He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

Its all good girl. Dont worry about the dip shits. You are just venting and you needed a release. you have been thru alot. And noone deserves that. I hope you start feeling better. A woman as beautiful as you should have no trouble moving on. peace be with you

Thank you very much.
And have you noticed those two haven't posted back?

I guess they knew they were in the wrong.
Calling me names for telling a story and venting is unjustifiable.
Damn,I didn't know they let pre-pubescent heartbroken crybabies on RIU that want 2 premeditatively kill shit,I mean,what the fuck is the world coming to?I recommend sittin ur purplekitty on a few sausages,then come talk 2 me like you've got half a fuckin brain,or if you want i'll kiss ur purplekitty 2 make you feel all better,k???kiss-ass
Ok you need an internet uplifter. Your a very caring person for one. If you werent none of this would have mattered to you. Two, your a trusting person. you walked away from all of your friends to get closer to the man that was suppose to be closer to you than anyone. Its very hard to get so close to someone and think the whole time that things are perfect. Only to find out the person your with is a two faced lying prick. The good thing is, What breaks you down now only makes you stronger later. Dont let this hurt your future relationhips. Im sure you have a lot to give to someone . And im sure there is a special someone waiting for you right now. Its your time to shine now. Show him that your the stronger and better person. cuz you are, I beleave in you already
I'm sorry to hear what has happened Kitty:cry:

First off all, you need to stricken this guy and girl from your life completely. They are lying, deceitful people that have no place in your world anymore...:evil:

I don't believe you are on some 'murderous rampage' but you are simply feeling anger.

Anger spawns from frustration, and frustration spawns from confusion.... and understandably your confusion comes from what has just happened and why...:confused:

Thus the reason when somebody is about to 'lose it' they are told to sit down and relax... so that their mind can try and make sense of what is happening... rationalize and understand why they feel the way they do....

It was your error in believing and staying with this guy as long as you did, but its okay:hug:

We all make mistakes in life, and yours is no different.

What is important is that we learn from our mistakes... and in this case 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...':peace:

You are a better person that either of them ever could be, they deserve each other.. and you deserve much, much better:hump:

The next period of time will hurt, its only natural... but it will get better because every day from now on you will realize just how amazing you really are:hug:

Don't go 'rebound style'.. it's just a band aid fix and delays the process....

Focus on you.

Hang in there Kitty:hug:
Actually, if you want me to be honest, I was going to try and pull her out of the car. Like I said, I wouldn't hurt a child and have no intentions of trying. And why do people seem to think I would want to damage property?

My ex thought I was going to fuck with her house just because I know
where she lives, but I don't give a crap about her house, or her car,
or the kid.

I only give a crap about hurting her, because she and my ex hurt me, and
on top of that, she was always taunting me and calling me names.

I'm sorry, but I was taught to never let people walk all over you and
say things to you that you don't like. So I wasn't about to just sit

there and continue to let her do those things to me.
this wont hurt him, get n with your life and don't include him, the grass is not greener on the other side, sometimes its as simole as the grass is longer, or you ust get into a bad situation. it takes 2 to cheat if you think about it, and it is not her fault your man is a tramp, its funny how girls do like the bad boy as men like the lady whore, a lady by day and a whore in the bed at night, but just go on with life, before you know it you will turn aroud and boom a knight will appear, but you have to see him, not be blinded from anger!:joint:
And exactly who asked you to come here to my thread calling me a crazy bitch?

You're the one that put in the thread title if you read this please respond Not "If you agree with me respond" Dude could of been nicer about it but you asked for his opinion.

What type of parents raise their child to go and attack people they know
nothing about?

Is that ironic or what? you were going to yank that girl out of her car for wanting a relationship with the father of her son. CAn you really blame her?

PS: you got some serious growing up to do. You seem like a total Narcissist. The world doesn't revolve around you, and nothing good is gonna come from beating the shit out of everyone that gives you trouble in life walkin around with a chip on your shoulder.
If you read this, please post.

We were together for 2 years.

And this happened.

I'm very hurt, confused, and angry.:cry:

I don't know what to do guys. I just need someone to talk
to I guess.

He was my only friend.
I stopped talking to my girls when we started to get serious.

and now that we're over, I feel very very alone.

I can truly say that I'm so angry inside, if I had the chance
to murder his ex and get away with it, I would surely do it.

I've actually been thinking about how to get away with killing
her, and I know that's not a good thing to be thinking about.

I told him staying with him is not what I want because I'm not
going to be sharing the responsibility of a kid I did not birth.

Sunday, she offered to take him out for fathers day. I told him I didn't
want him going out with her and he said he was gonna go anyway.:evil:

He told me he was going to his mom's house after going out to eat.
So I waited at her house (no one was home)

and when I see them pull up, he is driving HER car and hugging her!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
(wtf was he doing driving her car!!!!!!!!!!!)
This really made me go crazy. I went outside, punched him in the head
and told his ex to get out the car so I could beat her ass.

She was like "its my son's birthday..." (it actually was, but I don't
give a shit)

and I was like "Bitch, I don't give a fuck. get out of the fuckin car so I can beat your ass"

She just sat there in the car looking scared and this really pissed me off.

(This bitch has been talking shit to me about "beating my ass" for months.
And has been calling me all types of wenches, whores, and bitches.
So I told her when I get the chance, I'm gonna put her ass in the hospital.)

I tried to get close enough to punch her thru
the window but my boyfriend (now ex) was holding me back. He told her
to leave and then we went in the house. I was so pissed, I attacked him.

He told me to get away from him because I'm "crazy" and he ran in the bathroom. Well, I guess I was so pissed and there was so much
adrenaline in me, I kicked the door down
(great, now I just kicked down his mom's door and he doesn't even live
there anymore)

Then I find out, that his ex fucking snitched on me to his gramma
and mom. (now I really want to kill the bitch)

Then his gramma starts sending me texts being rude. I almost cussed
her old ass out. I know you're supposed to respect your elders, but

I'm not the type of person to let someone sit there and talk shit to me.
(thats why I want to kill his ex).

I absolutely HATE when people test me. And that bitch (ex) has been
testing me for months calling me names THINKING I wouldn't do anything.

Now that she knows I'm serious about beating her to a pulp, she hasn't
said anything to me. And I even saw her at school and she didn't even
LOOK at me.

The sad thing is, I absolutely KNEW if I stayed with him, I would
end up seriously hurting, or possibly killing someone and I'd be the
next person on Oxygen's "Snapped".

I don't know how to deal with all of these emotions and I think I'm going
to hurt someone. I just really need some advice on keeping
my self calm so I don't do something I will regret.

to keep your self from going to jail go to the gym. beat the fuck out of the heavy bag. after you do that you willfeel much better. or go to the salvation army buy a bunch of plates then break them all. both work for reliving stress. tell ghim that he bette sleep lightly . cuz you going to super glue his hands to his man hood. but don't do anything other then buying a mulity pack of super glue. above all don't do anything to get yourself put in jail.
it's beyond me why you hold resentment toward HER, when HE'S the one who knowingly betrayed you in the worst way. HE was the one who was in a commited relationship and didn't think about his commitment to you before gettin with her.

He may be a guy (as am I) and jesus christ, our hormones are hard as hell to keep under control, but hey- I'd rather not hurt somebody, and that's why i'm single (for now atleast)...but i'm also 22.

Sometimes I really do feel that guys were wired to spread their seed and weren't wired to be monogamous but who knows, could just be my view on it

Anyway I hope ya feel better about this and no matter what ya do, think rationally about your decisions

finding creative ways to calm your rage by biking, kickboxing, doin SOMEthing physical may help your mind, body and spirit in overcoming this split

stay strong
(not directed to you bro, you handle well)
im throwing out infractions and bans where necessary in here.... no need for some of these fucked up posts:evil:

You're the one that put in the thread title if you read this please respond Not "If you agree with me respond" Dude could of been nicer about it but you asked for his opinion.

Is that ironic or what? you were going to yank that girl out of her car for wanting a relationship with the father of her son. CAn you really blame her?

PS: you got some serious growing up to do. You seem like a total Narcissist. The world doesn't revolve around you, and nothing good is gonna come from beating the shit out of everyone that gives you trouble in life walkin around with a chip on your shoulder.

who doesnt at 19??:confused::shock::confused:... i damn sure didnt have my head on exactly straight at that age... still growing up a little bit every day that i am alive.... as i said before... cut her a little slack and consider the age.... also consider she has been with this guy for she said 4years... so since 15... being 18 only makes you a legal "adult"... which means you are responsible for your own actions, not that you actually always take responsible action...

be a bit more understanding, and the other party would be alot more receptive to your GOOD advice;-)
Well...I'd say you're well rid of him.Go ahead and beat her ass,but let her wait and worry about when its coming.Don't do it in front of her kid,its not the kid's fault.Then, get yourself a jackrabbit vibrator.It will teach you exactly why you don't need him.
If you read this, please post.

We were together for 2 years.

And this happened.

I'm very hurt, confused, and angry.:cry:

I don't know what to do guys. I just need someone to talk
to I guess.

He was my only friend.
I stopped talking to my girls when we started to get serious.

and now that we're over, I feel very very alone.

I can truly say that I'm so angry inside, if I had the chance
to murder his ex and get away with it, I would surely do it.

I've actually been thinking about how to get away with killing
her, and I know that's not a good thing to be thinking about.

I told him staying with him is not what I want because I'm not
going to be sharing the responsibility of a kid I did not birth.

Sunday, she offered to take him out for fathers day. I told him I didn't
want him going out with her and he said he was gonna go anyway.:evil:

He told me he was going to his mom's house after going out to eat.
So I waited at her house (no one was home)

and when I see them pull up, he is driving HER car and hugging her!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
(wtf was he doing driving her car!!!!!!!!!!!)
This really made me go crazy. I went outside, punched him in the head
and told his ex to get out the car so I could beat her ass.

She was like "its my son's birthday..." (it actually was, but I don't
give a shit)

and I was like "Bitch, I don't give a fuck. get out of the fuckin car so I can beat your ass"

She just sat there in the car looking scared and this really pissed me off.

(This bitch has been talking shit to me about "beating my ass" for months.
And has been calling me all types of wenches, whores, and bitches.
So I told her when I get the chance, I'm gonna put her ass in the hospital.)

I tried to get close enough to punch her thru
the window but my boyfriend (now ex) was holding me back. He told her
to leave and then we went in the house. I was so pissed, I attacked him.

He told me to get away from him because I'm "crazy" and he ran in the bathroom. Well, I guess I was so pissed and there was so much
adrenaline in me, I kicked the door down
(great, now I just kicked down his mom's door and he doesn't even live
there anymore)

Then I find out, that his ex fucking snitched on me to his gramma
and mom. (now I really want to kill the bitch)

Then his gramma starts sending me texts being rude. I almost cussed
her old ass out. I know you're supposed to respect your elders, but

I'm not the type of person to let someone sit there and talk shit to me.
(thats why I want to kill his ex).

I absolutely HATE when people test me. And that bitch (ex) has been
testing me for months calling me names THINKING I wouldn't do anything.

Now that she knows I'm serious about beating her to a pulp, she hasn't
said anything to me. And I even saw her at school and she didn't even
LOOK at me.

The sad thing is, I absolutely KNEW if I stayed with him, I would
end up seriously hurting, or possibly killing someone and I'd be the
next person on Oxygen's "Snapped".

I don't know how to deal with all of these emotions and I think I'm going
to hurt someone. I just really need some advice on keeping
my self calm so I don't do something I will regret.

you know what girl, its okay I went through the same thing with my ex but no baby just cheating. In a couple years you will be watching those two on Jerry Springer show accusing each other of all sorts of crap. cheating lying whore mongering what ever. You will be so glad that you dumped him and your life turned around for the better. Focus on something like school or church just something other than that mess. I believe in Karma!!!
Well...I'd say you're well rid of him.Go ahead and beat her ass,but let her wait and worry about when its coming.Don't do it in front of her kid,its not the kid's fault.Then, get yourself a jackrabbit vibrator.It will teach you exactly wy you don't need him.

why does it not suprise me that you would not only say to whoop her ass, but to make her wait and worry.... classic:hug:
I firmly believe a lot less girls would try screwing somebody's old man if a proper ass whooping came back in style,lol.

yes... but she isnt the real ass here... its the guy; he's the one pullin 2girls at once.. not cool... he's the one i'd be lookin to fuck up pretty bad:evil:
Oh,I agree....but...the other girl knew he had a girlfriend...at least, that's my understanding.So she needs her ass beat, too.:mrgreen:
yes... but she isnt the real ass here... its the guy; he's the one pullin 2girls at once.. not cool... he's the one i'd be lookin to fuck up pretty bad:evil: