Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Wow dude I have never seen a post that was so FACTUALLY inaccurate on this forum to date.

You have the wrong planes, the wrong fuel load, the wrong fuel type, your understanding of thermite is NON EXISTENT. you understand nothing being presented here because you refuse to read any of the evidence shown. IE you do not think for yourself because you are completely close minded.

As I said, I had the correct planes - 767s, and correct fuel loads 24,000. My understanding of thermite is correct, its Iron Oxide and Aluminum. It is extremely flammable and could not have survived the fireball that was the gas igniting. Please, do not simple tell me I am wrong, tell me WHY I am wrong.

If you really think that the planes aluminum deconstructed itself into a powder, then combined with rust from steel girders that are painted and covered with spray on asbestos and then somehow got the 2500F heat required to start the reaction you sir are the truly uneducated. You don't need a chemistry degree, thermite can get so hot that it will glow red, and yet still it will not start the reaction, you need something 4-5 times hotter than Jet fuel ( Which is NOT gasoline) burns at in open air. All these supposed "Facts" you are throwing out there have all been THOROUGHLY debunked as false, all of them.

I never said it did this to make a thermite like explosion. I was making an argument about the supposed presence of thermite residue. Thermite is one of the most difficult combustibles to explode. It is chaotic, meaning it would not make a clean cut through support beams. Instead, its makes a giant hole by the area of detonation. If you look at picture of the support beams, there are clean cuts. It would also require about 5 lbs of thermite just to make a hole through a car "shell". Obviously, the outside is much less stable than the support beams of a monstrous tower. With this being said, how much thermite would you need to blast a hole in a very strong tower and then have it burn for 6 weeks (how long some fires lasted at the site)? You would need tons and tons of it to accomplish this.

When you can come up with some provable facts please post back, otherwise read the whole thread so you don't have to keep sticking your foot in your mouth, only to take said foot out and replace it with the other foot. Thermite does not explode. LOL just another "Fact" you got wrong.
Wow, I said explode instead of ignite, I must be an idiot or something!

Your posts did make me laugh though, +rep to you!!

On a side note, if I have offended anyone by attacking their intelligence, I apologize. I do not mean to insult you as a person, but obviously this is a subject that I am emotionally invested in because of my friend and therefore can get pretty heated regarding the subject.

Keep em coming! :eyesmoke:
http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/shake.htmlVideo Evidence of an Explosion at the Base of WTC 1
9/11 news broadcast: "...the second tower, the only one that was standing, tower number one ... we saw some kind of explosion, a lot of smoke come out of the top of the tower and then it collapsed down onto the streets below, much like we saw the first tower just about a half hour ago."

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hanjour.htmlHani Hanjour - 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire
"...and this is the part which is confounding me ... how do you as the terrorist have the level of sophistication to take over the controls of a sophisticated airliner jet plane to be able to fly accurately into targets like hitting dead center into the Pentagon which is a low building?"


http://www.examiner.com/x-18425-LA-...e-911-Truthers-What-is-the-911-Truth-Movementgreat intro article to share: Who are 9/11 Truthers? What is the 9/11 Truth Movement?
Van Jones, an advisor to President Obama signed a 9/11 Truth petition. Charlie Sheen challenges President Obama for a 20-minute discussion for 9/11 Truth. Who are these people? What is their evidence? What do they want?
As a teacher of high school US History courses, I attempted to professionally address this question with an appropriate classroom lesson. BTW, this issue is among the top few historical questions that my high school students want answered after examining information through Internet surfing.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtcsmoke.htmlThe Fires in the WTC Wreckage Were Not Conventional Fires
Conventional fires burning under tons of rubble would be oxygen starved, therefore the smoke produced would be black, not white. Also, large amounts of soot would have been produced in five days, therefore the temperatures of the oxygen starved fires should have been significantly lower.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/usaf_911.htmlWar Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down
There was a young man who came in and said to the vice president "The plane [Flight 77] is 50 miles out" [from Washington], "The plane is 30 miles out", and when it got down to "The plane is 10 miles out" the young man also said to the vice president "Do the orders still stand?", and the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?"
It is obvious the above orders did not involve defending Washington.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/911_pentagon_renovations.htmlThe Pentagon Renovations Completed on 9/11/2001
American Airlines Flight 77 struck the portion of the building that had already been renovated. It was the only area of the Pentagon with a sprinkler system, and it had been reconstructed with a web of steel columns and bars to withstand bomb blasts. The steel reinforcement, bolted together to form a continuous structure through all of the Pentagon's five floors, kept that section of the building from collapsing for 30 minutes--enough time for hundreds of people to crawl out to safety.
The area struck by the plane also had blast-resistant windows--2 inches thick and 2,500 pounds each--that stayed intact during the crash and fire. It had fire doors that opened automatically and newly built exits that allowed people to get out.

On a side note, if I have offended anyone by attacking their intelligence, I apologize. I do not mean to insult you as a person, but obviously this is a subject that I am emotionally invested in because of my friend and therefore can get pretty heated regarding the subject.

Keep em coming! :eyesmoke:

I have actually USED thermite, it has an extremely high ignition temperature, you can pour gasoline on it and light er up and it will NOT ignite.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite read read read, it proves all of your points wrong, then go watch some vids of people playing with thermite and tell me you see an "Explosion".

5 pounds to get through a car body LOL, wow in the Marines one 2 pound thermite grenade will not only burn through a car body, but also all the way through the engine block and in less than 30 seconds. How do I know this? I have done it!

How you got your understanding of thermite just boggles me, its nothing like you report it to be.
Keep em coming! :eyesmoke:

They are coming , you just seem to only want to respond to the weaker one here....... ME .

If you get so mad about your friends loss then why not get mad at me for calling you a liar .:blsmoke:

where did u get your thermite info ?
what happens when fire and gasoline meet?
what if the tanks were holding 100,000 gal. ?
"even 8 year olds who play Jenga know if you fuck with the bottom of the tower it goes down
of course it goes down..... right into its own footprint?
Where did u get ANY of your info ?

just answer the questions and quit playin games on this SERIOUS thread.

I think bush is an idiot but to say he would set the US up for an attack is just plain crazy

I didnt say bush did it....AT ALL. But yes he was involved somehow because he was president at the time. He could not of carried that one out by himself.
What is crazy is folks who believe that the buildings were brought down from plane impacts........... Thats more then crazy, that is plain ignorance. by the way do you have your own opinion on this matter besides bush is an idiot and didnt do it ????
Do you really believe the planes killed all those folks ?
I think bush is an idiot but to say he would set the US up for an attack is just plain crazy
No one is claiming bush was a lone attacker ... he may not have been in on the planning part ... but it is certain he knew about it. We won't know for sure what really happen that day until we have a full independent investigation. That's the point of all of this.:sleep:
http://www.rinf.com/columnists/news...th-threats-on-scholars-for-911-truth-activistFOX News Supports Death Threats on Scholars for 9/11 Truth Activist
It has come to my attention that one of your announcers, Bill OReilly, has stated on national television that he would like to see me murdered and thrown into Boston Harbor.
Since I get so many email death threats I cant keep track of them
(among the 10% of my 9/11-related emails that are negative) this is a
pretty inflammatory thing to say. If anything were to happen to me, Fox
News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family
might very well end up in control of the Murdoch fortune.

Webmaster's Commentary:
See PEW Research poll below which shows public trust of corporate media at an all-time low.

Now that would be interesting to see such a lawsuit.:bigjoint:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation."

[/FONT]Anyone know who said this? Its a quiz.
inside job, 100%.
Most people think only two towers fell 911, why?
Building 7 is never mentioned. Its a controlled demo.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation."

[/FONT]Anyone know who said this? Its a quiz.

No who said it ?
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