I view carbon dating much like I view breathalizing. If you have to keep doing it to get the result you are expecting... it isn't science.
Although the "big picture" biology paints is a beautiful mosaic...
Other isotopes of carbon and other elements with know half lives are used.
As for the different results...the samples were different, even if they were the same. Anytime you are isolating a compound, much less a decomposing isotope, it is very difficult to be exact (here again the laypersons idea of precision and accuracy has very little to do with science) It is a skill that some are better at than others.
Another thing that the layperson does not get is that the vast majority of scientists (with the notable exception of the cooks who put out the ID video) do not have some evil agenda to manipulate public policy. The truth as the data presents itself, is what it is, nothing more. A scientists job is to collect and analyze the data objectively (this too is a skill) and report what is found...the mass of this trial and error is tested and re tested in hope of proving it wrong...without doing so we are left with very #7 & 8. It is through this scrutinization (faithless I will add) over lifetimes that eventually something has the possibility of being elevated to the ranks of THEORY! The only thing beyond that is gravity.
1. If the bible were "disproven", it has nothing to do with God, but man. The failure of man to report the message accurately does not affect the message, nor the issuer.
2. We cannot be certain about anything concerning an unfathomable intelligence. That is why we call it unfathomable.
3. God is not "a religion".
4. Perhaps the need to be worshipped comes not from a sense of lonliness or domination, or whateve narcisistic need you infer, but for the benefit of the worshipers. My dog doesn't have to understand why he must obey my commands... but it is in his best interest to, because I know more than him. I do not require that the dog understand why I am calling it away from the road, it must simply do it. The more loyal the dog is, the easier it is for me to protect it.
#1 from above: NO the failure of man to report the message accurately...makes the message inaccurate.
#2 Unicorns and Leprechauns...are unfathomable
#3 No god is not a religion...It is something very good and loving, only spelled backwards.
#4 having a trained dog is not (only) about protecting is about controlling it and getting it to do what you want, when you want, and how you want it done....without question. Sheeple take longer to train...I prefer the Dog.