You must not be paying attention...the shit they rail against is witnessed in BOTH parties.
Of course, I are the guy who cites a poll that ays 45% of doctors will quit if health care reform passes, and then continue to support the poll after I point out its flawed methodology. It must be nice to live in a world where you are immune from anything that disagrees with your lean....
...which is why you are always on the wrong side of issues.
You don't think you'd pay your bills fine with an IRS job?
I'm still waiting for the polls you talk about which seem only to be real in your fucked head
I find it funny for progressives (a true oxymoron if there ever was one) to sit around defending IRS jobs....especially a supposed stoner.
Says the guy that condones a 35 year prison sentence for 4 ounces of weed.
Still waiting for those polls, CJ.
Still waiting.
are you incredibly thick? ( It's a valid question, you may answer if you can).
Yes very thick, at least thats what your wife told me.
I'll let you back up your own claims. The burden of proof is on you in this case.
You don't think you'd pay your bills fine with an IRS job?
i dont think everyone can work for the govt. if i work irs and you work dmv and he work dpw and someone makes your food or cuts your hair thats not a sustainable economy you need to have iron workers and mines and textiles and auto manufacture and a whole lot of hard manual labor jobs people can make a living wadge at