here we go with the jew hating

Dude I'm tight with a jewish guy and with an arab guy, but also a black guy and plenty of others. Truth is when I meet somebody that shit never seems to matter. I don't press my belief on others or tell others that their beliefs are wrong. I am mixed with 5 ethnicities and my wife is 3 so my kids have 8. all seperate backgrounds. I like not belonging to any race but HUMAN. I feel I have a clearer mind because I don't discriminate between cultures, I like or dislike something about all of them.

I know that jews have black jokes and chinese jokes, but if you dare say a jew joke and laugh then you are an anti semite!

Makes no sense to me.
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

"Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.
"Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.
"The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested--DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.
"How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfilment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land.
This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.
"And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.
"The antisemite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the antisemite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just 'anti-Zionist'!
"My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate antisemitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled--as others have been--into thinking you can be 'anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share.

Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--make no mistake about it."
[SIZE=-2]From M.L. King Jr., "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend," Saturday Review_XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."[/SIZE]
I love the ... I like Jews but F Israel... :lol:

Let's just disregard that the overwhelming percentage of Jews support having Israel.... so much for liking them.

Just "certain" Jews.... :wink: yah.... the code is in full effect.
So wait a sec, Your saying that If I have Arab friends that makes me antisemetic? Wow I like people period. Don't make no difference to me what skintone, religion or lack there of to me. Just be a good dude you know? People are like food, Every culture has some great dishes and some that are not what I like.
criticizing zionism is not the same as anti-semitism.
would criticizing america be the same as attacking christians?
No, it would not. Were the people of spain responsible for the
spanish inquisition? No, they weren't. But at the same time, fuck the inquisition.
Your inability to separate israel from the jewish people speaks to a resonable thought process,
but one lacking nuance.
Since the overwhelming majority of JEWS want Israel...ur statement is false.

You just like "good" Jews... according to ur perspective....disregarding theirs.
Since the overwhelming majority of JEWS want Israel...ur statement is false.

You just like "good" Jews... according to ur perspective....disregarding theirs.

my statement is not false. your viewpoint is just skewed by some obviously effective propaganda.
You think most of the jews in israel think it's cool to buldoze peoples houses and illegaly expand your border? You are such a shill, i wouldn't be suprised if you were getting paid to spout shit out of the side of your neck like you are.
The reason Obama walked out of his meeting with Netanyahu a week or two ago was: he's ready to bomb the shit out of Iran and Obama objected. It was reported Iran would have the bomb in a year- so I figure Israel still has 6 months to figure out the best way to destroy Irans facilities......
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

"Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.
"Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.
"The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested--DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.
"How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfilment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land.
This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.
"And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.
"The antisemite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the antisemite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just 'anti-Zionist'!
"My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate antisemitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled--as others have been--into thinking you can be 'anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share.

Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--make no mistake about it."
[SIZE=-2]From M.L. King Jr., "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend," Saturday Review_XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."[/SIZE]

lol So because MLK said it MUST be true

Guess I hate black people too now huh?

By that logic, consider the following

We are certain people native to North America lived here before all

They were largely taken advantage of by the Europeans in the order to gain ownership of land

I propose you lead by example and return your land to its rightful owner

Doesn't seem too appealing does it?

I love the ... I like Jews but F Israel... :lol:

Let's just disregard that the overwhelming percentage of Jews support having Israel.... so much for liking them.

Just "certain" Jews.... :wink: yah.... the code is in full effect.

Typical right wing spin

Every issue is black and white

And if you don't agree with their view you are the enemy
We are certain people native to North America lived here before all

They were largely taken advantage of by the Europeans in the order to gain ownership of land

I propose you lead by example and return your land to its rightful owner

Doesn't seem too appealing does it?

That is exactly what YOU are arguing. The Jews have always lived in that region along with the Arabs. Both have legitimate historical claim to the land. The problem arose because the Arabs chose war over peaceful coexistence.

You really need to learn the real facts of the history of the conflict and stop spouting Arab propaganda. Which by the way you do because you are a raging anti-Semite and for no other reason. You believe what you WANT to believe and you search for propaganda to back it up.

Anyone with half a brain can see who are the true aggressors in the region and who is acting in self defense.

You have already quoted the BBC and the UN which are both NOTORIOUSLY anti-Semitic. That in itself shows where your mind is.
Uhh, he's not very bright.

Don't let ur personal bigotry affect ur thinking.

Stop the EMO, and just use some common sense.

If you back terrorism, then you are against Israel.

Since the overwhelming amount of Jews SUPPORT Israel, don't try and HIDE behind them....and throw stones.

It's not spin on my part....but it is bigotry on yours.
That is exactly what YOU are arguing. The Jews have always lived in that region along with the Arabs. Both have legitimate historical claim to the land. The problem arose because the Arabs chose war over peaceful coexistence.

You really need to learn the real facts of the history of the conflict and stop spouting Arab propaganda. Which by the way you do because you are a raging anti-Semite and for no other reason. You believe what you WANT to believe and you search for propaganda to back it up.

Anyone with half a brain can see who are the true aggressors in the region and who is acting in self defense.

You have already quoted the BBC and the UN which are both NOTORIOUSLY anti-Semitic. That in itself shows where your mind is.

cool story, bro. too bad you are wrong.
my statement is not false. your viewpoint is just skewed by some obviously effective propaganda.
You think most of the jews in israel think it's cool to buldoze peoples houses and illegaly expand your border? You are such a shill, i wouldn't be suprised if you were getting paid to spout shit out of the side of your neck like you are.

Stop lying!!!!!!!!!!!

They bulldoze the homes of people who have committed terrorists acts!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, they bulldozed all the homes of the Jews when they unilaterally surrendered Gaza - an area that is now used for the sole purpose of indiscriminately launching rockets into Jewish neighborhoods.

Maybe if you weren't so blinding by your hatred you would know that Arabs have full rights in Israel which means that if their house was bulldozed without cause they could sue and recover damages in the Israeli courts.
He's not wrong at all. The antisemitism is well documented.... but you don't WANT to look.

That's a fail.

I always start from an objective point on every issue I examine...

You guys ought to try it sometime. So far, all I see is bigotry.
He's not wrong at all. The antisemitism is well documented.... but you don't WANT to look.

That's a fail.

I always start from an objective point on every issue I examine...

You guys ought to try it sometime. So far, all I see is bigotry.

you are so self deluded and twisted that i feel sorry for you. honestly.
You can't prove your point so..... I'd rather be correct.

If you think the UN is objective when it comes to Israel...ur either a liar or an idiot.... or just plain lazy. Which is it? Because the UN is most certainly anti semitic as a whole.
One of the most outrageous truths of the issue is that so many are willing to bend over backward to take the side of the Arabs contrary to all logic.

Obviously, they never stop to even consider who is more credible. Let's see, Israel is the one Democracy in the region and is light years above all the Arab countries when it comes to the rights of Arabs. All of Israel's historic sites under the Jews are open to people of all faiths. Under Arab control they were accessible only to Muslims. The Muslims have desecrated numerous Jewish holy sites and other historical treasures world wide - it is their MO. Remember the giant Buddha statues destroyed in Afghanistan? Under the Israeli's the sites are not only not destroyed but PRESERVED as historic treasures.

In Muslim countries a non-Muslim can not testify at his own trial as non-Muslims have zero rights. In Israel, Arabs hold high ranking public office and all enjoy full legal rights. The treatment of women requires no explanation.

And who exactly are these monsters from the IDF who commit these "atrocities"? Let's meet some of them.