First grow, NFT hydro - A.M.S and Lemon Skunk


Well-Known Member
eh up growers.

first ever grow attempt, and so far we (joint - excuse the pun - attempt between three of us bored of being ripped off) have just done things with a bit of advice here, the odd research there.

found this place, and it has been so good i started asking questions. it was then suggested by VV that i start a journal.

so i am.

a bit late, granted. but hey ho.

so....what's the story?

we are using femanised seeds of A.M.S and Lemon Skunk i bought on a recent trip to amsterdam from the greenhouse cafe - love that place.

we are using a NFT hydropoincs system in a grow tent. pics attached.

we bought the following kit, as well as a 75cm x 75cm x 2m grow tent.

we propogated the seeds in some small rockwool. one started immediately, the lemon skunk. the AMS took a bit longer. looked in the end like the root was kind of tangled, so we took it out, replaced it (very gently) and then it started no worries.

by this stage, however, it was a few inches behind the other plant, and has remained so ever since.

this is our first grow, and is pretty much considered an experiment. so we just decided that we would do everything to maximise the lemon skunk, the AMS would just have to deal with it.

after the lemon started to get it second set of proper leaves, we put it in bigger rockwall and waited. once a few roots were coming out the bottom, we put it under the light and into the NFT system.

from looking at a few pics on here, i think we might have done this a bit early, but i don't know. there were only two or three bits of root sticking through, some others have said you would wait until they look more web-like.


under a 250w HID light bulb, we started on a 20/4 cycle.

ph level was the biggest problem for us. we really struggled getting the ph level, but it is between 5.5 and 6.5, pretty much around 6.

we have been using about 1ml of the Vita Link Max Grow nutrient per liter of water.

the resevoir has about 12litres of water in it.

the light was lowered to about 20inches above the top of the lemon skunk plant, so about 22 away from the ams.

they were going great guns, growing about an inch or two a day.

they are bushy, with lots of leaves - again, pics attached.

then, after the ams plant was about 13-14inches, which was about a week or so ago, we noticed that some of the leaves started to go a bit odd.

they are the middle leaves, the bottom and tops are fine and look perfectly healthy.

the middle leaves, really on one side only, have started to curl a little at the edges, and have brown patches between the veins.

again, pics attached.

this has only been happening on the AMS, the lemon skunk has been fine.

we thought it might be nutrient burn, so had a look under the tray.

we found a mass of roots. a huge mat of them. they have not stopped the flow of the water, but they had worked their way down the slope and had started to hang over the edge of the tray and were now in the resevoir below.

we thought this was a bad idea, and asked a couple of questions on here, and then moved the roots. we moved them from the resevoir and put them back on the tray. some are not receiving any nutrients at all now. but the root matt is pretty evenly spread around. hope that this will not be a problem.

we then spread the matting to cover the gap at the end of the tray to avoid this happening again.

this all happened yesterday.

pics are attached of the grow tent, the plants, roots and some of the leaves with the problems.

we are now on a 12/12 cycle, and have been for 5 days.

we are now 6 weeks into the grow.

now we have a journal, we will keep you updated.


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well, if that leaf problem fixes itself!

not sure what to do about that. don't think it is the light because its not the top leaves, don't think it is too few nutrients because the other, bigger plant is fine, so might have been too many nutrients from the roots being in the resevoir.

we will see.

and so will you guys!

well, if that leaf problem fixes itself!

not sure what to do about that. don't think it is the light because its not the top leaves, don't think it is too few nutrients because the other, bigger plant is fine, so might have been too many nutrients from the roots being in the resevoir.

we will see.

and so will you guys!

I answered that one in the other thread that you posted in. VV:bigjoint:

it would appear that we have managed pretty well so far - all luck, no judgement!

i hope moving the roots will help. VV has suggested cutting those leaves off - that sounds too scary to me, so i will leave it a couple of days and see what happens. :-)
an update.

well, there is a battle on!

the lemon skunk is winning - in fact, i would say it is not so much winning as beating the AMS like a gingerheaded step-child.

the battle is over space. the AMS is getting a bit crowded out - but it was always the runt of the litter, and this is our first grow so was very much accepted as experimental. as such, we will probably grow one plant next time, maybe top, maybe FIM, we will see.

they have been on a 12/12 now for 9 days, and so far, we cannot detect any actual buds.

what we can see is the AMS has still got problems with the leaves. we cut the affected leaves off, and then more just got the problem.

our amateurish ways are maybe costing us. we don't actually know what the problem with the plant is. from pictures and info on here, i think it is one of two things. either light burn, or magnesium deficiency.

but i don't know which.

if it is light burn, we have a problem. the solution, i understand, is to move the light further away. the problem is that when we do that, the lemon skunk responds by reching for the stars! it is growing about an inch to two inches a day! at that rate, we will run out of height in our grow tent.

if it is magnesium deficiency, again, we have a problem. doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the lemon skunk (apart from it not flowering, but that may be normal - is it?) so we do not want to change anything.

so, from reading another grow journal on here, we are going to try spraying the leaves of the AMS with some epsom salts and hope that works.

sorry, no picture updates, the grow aint at my place and i don't get around there as often as i would like.

we will also be making a carbon filter in the next day or two. will let you know how we did it and how it works ASAP.

info, help, deirision or just silly banter always welcome.

how do tuffles!

looks like magnesium deficiency, have a squiz at the nutrient info n see what the breakdown is, i should point out here that im no expert on nft or hydro of any sort i stick to soil as i find its more forgiving.

the growfaq has a pretty good guide on plant probs

your plants will double or treble in size so depending on how much room at the top of your tent you've got you might want to think about topping or pinching the stems n bending but if you've got 2m to play with your probably fine!

take it easy and happy growing tuffles n co!
we will be spraying the plants with epsom salts and hoping for the best. we will get some before and after pics done for you guys.
more info....

pics are attached. as you can see, the lemon skunk, on the right, is still marching ahead of the AMS. we are hopeful for some decent results from it, but it has been on 12/12 for about 12 days so far, and we have had nothing!

we are not sure what we are looking for, so maybe they are just taking their time. i really hope so.

we have added a carbon filter and we have sprayed the leaves with an epsom salt mixture.

we will see what the leaves look like in a few days.

as for the carbon filter, we made one ourselves, and it seems to have worked. could probably do with a more powerful fan, to be honest, but it has certainly reduced the smell.

because i was getting all excited about doing the fan, i didn't take pictures along the way, but i will write a seperate entry with some diagrams to show what we did.

i am a real simpleton, so hopefully the fact that everything was new to me will mean other people will be able to follow it.

anyway, some more pics.


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Our home made filter.

What you need -

an extractor fan kit. we bought one from screwfix for about £24. it included a fan, some ducting and fixtures for either end of the ducting.

normal 3 core wire - we chose 13 amp.

a plug

we threw away everything apart from the fan, the ducting and the fixture for the outside end of the fan.

activated carbon, we bought some from a aquarium shop.

what we did

wired the fan up. this was the scary bit, but was remarkably easy. the fan had a circuit board into which you put the wire. the fan unit had three areas that needed wiring.

L - live

N - neutral

L/S - live switch.

the final one is for the switch, usually the cord that hangs in your bathroom.

we wired L and N into the core, wired that to the plug and plugged it in.

it didn't work.

we then took some of the live wire from the cord, seperated a small part and wired that into the L/S.

it worked.

so, to make that as simple to understand as possible (because lots of people tried to tell me this but never managed it) you only use the live and the neutral wires from the electrical cord, but you split the Live wire and put some in the Live section, and some in the L/S section.

this then works a treat.

What we did next

we cut some ducting, enough to stretch from the fan into our grow box, and another short section from the fan to the end fixture.

we then took the carbon. it came in small bags already, but they leaked a little, so we put it in one knee high stocking (£1 for three).

we then placed this in the fixture for the ducting.

we then attached the ducting from the fan into the grow room, and from the fan to the end fixture.

to keep the carbon well seperated, we found that it was best to have the fixture upside down, using gravity to spread the carbon out and cover the entire exit of the ducting.

we then built little legs for the fixture so that it could be pointed down, but still had clearance underneat.

we then placed all of this on top of our grow tent, with the ducting hanging into the grow tent through a hole it alread had.

we then pulled the draw string of said hole around the ducting.

we then plugged it in.

it then worked.

at the moment, the fan is on for 15 mins an hour, for 12 hours a day. it has reduced the smell massively, and when they start to flower, we can increase the extraction.

i am sure this is not the best way, i am sure we are doing lots of things wrong, but all in we are happy with it.

constructive criticism welcome.


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after it didnt work originally, i thought 'in for a penny, in for a pound' whacked the wire in there and hey presto.

got my mate to plug it in though. :-)

i may be reckless, but i aint stupid!
well, we seem to be. hopefully the plants will ge healthier.

i just wish they would bud.

12/12 for almost two weeks now and they just keep growing! i want buds FFS.