Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

The ONLY thing I have found 'wrong' with cannabis is ...smoking it. Like alot of other med patients I use a high quality vaporizer and/or edibles. My spouses father died of lung cancer from smoking all his life, so we don't understand why so many have to smoke 'anything' anymore. But to each his own. Unless of course you kill someone else with cancer via second hand smoke, like his wife for instance. Granted MJ doesn't have as many carcinogens as tobacco products, combustion of ANY materials releases harmful chemicals.
Drop the guilt trip, eat some hash brownies or vape a bowl and go do something good for someone else. If you want to be true to yourself, start there. ;)
Im a practicing catholic. I know about morals and what is right and wrong but im having issues with weed. Here is some issues that im dealing with on a personal level if anyone wants to join in feel free.

I know that to be good christian you have to abide by the laws but sometimes the laws are misconstrued. Lets take for example abortion. Abortion is legal but morally wrong. So just right there some laws are even wrong. So i think that marijuana even though its illigal is morally on the same page as drinking. Drinking in my opionion is worse than marijuana. you can get alcohol addiction, overdose on alcohol, impare your motor skills so severly that it kills other inocent people. just to name a few. Even our state is in dispute on the legality of marijuana and other states as well. Marijuana has just had this bad misconception that has led people to think that it is morally wrong when in all reality its not. I cant drink alcohol because im slightly allergic and have always smoked weed to aleve some issues i have like chronic pain. I guess im just looking for some reasurrance from my fellow tokers out there. My wife understands and has accepted the fact that im a smoker. She is a baptized and practicing catholic.

Am i wrong here?

oops mods please move this to the appropriate forums. sorry.

ALL translations of the Bible give direction's on this issue in the first book of Genesis.
no offense guys, and im sorry if its more church oriented than smoking bud being moral, but its related to an answer you got from the question i think its kinda on-topic. btw im not flaming you or anything, i just want to discuss it
the bible has had so much taken out from it(by the church itself to increase their power and control people)and so many translation errors how can you believe its *the word of god*? its been altered so much by power hungry people in the church these last 2000 yrs.(also, im not saying ALL of the church people were like that. but their was a good deal of them, its pretty hard to deny that their were people like that in the church.)
IMHO our creator put cannabis on this earth for us to use. To put it simply, MJ helps with many symptoms of "conditions" and helps to expand our mind.

Our lives were meant to be so much more organic. Nothing close to the way we live today. How we should be living is a whole different thread. Since living organically means no trillion dollar drug companies MJ was there as one remedy among many herbs and such to be grown and used organically, naturally. One of natures cures.

Religion becomes the real issue when it begins to interfere with what comes naturally and normally. Our creator never meant for us to have a religion. He asked us to be led from within, and to exist as spiritual beings in a vessel (ya body). That basic truth is applicable for just about any religion. So long as your not a satanist or something to that effect.

Spirituality is what you should be seeking. Forget religion and "religious" people. Grow your spirit, grow your soul. Maybe you should ditch both pot and religion for a while; and see whats left of life.

:peace: & :weed:
ahahaha, you really think i care wht you say about me? standing up to a bully does not make me a bully. im done, ive got no further reason to talk to you, i said what i wanted to say already, arguing w/a guy like you is a waste of my time.
I don't remember reading in the bible anywhere that smoking marijuana was a matter of fact doesn't the bible hint at it being a usefull plants?

What is the Word of God on the Cannabis plant? The hemp plant (scientific name: cannabis, slang: marijuana) is one of the many useful herbs "yielding seed after its kind" created and blessed by God on the third day of creation, "and God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:12) He gave hemp for people to use with our free will.
God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
The Bible speaks of a special plant. "I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29) A healing plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22:1-2) A gift from God.

Never knew these passages really existed. This is some of the best shit I have read on RIU yet. Id rep u twice if I could. One will do however.

:peace: & :weed:

Religion can kiss-ass
I just wanted to say sorry to stonesour, I didnt want to drag this thread off like that but he(hotwired) made it pretty hard to let it slide. forgive me.
if i was reading an instruction booklet, i'd make sure it had been written by people who had actually seen the item they were describing in great detail

there are that many contradictions in yer booklet that you could probably find text to justify just about anything you wanted, some if it would have to be twisted somewhat but you guys are all over that lol
no offense guys, and im sorry if its more church oriented than smoking bud being moral, but its related to an answer you got from the question i think its kinda on-topic. btw im not flaming you or anything, i just want to discuss it
the bible has had so much taken out from it(by the church itself to increase their power and control people)and so many translation errors how can you believe its *the word of god*? its been altered so much by power hungry people in the church these last 2000 yrs.(also, im not saying ALL of the church people were like that. but their was a good deal of them, its pretty hard to deny that their were people like that in the church.)

Very Very Very Very true! BUT... What I have to say about this, and what I have always wondered about this is: Yes, there are many "Lost books of the Bible" Like the Book of Enoch (great read BTW) Anyways. My issue has always been what to believe and what not to believe. Because how easy would it be for someone to alter one of those "Lost books of the Bible" and just say here, look what I found...
You guys feel what I'm sayin? I dunno, just something to think about, I'm a Christian and love God with my whole heart. I don't think that there is anything wrong at all with smoking a plant the HE put here for US.

[Genesis 1:29, Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.]

Peace brothers!
Im a practicing catholic. I know about morals and what is right and wrong but im having issues with weed. Here is some issues that im dealing with on a personal level if anyone wants to join in feel free.

I know that to be good christian you have to abide by the laws but sometimes the laws are misconstrued. Lets take for example abortion. Abortion is legal but morally wrong. So just right there some laws are even wrong. So i think that marijuana even though its illigal is morally on the same page as drinking. Drinking in my opionion is worse than marijuana. you can get alcohol addiction, overdose on alcohol, impare your motor skills so severly that it kills other inocent people. just to name a few. Even our state is in dispute on the legality of marijuana and other states as well. Marijuana has just had this bad misconception that has led people to think that it is morally wrong when in all reality its not. I cant drink alcohol because im slightly allergic and have always smoked weed to aleve some issues i have like chronic pain. I guess im just looking for some reasurrance from my fellow tokers out there. My wife understands and has accepted the fact that im a smoker. She is a baptized and practicing catholic.

Am i wrong here?

oops mods please move this to the appropriate forums. sorry.

No, it is NOT wrong. Why? Because if your morality is bible-based or ethically based, the choice is still yours to make individually.

Responsibility is the key, ie: are you hurting anyone by your actions? If not, then bible or legal ethically based arguments against your actions are simply trying to regulate behavior.

Look, drugs include anything which is used to have a desired effect on the mind/body. Jesus turned water into wine, and there's evidence that the "sacramental oil" used to anoint (by pouring over) the high priests and kings of ancient Israel was cannabis oil; which sent the recipient into a meditative trance to reach god. And Rx drugs can eliminate pain by blocking nerve responses to the brain and allow you to enjoy life again.

Humans will ALWAYS attempt to use chemicals for a desired affect and to reach different states of consciousness. Prohibiting it is a politician's trick for a pretense of moral high ground, while enriching the government's legal/punitive system...and all with the backing of their bedfellows: the Churches.

So don't be fooled by the introduction of morality into the argument. This is par for the course for religious people and the drug being prohibited is transitory with each generation. Cannabis is a particularly hated drug (along with mushrooms and natural psychedelics) because after a short while of use so many people are woken up to the BS being handed to them from most authority figures.

God does not care what your preference is for a recreational drug or a painkilling drug- unless you harm others in the process.
Im a practicing catholic. I know about morals and what is right and wrong but im having issues with weed. Here is some issues that im dealing with on a personal level if anyone wants to join in feel free.

I know that to be good christian you have to abide by the laws but sometimes the laws are misconstrued. Lets take for example abortion. Abortion is legal but morally wrong. So just right there some laws are even wrong. So i think that marijuana even though its illigal is morally on the same page as drinking. Drinking in my opionion is worse than marijuana. you can get alcohol addiction, overdose on alcohol, impare your motor skills so severly that it kills other inocent people. just to name a few. Even our state is in dispute on the legality of marijuana and other states as well. Marijuana has just had this bad misconception that has led people to think that it is morally wrong when in all reality its not. I cant drink alcohol because im slightly allergic and have always smoked weed to aleve some issues i have like chronic pain. I guess im just looking for some reasurrance from my fellow tokers out there. My wife understands and has accepted the fact that im a smoker. She is a baptized and practicing catholic.

Am i wrong here?

oops mods please move this to the appropriate forums. sorry.

All good points.. I highlighted the best ones.
There's no need for a religion or laws if people used there heart instead of their crazy little minds..

It's illegal for reasons they don't actually tell you about..

the plant could kill many billion dollar industries if utilized like our ancestors used to..

Muhahahahahaha one day... one day.. :weed:
as a catholic you should know God gave us all seed bearing plants to do with as we see fit.

No, it is not a moral issue at all. Unless you were forcing people to smoke it.
dude,your a catholic you can do anything you want ,just go to confession afterwards and say 10 hail marys and you should go straight to heaven.right..i mean,what the hay your preists can fuck little boys and still go to heaven,i think your good to go on a little bit of weed>

You know, he's right.

Do what works for you brother....good luck. Morality is in the eye of the beholder, and often that has nothing to do with God.

God why dont you people open your eyes?? Do you really think reefer is wrong because the goverment says it is??? And to be a good christen you must obey the law??? Abortion??? Fuck the law what do you really think about abortion?? Either your for it or not.
Do you really think that smoking pot is bad because the goverment says its illegal?? Think about this..When was the last time you herd pot killed someone??? Now think about this.. When was the last time you heard about cigarettes killing someone?? Is tobacco legal?? I think it is.. Or we a bad christen cause we smoke cigarettes??Open your eyes people.
god's got an entire universe to run, are we as a species so self-absorbed that some of us really believe that he gives a shit about what we do? free your minds.