WARNING: Exercise caution Elite Genetics may have been busted….7-22-09


Well-Known Member
Like a salesmen. You can't believe everything they say and this is another good example. Appears the only legit usa based genetics seed company that has their shit together is DNA/Reserva Privada. Yes there is too much talk of Elite and good genetics and he most likely very well did either personally bring clones/beans back to home for breeding from Cali or have someone send them. Either way to those that say his stuff was fake really don't know what they are talking about. I am sure he very well may have cut some corners on breeding to get top dollar but I am sure he thought this would go on for ever. His list of strains was so long and appears by the media he had only one fair size grow location. Something is a little off on that or we may not have seen the entire picture? 50 yrs from now or if he was in Cali doing legit this may not have happened to him...

Think there is a book, movie or 1 hour special on this that would sell big time....


Well-Known Member
Selling seeds commercially,across state lines, thru the mail system just to start. And by the law a major growing operation and web site selling it. Are u high on crack? YES.

I would imagine the child neglect charges are thrown in if he has custody or part time custody of a child in the environment of a grow op. causes those charges on sight.


Well-Known Member
Like a salesmen. You can't believe everything they say and this is another good example. Appears the only legit usa based genetics seed company that has their shit together is DNA/Reserva Privada. Yes there is too much talk of Elite and good genetics and he most likely very well did either personally bring clones/beans back to home for breeding from Cali or have someone send them. Either way to those that say his stuff was fake really don't know what they are talking about. I am sure he very well may have cut some corners on breeding to get top dollar but I am sure he thought this would go on for ever. His list of strains was so long and appears by the media he had only one fair size grow location. Something is a little off on that or we may not have seen the entire picture? 50 yrs from now or if he was in Cali doing legit this may not have happened to him...

Think there is a book, movie or 1 hour special on this that would sell big time....
i'm doin dna and reseva privada presently. three strains and all look good .


Well-Known Member
"they cant arrest someone in possession of marijuana seeds can they?"

In their infinite wisdom The Government Man will arrest you for having an unused bong, seeds could be summary execution.

"In the United States, under the Federal Drug Paraphernalia Statute, which is part of the Controlled Substances Act, it is illegal to sell, transport through the mail, transport across state lines, import, or export drug paraphernalia. There is no Federal law regarding simple possession of drug paraphernalia, but such possession is usually illegal under State law. The law gives specific guidance on determining what constitutes drug paraphernalia. Many states have also enacted their own laws prohibiting drug paraphernalia. Government crackdowns have resulted in the arrest of sellers of recreational drug paraphernalia, such as actor Tommy Chong, who spent time in prison in 2003 for the sale of glass pipes.

In New Zealand it is legal to sell pipes and vaporisers, but illegal to sell bongs and water pipes. These are sold nonetheless, by the expedient of removing the pipe-stem and calling them "vases"." as defined.





Well-Known Member
Federal Marijuana Laws (USA)

.................. : Possession / Incarceration / Fine

Any amount (first offense): misdemeanor / 1 year / $1,000

Any amount (second offense): misdemeanor / 15 days MMS* / $2,500

Any amount (subsequent offense): misdemeanor or felony / 90 days MMS* - 3 years / $5,000

*Mandatory minimum sentence.

Sale or Cultivation

Less than 50 kg - felony 5 years - $250,000

50 to 100 kg felony 20 years : $1,000,000

100 to 1,000 kg - felony - 5 - 40 years - $2,000,000

1000 kg or more - felony 10 years - life - $4,000,000

To a minor felony - double penalty - double penalty Within 1,000 feet of a school, or other specified areas felony double penalty double penalty

Gift of small amount- see Possession

Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...) Paraphernalia sale - felony - 3 years no fine


Possession of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first conviction. For a second conviction, the penalties increase to a 15-day mandatory minimum sentence with a maximum of two years in prison and a fine of up to $2,500. Subsequent convictions carry a 90-day mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum of up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.

Distribution of a small amount of marijuana, for no remuneration, is treated as possession. Manufacture or distribution of less than 50 kilograms of marijuana is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. For 50 kilograms or more the penalty increases to a possible 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $1,000,000. Manufacture or distribution of 100 kilograms or more carries a penalty of 5 - 40 years in prison and a fine of up to $2,000,000. For 1000 kilograms or more, the penalty increases to 10 years - life in prison and a fine of up to $4,000,000.

Distribution of greater than 5 grams of marijuana to a minor under the age of 21 doubles the possible penalties.

Distribution within 1,000 feet of a school, playground, public housing or within 100 feet of a youth center, public pool or video arcade also doubles the possible penalties.

The sale of paraphernalia is punishable by up to three years in prison.

The sentence of death can be carried out on a defendant who has been found guilty of manufacturing, importing or distributing a controlled substance if the act was committed as part of a continuing criminal enterprise – but only if the defendant is (1) the principal administrator, organizer, or leader of the enterprise or is one of several such principal administrators, organizers, or leaders, and (2) the quantity of the controlled substance is 60,000 kilograms or more of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of marijuana, or 60,000 or more marijuana plants, or the if the enterprise received more than $20 million in gross receipts during any 12-month period of its existence.

Mandatory minimum sentence: When someone is convicted of an offense punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence, the judge must sentence the defendant to the mandatory minimum sentence or to a higher sentence. The judge has no power to sentence the defendant to less time than the mandatory minimum. A prisoner serving an MMS for a federal offense and for most state offenses will not be eligible for parole. Even peaceful marijuana smokers sentenced to "life MMS" must serve a life sentence with no chance of parole.



Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
why the fuck do the USA have state law and federal law, instead of 1 fucking law, it's so back to front.
Its a catch 22. If the state can't get you, they use the federal law. If the federal law doesn't apply, the state can get you.

They can stack the federal on top of state laws so they can either get you twice (state and federal) or they leave room to take a lesser plea and still get a state charge.

It's a game of cat and mouse, and depending on how you choose to play the game, if your caught and brought into the system, they can either hit you with everything or make it sound like your getting a deal and still get you on something.


Well-Known Member
Its a catch 22. If the state can't get you, they use the federal law. If the federal law doesn't apply, the state can get you.

They can stack the federal on top of state laws so they can either get you twice (state and federal) or they leave room to take a lesser plea and still get a state charge.

It's a game of cat and mouse, and depending on how you choose to play the game, if your caught and brought into the system, they can either hit you with everything or make it sound like your getting a deal and still get you on something.
i dont know california seems to have it headed in the rite direction.


Well-Known Member
Its a catch 22. If the state can't get you, they use the federal law. If the federal law doesn't apply, the state can get you.

They can stack the federal on top of state laws so they can either get you twice (state and federal) or they leave room to take a lesser plea and still get a state charge.

It's a game of cat and mouse, and depending on how you choose to play the game, if your caught and brought into the system, they can either hit you with everything or make it sound like your getting a deal and still get you on something.

what fucking wankers, no offence to you all in usa, but why the fuck do the american laws, goverment always play the billy big dick and when there is anything political they have to act like they are controlling the situation, then uk goverment are the same, fucking wankers the lot of em.

There all as crooked as can be.

makes me so mad that muppets are running the fucking country, they only thing they all care about is, whats going to look good in the press.


Well-Known Member
i dont know california seems to have it headed in the rite direction.
yea, I saw a program in the uk about cali & weed and it basically looked like amsterdam although still a bit behind, however if cali got the go ahead, I wouldn't be suprise if it over took amsterdam.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Selling seeds commercially,across state lines, thru the mail system just to start. And by the law a major growing operation and web site selling it. Are u high on crack? YES.

I would imagine the child neglect charges are thrown in if he has custody or part time custody of a child in the environment of a grow op. causes those charges on sight.
back off bro


Well-Known Member
what fucking wankers, no offence to you all in usa, but why the fuck do the american laws, goverment always play the billy big dick and when there is anything political they have to act like they are controlling the situation, then uk goverment are the same, fucking wankers the lot of em.

There all as crooked as can be.

makes me so mad that muppets are running the fucking country, they only thing they all care about is, whats going to look good in the press.
we may have some problems here ,but i sure rather not live anywhere else. i dont know any place where its flat out legal. even amsterdam limits are very small to possesion, saw on tv recently there busting a indoor gro, so i dont want to hear it.