Tea Party People and weed

You must not be paying attention...the shit they rail against is witnessed in BOTH parties.


Of course, I forgot....you are the guy who cites a poll that ays 45% of doctors will quit if health care reform passes, and then continue to support the poll after I point out its flawed methodology. It must be nice to live in a world where you are immune from anything that disagrees with your lean....

That 45% just came up again as a matter of FACT. Another and even larger poll was conducted and guess what...same result...45% are CONSIDERING leaving medicine. By the way I had "considering" in my first post...you seem to always miss detail, which is why you are always on the wrong side of issues.

You don't pay attention, not really.
Go look it up urself... you have such good sources of the truth... :lol:

I know what I know.... ivory pure on accuracy.

i notice you skipped a bit... so funny.
No, I think I will let you show me the polls. You claim they exist and you have seen them, so I will let you show me the evidence.

Until then, your 'accuracy' is just a bunch of spouting off and hoping no one will question it.
Why don't you actually do a bit of real research. Get off the spin channels and sites, and hit some serious sources.

Upgrade ur info. You need to.
oh but the bright side of things is this bill will create 17000 new jobs with the IRS so they can run up every business's ass with a microscope and make them move faster to other countrys.
fucking rocket scientists running this country i tell ya.
There was someone naive enough to say the IRS jobs were decent ones to have.... :lol:

Now there is a real sign of debate desperation.
progressives do not understand the logic behind the private sector they think all jobs come from government..what they fail to understand is the private sector are the people who pay the tax to support the government.,
without them the government cannot pay its bills(i know who ever thinks about paying bills anymore).when you rob em broke their is nothing left for the government to fleece from then.
governments are worthless they should all be abolished. we would be better and freer without them.
You don't think you'd pay your bills fine with an IRS job?

I'm still waiting for the polls you talk about which seem only to be real in your fucked head

I find it funny for progressives (a true oxymoron if there ever was one) to sit around defending IRS jobs....especially a supposed stoner.

Talk about grasping at straws..... like the country thinks we need more IRS agents looking over everyone's shoulder. Now it will be MONTHLY, instead of yearly, hence the need for 17,000 more tax gestapo agents. That's 340 per state (average) looking at you every single month.

That's your selling point??? :lol:

Get a grip son.
Says the guy that condones a 35 year prison sentence for 4 ounces of weed.


Still funny that you can't parse the context from the story.... it wasn't JUST about 4 ounces....now was it? Or are you incredibly thick? ( It's a valid question, you may answer if you can).

Still waiting for those polls, CJ.

Still waiting.

And I'm still waiting for you to get off ur arse. You can actually find the truth ... if YOU look. I'm not ur nanny (good thing for you actually).
You don't think you'd pay your bills fine with an IRS job?

i dont think everyone can work for the govt. if i work irs and you work dmv and he work dpw and someone makes your food or cuts your hair thats not a sustainable economy you need to have iron workers and mines and textiles and auto manufacture and a whole lot of hard manual labor jobs people can make a living wadge at
I'm not in a very political mood tonite...but let's just assume i could whip up a chart showing that the ONLY job growth is in the PUBLIC sector and at salary rates far above the private sector for doing the same job,....not as well.

Otherwise.... I have to get serious.