Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
So we're for two ass whoopings then, correct?The other woman,and the ex boyfriend.
yeah... thats the "principle" i was speaking of![]()
yeah... thats the "principle" i was speaking of![]()
Has anyone else noticed that recently, a spat of women, toting themselves as attractive and coming across as vulnerable, have started threads whose intent clearly display narcissism? It's weird. The threads instantly get attention from guys (either pathetically flattering or disdainfully insulting) and infractions are thrown around. If a male had started the thread, it wouldn't get the attention, people wouldn't respond so polarizingly, and the overall response would be different. I'm not drawing any conclusions here - just wondering...
If a thread reads "girl looking for guy", the thread instantly gets hundreds of replies.
If a thread reads "guy looking for girl", the thread dies.
What do you guys think?
Smoke some weed and relax, it's all going to be okay
First, realize that beating someone up or killing them isn't going to solve anything."
here, here!! if you want to be tied to these people, karma wise, for the rest of this life and maybe a few in the future, then thats a sure fire way to do it,... just kill him! then you;ll never be rid of these people,.... EVER!!
Good old fashioned ass-whoopins are far and few between these days, Why I remember back in the day when a person would get they're ass whooped just because. haha But seriously there are a lot less righteous ass kickings these days and a lot of people feel that they can get away with more bullshit because of it. I don't always condone a correction, but some people just need it as a reminder. my 2 centsI firmly believe a lot less girls would try screwing somebody's old man if a proper ass whooping came back in style,lol.
Thank you very much.
And have you noticed those two haven't posted back?
I guess they knew they were in the wrong.
Calling me names for telling a story and venting is unjustifiable.
I firmly believe a lot less girls would try screwing somebody's old man if a proper ass whooping came back in style,lol.
yes... but she isnt the real ass here... its the guy; he's the one pullin 2girls at once.. not cool... he's the one i'd be lookin to fuck up pretty bad![]()
Oh,I agree....but...the other girl knew he had a least, that's my understanding.So she needs her ass beat, too.![]()
You're the one that put in the thread title if you read this please respond Not "If you agree with me respond" Dude could of been nicer about it but you asked for his opinion.
Yes. I said respond Louis. Not insult or call names.
Is that ironic or what? you were going to yank that girl out of her car for wanting a relationship with the father of her son. CAn you really blame her?
Did you read the thread? Not because she wants a relationship with him, but because she told ME that she was going to beat my ass because I
was with her ex boyfriend. I just said "ok, I'll be wating".
So time goes by and everything is fine, until she starts calling his
phone talking shit to me and threatening me and calling me names.
She texted me calling me a dumb bitch for no reason.
Ok, I said "call me what you want" and she starts calling me more
names. I just cut her off and said, save it to say it to my face.
That was it after that. I was fed up with being taunted, called names,
and threatened. I promised her an ass whoopin. What's wrong with
keeping a promise?
PS: you got some serious growing up to do. You seem like a total Narcissist. The world doesn't revolve around you, and nothing good is gonna come from beating the shit out of everyone that gives you trouble in life walkin around with a chip on your shoulder.
it's beyond me why you hold resentment toward HER, when HE'S the one who knowingly betrayed you in the worst way. HE was the one who was in a commited relationship and didn't think about his commitment to you before gettin with her.
He may be a guy (as am I) and jesus christ, our hormones are hard as hell to keep under control, but hey- I'd rather not hurt somebody, and that's why i'm single (for now atleast)...but i'm also 22.
Sometimes I really do feel that guys were wired to spread their seed and weren't wired to be monogamous but who knows, could just be my view on it
Anyway I hope ya feel better about this and no matter what ya do, think rationally about your decisions
finding creative ways to calm your rage by biking, kickboxing, doin SOMEthing physical may help your mind, body and spirit in overcoming this split
stay strong
btw...this story sounds like the plot to the song "murder she wrote" LOL ohh man hahahah
forgive me lol
Didn't you post a thread about how you mooch off your grandmother? I would have to agree with the growing up comment
you know what girl, its okay I went through the same thing with my ex but no baby just cheating. In a couple years you will be watching those two on Jerry Springer show accusing each other of all sorts of crap. cheating lying whore mongering what ever. You will be so glad that you dumped him and your life turned around for the better. Focus on something like school or church just something other than that mess. I believe in Karma!!!
why does it not suprise me that you would not only say to whoop her ass, but to make her wait and worry.... classic![]()
ok the first thing to u need do is posted a pic on here if that you on your avatar you are hot
2 smoke a big bunt
3 repeat after me i am hot i dont need him
4 go get layed
5 if he got aby friend of brother have sex wit them
6 the girl you want to beat up dont do it just get a guy to screw her and video tape it then show ex she a slut
now he is mad at her for being a slut aand hurt that you fucking his friend
and you got your payback without going to jail for murder
That really sucks, Purplekitty. I know that rage and anger you're talking about.
I will never forget the moment I spent meeting my fiance's ex-girlfriend for the first time, in person. She was at least 7 inches shorter than I am, you know what I'm saying....perfectly sized for pick-it-up midget tossing-style. I remember at the time, I didn't know that my fiance cheated on me one time with her while he and I were newly exclusively dating. I just knew she savagely BEAT and STARVED my fiance's puppy because she was taking care of the dog at the time. You better believe I told her that she deserved an ass-beating accompanied by a gang raping a la rusty tire iron. The searing hatred was boiling away and burned all throughout my get my point.
It's better to let the whore sit in pained waiting, if you get my drift. After I found my my ex cheated on me with her, I decided that BOTH of them deserved a stealthy beating. Preferably involving a baseball bat. You better believe I dreamed of breaking every bone in that bitch's body. But I didn't. I sent one simple text message stating the following:
"Now that we both know you're a dirty c*nt, let me tell you something you don't of these days when you've gotten over the fear and paranoia that sometime, somewhere very soon, you will be in the hospital in intensive care from the beating you KNOW you are due for...Something is going to hit you, very hard and possibly make you feel like you're being beaten like a red-headed stepchild. After you are done collecting your knocked-out teeth off the cement in some parking lot, please remember that the next time you cheat with someone else's boyfriend or hurt an innocent animal in ANY way, you might not be around the next time to collect your teeth."
Eventually the intense feelings of anger subsided and I sat back and relished the glee I felt thinking of that bitch's knees shaking together anytime she had to walk anywhere alone. I've seen her out a few times in public and each time she's left wherever we're at, usually with her head down walking straight and fast towards the door....ahahahaaa!! I also tried turning her in for the animal cruelty, but her Dad is a police officer and had the case dropped.
This guy doesn't deserve the best that you have to offer and it sounds like he's been getting it for a few years now. Don't waste any more of your time and energy on him because much longer is it going to be until he knocks some other girl up? Or something equally as stupid? You CAN find someone better.
relax ma. it aint that serious, fuck that dude and that smut. it aint worth gettin yourself in trouble over some dude who obveously dont give a fuck about you. u get in touble do u think he gunna give a fuck? hell na. he'd prolly move on to your sister or some shit. so fuck the both of them. go right now and take a hot ass bubble bath, go get dressed and go out and have fun. i learned this the hard way but you gotta live for yourself even if you are in a relationship because you might not be in one tomarrow..........................real talk
Louis, do you really come to my thread just to disagree with everything
I say? And please, don't call me names. I never called you anything.
I don't see why all you people are calling me names? Is it your only
resort for a comeback because you can't win the argument with me?
(not directed to you bro, you handle well)
im throwing out infractions and bans where necessary in here.... no need for some of these fucked up posts
who doesnt at 19??... i damn sure didnt have my head on exactly straight at that age... still growing up a little bit every day that i am alive.... as i said before... cut her a little slack and consider the age.... also consider she has been with this guy for she said 4years... so since 15... being 18 only makes you a legal "adult"... which means you are responsible for your own actions, not that you actually always take responsible action...
be a bit more understanding, and the other party would be alot more receptive to your GOOD advice![]()
I think 19 is a great age to grow up. I'm only 20. I like to think I grew out of that stage by around 14... Then again that is also the year I got thrown out of my parents house and realized that there are bigger things to worry about then getting my wittle heart bwoken. So maybe I'm biased. But OP is gonna do what she wants no matter what so I'm done.