White House Administration escalates war on U.S. News Network

Big P

Well-Known Member
you know why I think he is being so fucked up as our president.

Its the easy come easy go thing. a few years ago he wouldnt in his wildest dreams expect to have been president in 2009

Easy come easy go as far as hes concerned. he decided he doesnt care even if he is a 1 termer as long as he can destroy this country and turn it into what he was its to be.

did he forget that his party democrats still have to worry about being re-elected?

what a fool, but you cant blame him I would have gotten heady too if I had the whole world groveling over my every move and lickin my balls before i became president

its like the rock star who gets famous and goes to his dressing room after a show and its like fuck look at all these bitches in here like a thousand hos wanna suck my dick!

its only natural to take them for granted and treat them like shit compared to the ones you actully worked hard on & spent time and money on courting

thats my theorybongsmilie


New Member
He believed his own hype...... he's not ready to be president.

While he twitters on Afghanistan, Pakistan is on the verge of becoming explosive. We lose S.Korea trade deal to the EU (a first), and Russia gets missile defense and then slaps Hillary down publicly in total humiliation. Iran gets their uranium cleaned by the Russians and French so they can make an even better bomb. Obama makes his debut at the UN and never mentions N.Korea nor Iran, but says he is after a nuke free world. they are arming themselves in the next room and he thinks his words are fooling anyone?

This guy disses our friends and cozies up to our enemies. Our allies now fear his incompetence and our enemies know they can COUNT ON IT!!

Lawdy..... worst ever?? the only happy camper is Carter...... I'll bet he never thought he'd live to see the mantle of total failure lifted from his shoulders...... what a relief!


Well-Known Member
REGARDLESS of how you feel about Obama or about Fox, ALL reasonable people should be gravely concerned when any sitting President attempts to silence the voice of the opposition. To think otherwise is to be ignorant how important free speech is to all of our other liberties.

Perhaps that is why all of the other networks recently boycotted a Whit House press conference that excluded Fox news (forcing them to admit Fox). But of course only the viewers of Fox News even know this happened.


Well-Known Member
REGARDLESS of how you feel about Obama or about Fox, ALL reasonable people should be gravely concerned when any sitting President attempts to silence the voice of the opposition.
So you admit that Fox is the "voice of the opposition" in your words?


Active Member
REGARDLESS of how you feel about Obama or about Fox, ALL reasonable people should be gravely concerned when any sitting President attempts to silence the voice of the opposition. To think otherwise is to be ignorant how important free speech is to all of our other liberties.

Perhaps that is why all of the other networks recently boycotted a Whit House press conference that excluded Fox news (forcing them to admit Fox). But of course only the viewers of Fox News even know this happened.
I think we've already covered he's not trying to silence them.
*Straps on tinfoil hat*


Well-Known Member
I think we've already covered he's not trying to silence them.
*Straps on tinfoil hat*
Attacking their credibility as a news outlet, so anytime a story is covered by them where the light don't shine down in a positive manner, is, in a sense silencing. All they must say is, "are you going to believe them? They are not even a news organization."

So what would "silencing" actually be in you're opinion? How far until this actually reaches the point of silencing? This situation of trying to discredit a news outlet, because they find blemishes, is not even a tad bit scary to you?

Sharpen you,re compasses, there may be skulldugery ahead!


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration planted questions at it's own news conferences, secretly paid conservative columnists, staged briefing sessions for conservative radio hosts, sent out a list of questions to news organizations to discredit Joe Wilson, publicly attacked NBC, MSNBC, restricted MSNBC's access to public officials, and attempted to have Keith Oberman removed from election coverage by threatening to boycott a presidental debate. And did any of you now criticiszing the current administration have ANYTHING to say about that? NO.

Obama regards fox noise as a poltical arm of the republican party. and it is. so be it. tough shit.


Well-Known Member
This is nothing new.
Nixon (Crook)
Rosevelt (Not near as great as you might think)
Lincoin (War of Northern agression)
All did similar things.


New Member
yes they did.... but emulating wrong behavior cannot be justified by saying.... 'they did it".... sounds like an 8 years olds way of reasoning.

Yes indeed, the govt. is trying to silence FOX. Wake up! When the govt. tells the "other" news agencies not to follow any of Fox's lead...that's a threat. They also are quietly telling advertisers to not run ads on FOX... if they want to curry favor fromthe govt. which has now grabbed the private sector by the privates.
A pattern is emerging.... and it isn't constitutional... not at all. It''s banana republic governing.
Is that what the American ppl voted for? I think not. One of the many reasons why Obama is in a poll free fall.


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration planted questions at it's own news conferences, secretly paid conservative columnists, staged briefing sessions for conservative radio hosts, sent out a list of questions to news organizations to discredit Joe Wilson, publicly attacked NBC, MSNBC, restricted MSNBC's access to public officials, and attempted to have Keith Oberman removed from election coverage by threatening to boycott a presidental debate. And did any of you now criticiszing the current administration have ANYTHING to say about that? NO.

Obama regards fox noise as a poltical arm of the republican party. and it is. so be it. tough shit.
very good point.....want to +rep you but have to spread the love around first...


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration planted questions at it's own news conferences, secretly paid conservative columnists, staged briefing sessions for conservative radio hosts, sent out a list of questions to news organizations to discredit Joe Wilson, publicly attacked NBC, MSNBC, restricted MSNBC's access to public officials, and attempted to have Keith Oberman removed from election coverage by threatening to boycott a presidental debate. And did any of you now criticiszing the current administration have ANYTHING to say about that? NO.

Obama regards fox noise as a poltical arm of the republican party. and it is. so be it. tough shit.
Maybe you should start a new thread about this, last I checked this is about current events.

Typical Liberal, will not address what this thread is about, blame the past administration. Obama and company do the same blame game instead of getting in the now, monkey see as monkey do? (Watch I will be called a racist for using a long used american term which was never racist)

So to your last point: Does this give him the right to censure them?


Well-Known Member
very good point.....want to +rep you but have to spread the love around first...
I should go find some threads from 6 years ago if they exist and rep people.
Please read the name of the thread and tell me how the point pertains to this conversation. Its no more than a hijacking of the current thread.


Well-Known Member
If the White House denies Fox the same access to them as every other network it is censorship. They have attempted to stop Fox from attending press conferences and Obama has only appeared on Fox a fraction of the times he has appeared on other networks.

Those other networks by the way, aggressively bury news worthy stories that don't look good for the Obama administration. They didn't cover the ACORN scandal and they don't cover Obama's associations with numerous shady characters. They didn't cover Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, Tony Rezko, Rhashid Khalidi, the Woods fund, Franklin Raines and many more. How many people even know Obama was a lawyer for ACORN? Even a blind retard should know that Obama knew damn well what they were doing just as he knew what went on in Rev. Wright's Church.

Obama couldn't pass the FBI investigation to mow the White House lawn with all those shady associations. But if you don't watch Fox, you probably haven't heard a word about any of these guys. Now who is the real news organization, one who reports news worthy stories and lets the public decide or one that buries the story so you don't get a chance. If you ask me, Fox is the ONLY real news network left. The others are just cheer leaders for Obama.


Well-Known Member
yes they did.... but emulating wrong behavior cannot be justified by saying.... 'they did it".... sounds like an 8 years olds way of reasoning.

Yes indeed, the govt. is trying to silence FOX. Wake up! When the govt. tells the "other" news agencies not to follow any of Fox's lead...that's a threat. They also are quietly telling advertisers to not run ads on FOX... if they want to curry favor fromthe govt. which has now grabbed the private sector by the privates.
A pattern is emerging.... and it isn't constitutional... not at all. It''s banana republic governing.
Is that what the American ppl voted for? I think not. One of the many reasons why Obama is in a poll free fall.
Well I think they or someone friendly to this administration at least talked them into pulling ads from Beck.:roll:

It has so far backfired, as FOX has stood by him and moved some of the ads to different slots. They have also stated that overall they are not losing money. Its still business, and the advertisers are smart, they know people are watching. :razz:

Even if I hated FOX, I would want them to succeed out of spite. And I don't like everyone on FOX.


Well-Known Member
its like the rock star who gets famous and goes to his dressing room after a show and its like fuck look at all these bitches in here like a thousand hos wanna suck my dick!

its only natural to take them for granted and treat them like shit compared to the ones you actully worked hard on & spent time and money on courting

thats my theorybongsmilie
Dude your like the Dr. Phil of relationships what you just said right there. +rep


Well-Known Member
If the White House denies Fox the same access to them as every other network it is censorship. They have attempted to stop Fox from attending press conferences and Obama has only appeared on Fox a fraction of the times he has appeared on other networks.

Those other networks by the way, aggressively bury news worthy stories that don't look good for the Obama administration. They didn't cover the ACORN scandal and they don't cover Obama's associations with numerous shady characters. They didn't cover Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, Tony Rezko, Rhashid Khalidi, the Woods fund, Franklin Raines and many more. How many people even know Obama was a lawyer for ACORN? Even a blind retard should know that Obama knew damn well what they were doing just as he knew what went on in Rev. Wright's Church.

Obama couldn't pass the FBI investigation to mow the White House lawn with all those shady associations. But if you don't watch Fox, you probably haven't heard a word about any of these guys. Now who is the real news organization, one who reports news worthy stories and lets the public decide or one that buries the story so you don't get a chance. If you ask me, Fox is the ONLY real news network left. The others are just cheer leaders for Obama.
+ rep my friend very good post.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should start a new thread about this, last I checked this is about current events.

Typical Liberal, will not address what this thread is about, blame the past administration. Obama and company do the same blame game instead of getting in the now, monkey see as monkey do? (Watch I will be called a racist for using a long used american term which was never racist)

So to your last point: Does this give him the right to censure them?
off topic - hardly - nice try


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration planted questions at it's own news conferences, secretly paid conservative columnists, staged briefing sessions for conservative radio hosts, sent out a list of questions to news organizations to discredit Joe Wilson, publicly attacked NBC, MSNBC, restricted MSNBC's access to public officials, and attempted to have Keith Oberman removed from election coverage by threatening to boycott a presidental debate. And did any of you now criticiszing the current administration have ANYTHING to say about that? NO.

Obama regards fox noise as a poltical arm of the republican party. and it is. so be it. tough shit.
These are direct accusations. Do you have any proof of this? Sounds like something one might find on the Huffington Poast.