Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2

very nice. :hump: :joint::joint:
thank you.

I put a gas grill ignitor in the handle, so all you have to do is aim and pull the trigger.

While we were playing with it, one of the neighbors called the called cops. But when the cops came out to the house they didnt confiscate the potato gun. Instead they asked me how I made it. They wanted to make one for themselves
neighbors thought you all were launching grenades or what? :shock:

you could put a BIG tomato in it. hehehhehe

well its an old neighborhood with a bunch of old people. they were also mad because we were having a birthday party on a beautiful saturday afternoon. geeze man, its like wtf?

btw, that would be a great way to make salsa!!! just throw in a tomato, some jalapenoes and pull the trigger!!!!
well its an old neighborhood with a bunch of old people. they were also mad because we were having a birthday party on a beautiful saturday afternoon. geeze man, its like wtf?

btw, that would be a great way to make salsa!!! just throw in a tomato, some jalapenoes and pull the trigger!!!!

have your buddy stand across the yard with a big bowl. :)
back in high school i lived in the aluetian islands but me and my buddies had a massive potato gun mounted to the back of his truck. we had some good times with that.
not to be the buzzkill but the mod has a point, I mean nobody is more of a firearm enthusiast then me, seriously I have wet dreams about shooting an mp5 and I will be the very last person on earth to lay down my rights but all the posting of what guns everybody has can only empower the government to look at us more closely. not to mention its definately a bad idea for our california friends to post pictures of assault type weapons tisk tisk
not to mention its definately a bad idea for our california friends to post pictures of assault type weapons tisk tisk

Ok I've kept my lips buttoned, but I'm sick of this terminology. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ASSAULT WEAPON, RIFLE OR 'TYPE' WEAPON!!!

Assault rifle or weapons is a term that was dreamed up by the media to use as a scare tactic! No firearms corporation or organization has EVER held any function or sold a single 'assault weapon!" No real enthusiast would call an AR or AK an assault rifle. The mechanisms that function within your standard hunting rifle and your AR-15 and your AK-47 are almost identical. The difference between the AR and the AK are that they are SEMI-automatic (1 trigger pull, 1 shot fired, weapon resets for the next round) while a major portions of 'hunting' rifles do not have the reset feature and you have to pump, rack, or reload your next round individually. Can you 'mod' it to be fully auto ... sure if you have a lathe, micrometer, metal grinder, and about $10,000 worth of tools to modify it as well as the know how. There are no kits to make them fully auto either! There was a device that utilized a spring to make the receiver bounce back into your finger making it seem like a repeating weapon, but that was made illegal by the BATFE illegally, and the creator himself is suing the federal government over it. The sad thing is you can create the same effect with your belly, it's called bump firing and it required no tools other than a moderate gut.

For those who want to be ignorant and say, "Well it's called an AR for a reason." You're absolutely correct. AR stands for Armalite Corporation, which was the company the Jacob Stoner worked at while he developed the AR-10 which failed to function and the designs were later sold to Colt who developed the M-16 out of them as well as the AR-15 civilian model, honoring Jacob Stoners designs. So AR = Armalite Aircraft Aluminum Corporation in the 1960's.

The creation of the AR / M-16 lead to the development of semi-automatic hunting rifles and between those and the AR there is very little difference. I'm sick of seeing the 'scare' name being used for these rifles when in fact they are MUCH more functional for hunting and sporting purposes than most hunting rifles. California is fkn GAY in their gun control, you practically have to blow the Governator to get anything resembling a real weapon and then you can't even use it for anything but punching paper.

I for one would gladly let MJ stay illegal as long as no one touches my guns. As far as 'fear' goes. There's nothing wrong with some guys talking about guns. If the feds wanted to pay attention they would have done so a LONG time ago focusing on the grow pictures with an ass load of plants in them.

So once and for all, Black Rifle, AR or AK rifle, or even frighteningly ugly looking thing, but Assault Rifle is WRONG! There are far more purposes to AR and AK style weapons than to commit assualt. And to the Cali residents with a stripped down, suckers version of AR's and AK's I'm terribly sorry you have to put up with that stupidity.

The Federal government uses this term, local government uses this term, most people in the world recodnizes the AK and AR as an assault rifle, but evertime I'm at the local gun shop and mention "assault rifle" I get bitched at about how the evil goverment wants you to think our guns are military death weapons not meant for civilian use. You know I agree with you the goverment wants to give these guns a bad rep, wouldnt be the first time our goverment has tried to fool the public. BUT WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK what term is used here, that should be the least of your worries since changind the term isnt going to change shit. So when obama re-instates the "assault weapons ban" of the clinton administration you can give him a call and give your bitchy little rant about how it should be called the "normal hunting rifle with short barrell and huge magazine ban" instead btw you wanna talk about unconstitutional here is the exact statute for the Denver "assault weapon ban"

A few notes on Denver's assault weapon ordinance. Section 38-130
(b)(1)(c), defining assault pistols, was found to be
unconstitutionally vague by the Colorado supreme court, in
Robertson v. Denver. Additionally they found that the initial
paragraph of 38-130(b)(1) was not language that prohibited or
permitted anything, and is not a definition of an assault
weapon. The specific categories under the initial paragraph are
the definitions. The court otherwise upheld the ordinance as
constitutional under the Colorado Constitution's right to keep and
bear arms clause, Article 2 section 13. They remanded to the
trial court for a decision on whether or not 38-130(h) is
unconstitutionally vague.
Cite as Revised Municipal Code (RMC), or Denver Code.

Sec. 38-130. Assault weapons.

(a) Legislative intent. The city council hereby finds and
declares that the use of assault weapons poses a threat to the
health, safety and security of all citizens of the City and County
of Denver. Further, the council finds that assault weapons are
capable both of a rapid rate of fire as well as of a capacity to
fire an inordinately large number of rounds without reloading and
are designed primarily for military or antipersonnel use.

The city council finds that law enforcement agencies report
increased use of assault weapons for criminal activities. This has
resulted in a record number of related homicides and injuries to
citizens and law enforcement officers. It is, therefore, the
intent of the city council to place reasonable and necessary
restrictions on the sale and possession of assault weapons while
placing no restrictions on the right of citizens to use weapons
which are primarily-designed and intended for hunting, target
practice and other legitimate sports or recreational activities and
the protection of home, person and property.

(b) Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used
in this section, shall have these meanings respectively ascribed to

(1) Assault weapon. The general characteristics of an
assault weapon may include the following features: A
shorter length than recreational firearms; a folding
stock; a modification of an automatic firearm orig-
inally designed for military use; a greater rate of
fire or firing capacity than reasonably necessary for
legitimate sports, recreational or protection
activities and shall include all firearms with any of
the following characteristics:

a. All semiautomatic action, centerfire rifles with a
detachable magazine with a capacity of twenty-one (21) or
more rounds.
b. All semiautomatic shotguns with a folding stock or a
magazine capacity of more than six (6) rounds or both.
c. All semiautomatic pistols that are modifications of rifles
having the same make, caliber and action design but a
shorter barrel and no rear stock or modifications of
automatic weapons originally designed to accept magazines
with a capacity of twenty-one (21) or more rounds.
d. Any firearm which has been modified to be operable as an
assault weapon as defined herein.
e. Any part or combination of parts designed or intended to
convert a firearm into an assault weapon, including a
detachable magazine with a capacity of twenty-one (21) or
more rounds, or any combination of parts from which an
assault weapon may be readily assembled if those parts are
in the possession or under the control of the same person.
f. Any weapon listed in subsection (h).

(2) Fixed cartridge shall mean that self contained unit consisting of
the case, primer, propellant charge and projectile or projectiles.

(3) Magazine shall mean a box, drum or other container which holds and
feeds ammunition into a semiautomatic rifle, shotgun or pistol.

(4) Pistol shall mean a weapon originally designed, made and intended
to fire a projectile (bullet) from one (1) or more barrels when
held in one (1) hand and having:

a. A chamber as an integral part of or permanently aligned
with the bore or having a breech-loading chambered cylinder
so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of
the trigger rotates it and brings the next cartridge in
line with the barrel for firing; and
b. A short stock designed to be gripped by one (1) hand and
at an angle to and extending below the line of the bore(s).

(5) Rifle shall mean a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade and
intended to be fired from the shoulder or hip and designed or
redesigned or made or remade to use the energy of the explosive
in a fixed cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a
rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger and shall include
any such weapon which may be readily restored to fire a fixed

(6) Semiautomatic shall mean a weapon which fires a single projectile
for each single pull of the trigger which automatically chambers
the next round for firing and which employs a magazine.

(7) Shotgun shall mean a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade
and intended to be fired from the shoulder or hip and designed or
redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive
in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a
number of projectiles (ball shot) or a single projectile for each
pull of the trigger and shall include any such weapon which may be
readily restored to fire a fixed shotgun shell.

(c) Specific weapons not included. As used in this section, assault
weapon does not include any of the following:

(1) All weapons that do not use fixed cartridges, all weapons that were
in production prior to 1898, all manually operated bolt-action
weapons, all lever-action weapons, all slideaction weapons, all
single- shot weapons, all multiple-barrel weapons, all revolving
cylinder weapons, all semiautomatic weapons for which there is no
fixed magazine with capacity of twenty-one (21) or more rounds
available, all semiautomatic weapons that use exclusively en bloc
clips, all semiautomatic weapons in production prior to 1954 and
all rimfire weapons that employ a tubular magazine.

(2) Any firearm that uses .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.

(3) Any assault weapon which has been modified either to render it
permanently inoperable or to permanently make it a device no longer
defined as an assault weapon.

(d) Supplemental provision. Except as specifically stated herein, the
provisions of this section are independent of and supplemental to any other
provisions of law, and nothing shall prevent a device defined as an assault
weapon in this section from also being regulated under other provisions of law.

(e) Possession of assault weapons unlawful. It shall be unlawful to
carry, store, keep, manufacture, sell or otherwise possess within the City and
County of Denver a weapon or weapons defined herein as assault weapons, except
that this subdivision shall not apply to:

(1) Any federal, state or local government agency or to any sworn
members of said agencies acting within their official capacities.

(2) Any assault weapon which is being used as a movie prop for any
motion picture or television program which is being filmed in whole
or in part within the City and County of Denver if, prior to such
use, the police department is notified in advance in writing of the
date, time, location, production schedule and days upon which such
use shall take place and the type and serial numbers of the

(3) The transportation of any assault weapon through the city by a
nonresident who is in legal possession of an assault weapon or a
person carrying a permit issued under subsection (f) for the
purposes and under the conditions set forth in subsections (b)(2)
through (b)(5), Revised Municipal Code.

(f) Conditional exception. Any person over the age of twenty-one (21)
years who obtained an assault weapon legally prior to the effective date of
this section may obtain a permit to keep, store and possess said assault
weapon if-

(1) Said weapon is properly identifiable and contains its original
serial number.

(2) An application for a permit for each assault weapon is filed
with the police department within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of this section pursuant to such procedures as
the department may establish. The application shall contain a
description of the firearm that identifies it uniquely, including
all identification marks and numbers, the full name, address,
date of birth and fingerprints of the owner and the address
where such assault weapon will be stored and such other
information as the department may deem appropriate. The place
of storage and possession shall not be changed without
notification to the department of the proposed change in location
and when said weapon will be transported. The department may
charge a fee for registration not to exceed the actual
processing costs of the department.

(3) The department shall issue a permit which shall identify the
weapon and where it is to be stored.

(4) The information required for the registration and permitting of
assault weapons shall be treated as confidential and shall not be
made available to members of the general public. The council
finds that the release of such information would constitute an
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and could endanger the
life or safety of persons at the premises where an assault weapon
is located. The information on a permit application shall be used
by the city only for law enforcement purposes.

(g) Sale or transfer unlawful. It is unlawful to sell or transfer
possession of an assault weapon possessed pursuant to subsection (f) within
the City and County of Denver.

(h) Specific prohibited assault weapons. It is unlawful to carry,
store or otherwise possess within the City and County of Denver any of the
following weapons which are hereby declared to be assault weapons except
as provided in and subject to all the provisions of this section:

(1) All of the following specified rifles:

a. Norinco, Mitchell and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs
(all models).
b. Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil.
c. Beretta AR-70 (SC-70).
d. CETME G3.
e. Colt AR-15 and CAR-15.
f. Daewoo K-1, K-2, Max 1 and Max 2.
g. Fabrique Nationale (FN/FAL, FN/LAR and FNC. [sic]
h. FAMAS MAS223.
i. Heckler & Koch HK-91, H-93 [sic], HK-94 and PSG-1.
j. MAC 10 and MAC 11.
k. SKS with detachable magazine.
l. SIG AMT, SIG 500 Series and SIG PE57.
m. Springfield Armory BM59 and SAR-48.
n. Sterling MK-6 and SAR.
o. Steyr AUG.
p. Valmet M62, M71S and M78.
q. Armalite AR-180 Carbine.
r. Bushmaster Assault Rifle (armgun).
s. Calico M-900 Assault Carbine.
t. Mandall THE TAC-1 Carbine.
u. Plainfield Machine Company Carbine.
v. PJK M-68 Carbine.
w. Weaver Arm Nighthawk.

(2) All of the following specified pistols:

a. Action Arms UZI.
b. Encom MP-9 and MP-45.
c. MAC 10 and MAC 11.
e. Mitchell Arms Spectre Auto.
f. Sterling MK-7.
g. Calico M-900.

(3) All of the following specified shotguns:

a. Franchi SPAS 12 and LAW 12.
b. Gilbert Equipment Company Striker 12.
c. Encom CM-55.

(4) Other models by the same manufacturer that are identical to
firearms listed in subdivisions (1), (2) or (3) except for slight
modifications or enhancements, including, but not limited to, a
folding or retractable stock; adjustable sight; case deflector for
left handed shooters; shorter barrel; wooden, plastic or metal
stock; larger clip size; different caliber provided the caliber
exceeds .22 rimfire; or bayonet mount.

(5) Firearms which have been redesigned from, renamed, renumbered or
patterned after one of the listed firearms in subdivision (1), (2),
or (3) or those described in subdivision (4), regardless of the
company of production or distribution or the country of origin or
any firearm which has been manufactured or sold by another company
under a licensing agreement to manufacture or sell the identical or
nearly identical firearms as those listed in subdivisions (1), (2),
(3) or those described in subdivision (4) regardless of the company
of production or distribution or the country of origin.

(i) Specific magazine prohibited. It shall be unlawful to
carry, store or otherwise possess a magazine which will
hold or may be modified to hold twenty-one (21) or more rounds.

(j) Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation, who is convicted
of violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine
of not less than one hundred ($100.00) or more than nine hundred
ninety-nine dollars ($999.00) and a term of incarceration of not less
than ten (10) days nor more than one hundred eighty (180) days.

(k) Violation; disposition. Upon a conviction of violating any
provision of this section, the weapon shall be confiscated
and destroyed under section 38-120, Disposition of confiscated weapons.
(Ord. No. 669-89, section 1, 11-6-89; Ord. No. 719-89, section 1, 11-27
am i the only one here that thinks "rappers don't kill people guns do"? what is the point of owning a gun whilst at the same time declaring that you have no intention of using it? is it paranioa? fear? i can't comprehend why americans get so psyched up by owning a gun. if you want to hurt someone there are many ways to do it but the availabilty of guns means the psychotic element have the ability to cause utter carnage. if you guys want to get in a "big dick" contest cant you just buy a big car? anyway just my opinion.
am i the only one here that thinks "rappers don't kill people guns do"? what is the point of owning a gun whilst at the same time declaring that you have no intention of using it? is it paranioa? fear? i can't comprehend why americans get so psyched up by owning a gun. if you want to hurt someone there are many ways to do it but the availabilty of guns means the psychotic element have the ability to cause utter carnage. if you guys want to get in a "big dick" contest cant you just buy a big car? anyway just my opinion.

Again - hence the term: "enthusiast".
Just because you own a gun does not mean you intend on using it for personal protection. I own mine solely for target practice. Why? Because it's fun as hell to shoot. :peace:
so you are "practicing" for what? :bigjoint:

To get better at aiming. :lol:
Like I said before - I have no use for a gun used for personal protection or hunting. I just think shooting inanimate objects is fun.
I had no idea there were people out there that think that since I have a gun that I must use it for shooting people.
Now if I had a water balloon gun ...that would be a different story. ;)
To get better at aiming. :lol:
Like I said before - I have no use for a gun used for personal protection or hunting. I just think shooting inanimate objects is fun.
I had no idea there were people out there that think that since I have a gun that I must use it for shooting people.
Now if I had a water balloon gun ...that would be a different story. ;)

Some of the best fun you can have, god damn cans and bottles!
am i the only one here that thinks "rappers don't kill people guns do"? what is the point of owning a gun whilst at the same time declaring that you have no intention of using it? is it paranioa? fear? i can't comprehend why americans get so psyched up by owning a gun. if you want to hurt someone there are many ways to do it but the availabilty of guns means the psychotic element have the ability to cause utter carnage. if you guys want to get in a "big dick" contest cant you just buy a big car? anyway just my opinion.

When have you seen an gun actually walk up to a person and kill someone, people kill people duh. Shooting as a sport is an American tradition, actually man tradition. I was introduced to guns when I was a young kid, I have never shot someone and do not intend to. I participate in shooting matches at the local ranges and have a lot of fum doing it. Shooting long range actually requires a lot of knowledge of math, many people would be surprised how it is used to calculate the bullet drop for the range you intend to shoot at. Many people also use it to hunt, and lastly It is our right as Americans to own firearms.
When have you seen an gun actually walk up to a person and kill someone, people kill people duh. Shooting as a sport is an American tradition, actually man tradition. I was introduced to guns when I was a young kid, I have never shot someone and do not intend to. I participate in shooting matches at the local ranges and have a lot of fum doing it. Shooting long range actually requires a lot of knowledge of math, many people would be surprised how it is used to calculate the bullet drop for the range you intend to shoot at. Many people also use it to hunt, and lastly It is our right as Americans to own firearms.

I completely agree!!!! I too have grown up around guns since i was born. Not to mention, that i grew up with a military father so that whole scene is natural to me. I cannot imagine never owning a firearm! I love my weapons more than pot and very few things can match the connection i have with all of them. Cripes, my dad has more firearms than some armies lol! I live to hunt, competitive shoot, trap & skeet, tactical courses, dynamic entries, 100-500yard matches, expo shooting...you name it! I would consider myself a true survivalist. I am not ashamed to admit that I have a CCW permit and carry 99% of the time. I DO NOT however, carry my concealed weapon when i have any greens on me. Any experienced smoker can tell you that you're not going to shoot someone in the head because you were stoned, just like you are not likely to get a DUI while stoned either. Be rational about the issue.
Most true enthusiasts know how bad the market has gotten for ammo and the firearms themselves so they reload their own ammo. Ive gotten high on every single hunting trip that i have been on with my buddy and sometimes that earlier smoke definately helps keep you calm and steady when that prized game comes into the crosshairs! OMFG! There is NO better high, than the natural high you get from a fresh harvest! and to make it even better; you spark up another one right after your harvest and you are catapulted into oblivion! Guns made the United States. God Bless America!
Guns made the United States.

Please be careful with statements like this ... Guns made the US free, a peoples rebellion made the U.S. ... The guns were just tools. Granted without them we'd be drinking Earl Grey instead of Folgers, but they were just tools. The freedom came from us being smart enough to not stand in a straight line like a shooting gallery for the brits to shoot us, we hid in the bushes and sniped with long range rifles.

The riflemen, General Washington, and other very smart militia leaders made our nation free, the guns were necessity in getting us free and I believe they are a necessity in keeping us free just as our founding fathers did.

Side note: While I agree that the last thing I would want to do high is do anything stupid with my guns, I'm still very cautious with my firearms when I get stoned. If I have people over they are locked in the safe, unloaded, and cable and/or trigger locked. If I'm alone they're just locked in the safe. Then again I don't drive stoned either because I simply can't stand feeling like 30 mph is akin to hyperspeed.

Please be careful with statements like this ... Guns made the US free, a peoples rebellion made the U.S. ... The guns were just tools. Granted without them we'd be drinking Earl Grey instead of Folgers, but they were just tools. The freedom came from us being smart enough to not stand in a straight line like a shooting gallery for the brits to shoot us, we hid in the bushes and sniped with long range rifles.

The riflemen, General Washington, and other very smart militia leaders made our nation free, the guns were necessity in getting us free and I believe they are a necessity in keeping us free just as our founding fathers did.

Side note: While I agree that the last thing I would want to do high is do anything stupid with my guns, I'm still very cautious with my firearms when I get stoned. If I have people over they are locked in the safe, unloaded, and cable and/or trigger locked. If I'm alone they're just locked in the safe. Then again I don't drive stoned either because I simply can't stand feeling like 30 mph is akin to hyperspeed.

The standard rifle back then took like, 45 seconds to reload after every shot. Then the musket took closer to 20 seconds. And there was nothing accurate about any firearms back there, except maybe the cannon, which had accuracy up to like, 200 yards.
The standard rifle back then took like, 45 seconds to reload after every shot. Then the musket took closer to 20 seconds. And there was nothing accurate about any firearms back there, except maybe the cannon, which had accuracy up to like, 200 yards.

you are quite correct, as my friends in the civil war re-enactment games tell me ....

It was our strategic and improved usage of them that allowed us to win our freedom. It had nothing to do with more or less fire power. Technically they had more fire power than we did, we had better tactics. I would also not that technically since we were under British rule at the time every arm we used to win our independence was illegal.
