My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Haven't flowered yet. Once I see that the cutting is starting to grow, I will start the 12/12 cycle and hopefully add some flower nutes.


Active Member
No you dont want to do that the new root (if there is any) are very fragile and any attempt to free them from the soil will not be good.

Since you did it in soil you wont know till it shows new growth or dies. Thats about all you can do...

If it hasn't wilted yet then most likely its doing ok.. once you see new growth you will know for sure.

I clone different that the post the I linked you to.. I dont worry about cutting between nodes and at a forty five degree angle and all that, I cut were you would normaly cut.. Just leave a few nodes to support growth and i cut right below the 4th node or actually right through it
step one.jpg

Then I peel down the branches off the next node I just rip them off down the length of the stem to the bottom.
This expose more area to be able to root.
step two.jpg

Then I dip them in root tone and put them in a rapid rooter. Then I trim off half of the leaves like in the drawing.
step three.jpg

Another thing I do is when I take the cuttings from the plants, before I do anything at all but cut them off the mother. I put them all into a cup of water overnight in the refrigerator. Sounds weird but it works really well for me.

Then put them under a dome and Mist them twice a day.

The nice thing about the rapid rooters is when there rooted the roots will come right out the bottom.

At that point I put them in soil in a four inch pot, and put them under lights to veg for a while. Once you see them starting to grow and they have for sure entered the veg cycle once again you can start your LST or training or whatever you want to do, or let them flower.

Hope that helps you out some.

Sorry the drawings were done in paint in like 4 minutes so no high quality there.


Active Member
Hows the clone doing? Should be nice and dead now if it wasn't going to make it...If it still going i would say it worked.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Hows the clone doing? Should be nice and dead now if it wasn't going to make it...If it still going i would say it worked.

It hasn't changed at all, as far as I can tell :-?. Hopefully that means it's gonna survive. I am tired of having this nice fucking plant and still having to depend on unreliable pricks to smoke, so I will be flowering within the next couple of days or so regardless of the clone. I really wanted to wait until the clone showed signs of growth, cause this looks like an awesome strain and I really don't want to lose it.

The plant is now a few inches taller than before, with lots of bud sites that are dying to go. It is a little underwatered again, so don't mind the wilting.



Active Member
looking sweet man, that clone will pull thru, its just taking some time cause its hard for those tiny new roots to push thru that barky soil. give it another 2 weeks for the roots to catch up the the leaves and it will start growing good again.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
looking sweet man, that clone will pull thru, its just taking some time cause its hard for those tiny new roots to push thru that barky soil. give it another 2 weeks for the roots to catch up the the leaves and it will start growing good again.
Thanks:bigjoint: As of today the clone looks exactly the same as before. It might still be in the process of rooting, so it's possible that it will eventually grow.

Well have you started flowering yet?
Uhhhh, kinda :sad:. I was going to start 12/12 manually by putting the plant in a box for 12 hours then back out in the light again. That idea was utter fail, as I couldn't get the plant back in the light on time. This is gonna have to be timer controlled. I have the box, timer, and bulbs; now I just need the fixtures, reflectors, and 30 minutes to build the grow box.


How could I forget???? Happy New Year everyone!!


Active Member
Happy new years to you to and as of the fourth its my Bday so i will have a busy week thus far. If your clone is still doing ok then it most likely has rooted. What have you been keeping under as far as lights or lighting schedule? Did you use a humidity dome or anything? You gan give it the tug test if your brave but i would just wait a few more days and put it under 20/4 and see if it starts to grow on its own and on some size.

What kinda light are you gonna flower with? You mentioned building a fixture...

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Happy new years to you to and as of the fourth its my Bday so i will have a busy week thus far. If your clone is still doing ok then it most likely has rooted. What have you been keeping under as far as lights or lighting schedule? Did you use a humidity dome or anything? You gan give it the tug test if your brave but i would just wait a few more days and put it under 20/4 and see if it starts to grow on its own and on some size.

What kinda light are you gonna flower with? You mentioned building a fixture...
Happy bday man!! The flowering box is now finally done and ready to go. I basically took a box I had laying around (which had a white interior already) then opened all the flaps and taped them together to make one large open box. I then cut a hole on the top (actually the side) and put my lamp through it. The plant was way too tall at first, so I cut a hole in the bottom and pushed the pot through so that the plant is almost flush with the floor of the box. To cover the now open front of this box, I simply put a flat piece of cardboard with a white backing against it. This set up is not 100% light proof, but it will have to do for now. It's currently sitting in a spot that barely gets ambient light anyway, and I'm going to set up the dark cycle to be at night. My luck is apparently starting to rebound as I finally found my light timer and 40W CFL!! The plant is now under a 12/12 cycle with the 40W CFL (@2700K) and also that little 13W CFL (@9500K) just to give it some extra blue light, for the hell of it I guess. She's looking a little saggy in the pic due to underwatering. I watered her right before taking it. My next step is to get some nutes in her, cause she will definitely need it for flowering. As the buds start to grow, I will be posting tons of pics to keep everyone updated.

As for the clone, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna make it. I tugged on the stem and it came right out, no roots or nuttin. There's also some real bizarre looking moldy shit growing on the bottom of the cup :shock:. What a damn shame that is, cause this plant must have some genetics to thrive under these conditions.

High res pics:


President Kush

Well-Known Member
For now, the 40W and 13W CFLs are the only things I have access to. I am going to try to either add another 40W+ bulb, or buy another, 100W+ CFL to replace that one.

The leaves around the bud sites are starting to turn white, and the rest of plant has straightened out and looks to be thriving. I have no idea how this happening with so little light and without adding any nutes to the soil. If I get a good yield out of her and the stuff is potent, I will really be pissed at myself for not getting a c
