Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics

mr west

Well-Known Member
PICS PICS PICS or a very well written discriptive passage telling us the ins and outs and round abouts of the plants. PIctures wou;d be better tho unless u can write thousands of good words.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I got an old slr camera but urd need to put film in it and get it developed lol. I can just see em down at tescos wen u go to pick the pics up lol. hehehe


Well-Known Member
Do something before your thread dies a horrible slow painful death. Lol.....
its nearly dead already 5...gonna have to give it the kiss of life

PICS PICS PICS or a very well written discriptive passage telling us the ins and outs and round abouts of the plants. PIctures wou;d be better tho unless u can write thousands of good words.
where would i start?...i will go upstairs and start counting trics lol

Here you are willy use this one.

i wish i could....i,m quite desperate.
I got an old slr camera but urd need to put film in it and get it developed lol. I can just see em down at tescos wen u go to pick the pics up lol. hehehe
my brother once developed a photo of him smoking a bong a few years ago and it came back with QUALITY CONTROL stamped on it lol:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member

Test co,mpleat mate good one at last i can see ya gals. Give me a sec to drink em in,,,,,,, kool how long they got left? How ya finding them sharing the troughs?