here we go with the jew hating

While we are on the subject of credibility:

For the many readers who have requested a brief synopsis of the moral arguments in the Arab-Israeli conflict, I offer the following list of numerical data.

Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible: over 700
Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Koran: 0
Number of Arab leaders who visited Jerusalem when it was under Arab rule (1948 to 1967): 1
Number of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: approximately 600,000
Number of Jewish refugees who fled Arab countries: approximately 600,000
Number of U.N. agencies that deal only with Palestinian refugees: 1
Number of U.N. agencies that deal with all the other refugees in the world: 1
Number of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3
Number of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 0
Number of terrorist attacks by Israelis or Jews since 1967: 1
Number of terrorist attacks by Arabs or Muslims since 1967: thousands
Percentage of Jews who have praised the Jewish terrorist: approximately .1
Percentage of Palestinians who have praised Islamic terrorists: approximately 90
Number of Jewish countries: 1
Number of Jewish democracies: 1
Number of Arab countries: 19
Number of Arab democracies: 0
Number of Arab women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": thousands
Number of Jewish women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": 0
Number of Christian or Jewish prayer services allowed in Saudi Arabia: 0
Number of Muslim prayer services allowed in Israel: unlimited
Number of Arabs Israel allows to live in Arab settlements in Israel: 1,250,000
Number of Jews Palestinian Authority allows to live in Jewish settlements in Palestinian Authority: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning an Arab country for human rights violations: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning Israel for human rights violations: 26
Number of U.N. Security Council resolutions on the Middle East between 1948 and 1991: 175
Number of these resolutions against Israel: 97
Number of these resolutions against an Arab state: 4
Number of Arab countries that have been members of the U.N. Security Council: 16
Number of times Israel has been a member of the U.N. Security Council: 0
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning Israel: 322
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning an Arab country: 0
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Arab countries voted with the United States in 2002: 16.6
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Israel voted with the United States in 2002: 92.6
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who defend Zionism and Israel: approximately 1.
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who believe in diversity on college campuses: 100
Percentage of people who argue that the Jewish state has no right to exist who also believe some other country has no right to exist: 0
Percentage of people who argue that of all the countries in the world, only the Jewish state has no right to exist and yet deny they are anti-Jewish: approximately 100
Number of Muslims in the world: more than 1 billion
Number of Muslim demonstrations against Islamic terror: approximately 2

(Dennis Prager)

With statistics like these, it is only logical to side with Israel absent some major proof to the contrary. Obviously, the Jew haters in this thread CHOOSE to defy logic.
I've been to Africa a few times.... and the literacy rate is appallingly low. The Arabs are 500 years behind the western world, and it shows.
It is the DEMOCRACY of Israel which riles the Arab leadership. They then twist the easiest division ... religion.... to try and make them go away.

Here's the kicker ......If you asked a Palestinian, where they want to live, they will pick Israel.

Not Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia..... heck no. They know where their bread is buttered best.... with the Jews, and democracy.

If the Jews left.... the democracy would leave as well. Back to poverty for everyone there....back to living in a religious dictatorship....

But liberals know better.... :roll: Pathetic......
That is exactly what YOU are arguing. The Jews have always lived in that region along with the Arabs. Both have legitimate historical claim to the land. The problem arose because the Arabs chose war over peaceful coexistence.

You really need to learn the real facts of the history of the conflict and stop spouting Arab propaganda. Which by the way you do because you are a raging anti-Semite and for no other reason. You believe what you WANT to believe and you search for propaganda to back it up.

Anyone with half a brain can see who are the true aggressors in the region and who is acting in self defense.

You have already quoted the BBC and the UN which are both NOTORIOUSLY anti-Semitic. That in itself shows where your mind is.

You and CrackerJax are obviously not familiar with the concept of neutrality


Please explain that to me

Let me explain what you have done so far

You have copy-pasted biased information, making none of your own points

Typical of the right, who generally needs someone to think for them lol

I realize Jews and Arabs have coexisted in that region, however at the time of the British Mandate it was largely and Arab populated area

The only reason the British stepped in against the Ottoman Empire is because they had joined forces with the Central Powers during WW1

This threatened Britain's communication with India via the Suez Canal

During the drafting of the Mandate, Italy and France rejected the initial version because it contained the following passage:

"Recognizing, moreover, the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the claim which this gives them to reconstitute it their national home..."

Why do you think it was rejected?

Because the Allies knew whatever was to be done for Jewish people was based on sentimental grounds

I think if the findings of the Anglo-American Committee of 1946 which stated

1. That Jew shall not dominate Arab and Arab shall not dominate Jew in Palestine.
2. That Palestine shall be neither a Jewish state nor an Arab state.
3. That the form of government ultimately to be established, shall, under international guarantees, fully protect and preserve the interests in the Holy Land of Christendom and of the Moslem and Jewish faiths.

were largely rejected because each group wanted to dominate the other

As long as each group perpetuates their exclusive claim to the land, each group refuses to coexist peacefully

I find it funny you both are so dead set on not supporting terrorism when I have provided just one of many examples of Jewish terrorism

Here is another:

Irgun bombing of the King David hotel, British Administration HQ killing 92 people, mostly Arab and British

Fact, not ARAB PROPAGANDA as you will probably claim

Address some of my points instead of dismissing everything as propaganda and you will have more credibility

Prove the BBC is Anti Semitic without citing one of those ever reliable pro Israel websites I know you get 95% of your info from
Thanks CJ. I forgot to mention the Genocide in Africa being committed by Muslims. And I forgot to mention that in most of the Muslim world they are still practicing FUCKING SLAVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, but when it comes to the Jews, we ought to just take for granted everything claimed by backward, genocidal slave traders that not a single one of us would trust as far as we could throw them.

No, that doesn't make you an anti-Semite at all.
Number of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: approximately 600,000
Wow, it just "became" Israel? I believe the Zionists, Jewish army, kicked their asses out. It didn't just "become" Israel. The "Jews" came, they saw, they conquered, and to the victor went the spoils, Uhhh, but 600.000 Arabs lost their homeland. Jews=good, Zionists=bad, and yes one can separate them. Just like one can separate the American Government from Christians. Bulldozing arab housing is an outrage and should be condemned by all governments. And, no I'm not an arab, a Jew, or of any other mid-eastern culture. I have eyes and I can see atrocities on both sides. Saying the zionists Jews have the right to expand their territory at any cost is just wrong. Just like taking Native American land was wrong. Sending suicide bombers is also wrong, but the palestinians have no chance in a conflict with the Jewish army, so they send the bombers and rockets. War is fucked. This may be one war that is just fueled by hatred and not profit, a rare breed indeed.
You and CrackerJax are obviously not familiar with the concept of neutrality


Please explain that to me

Let me explain what you have done so far

You have copy-pasted biased information, making none of your own points

Typical of the right, who generally needs someone to think for them lol

I realize Jews and Arabs have coexisted in that region, however at the time of the British Mandate it was largely and Arab populated area

The only reason the British stepped in against the Ottoman Empire is because they had joined forces with the Central Powers during WW1

This threatened Britain's communication with India via the Suez Canal

During the drafting of the Mandate, Italy and France rejected the initial version because it contained the following passage:

"Recognizing, moreover, the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the claim which this gives them to reconstitute it their national home..."

Why do you think it was rejected?

Because the Allies knew whatever was to be done for Jewish people was based on sentimental grounds

I think if the findings of the Anglo-American Committee of 1946 which stated

1. That Jew shall not dominate Arab and Arab shall not dominate Jew in Palestine.
2. That Palestine shall be neither a Jewish state nor an Arab state.
3. That the form of government ultimately to be established, shall, under international guarantees, fully protect and preserve the interests in the Holy Land of Christendom and of the Moslem and Jewish faiths.

were largely rejected because each group wanted to dominate the other

As long as each group perpetuates their exclusive claim to the land, each group refuses to coexist peacefully

I find it funny you both are so dead set on not supporting terrorism when I have provided just one of many examples of Jewish terrorism

Here is another:

Irgun bombing of the King David hotel, British Administration HQ killing 92 people, mostly Arab and British

Fact, not ARAB PROPAGANDA as you will probably claim

Address some of my points instead of dismissing everything as propaganda and you will have more credibility

Prove the BBC is Anti Semitic without citing one of those ever reliable pro Israel websites I know you get 95% of your info from

Padawan, you have a lot more to answer than I do.

What is your position exactly? Are you claiming that the Jews have no right to Israel due to what you have mentioned? Are you claiming that the 7.5 million people living there ought to be pushed into the sea?

I see that you are actively seeking any stone you can find to hurl at Israel but you have yet to make a cogent point. And why have you not mentioned a single thing the Arabs have done?

I can only guess you feel that Israel was taken by force and therefore has no right to exist. I ask you then, what other countries do you feel have no right to exist?
Number of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: approximately 600,000
Wow, it just "became" Israel? I believe the Zionists, Jewish army, kicked their asses out. It didn't just "become" Israel. The "Jews" came, they saw, they conquered, and to the victor went the spoils, Uhhh, but 600.000 Arabs lost their homeland. Jews=good, Zionists=bad, and yes one can separate them. Just like one can separate the American Government from Christians. Bulldozing arab housing is an outrage and should be condemned by all governments. And, no I'm not an arab, a Jew, or of any other mid-eastern culture. I have eyes and I can see atrocities on both sides. Saying the zionists Jews have the right to expand their territory at any cost is just wrong. Just like taking Native American land was wrong. Sending suicide bombers is also wrong, but the palestinians have no chance in a conflict with the Jewish army, so they send the bombers and rockets. War is fucked. This may be one war that is just fueled by hatred and not profit, a rare breed indeed.

Your points have already been addressed. If you are to stupid or too fucking lazy to read through the thread get the fuck out.
Gee, I wish more countries were run like the Arabs run theirs...........

They can't be pro Arab (what's to emulate?)... not without looking idiotic .......... so they are just anti Jewish.....and then they just look like bigots. Lesser of two negatives I suppose.

Must be frustrating.
Your points have already been addressed. If you are to stupid or too fucking lazy to read through the thread get the fuck out.
So, you are now the RIU police. I don't read 500 word essays by a right wing asshole, I can smell you in the first paragraph, and you fucking stink.
And that is why NO ONE takes Med man seriously.....

I do pity you however. What a way to go through life...... :sad:


Why read, when it's so much easier to just be a bigot!! So smart....
And that is why NO ONE takes Med man seriously.....

I do pity you however. What a way to go through life...... :sad:


Why read, when it's so much easier to just be a bigot!! So smart....
What............I'm supposed to be serious on a pot smokers paradise? That seems like an oxymoron to me. Look CJ, You and I are like oil and water, we'll never mix. I wonder how anyone can be so emotionless as you, but I allow you your space, funny, as how you can't allow me mine. Different strokes they say. I really could care less how you and your right wing cronies view me. I have my reality and you yours. We'll never agree, and yes, I'm not one to read 500-1000 word essays by right wing idiots, cut and paste or original thought, oh that's funny, original thought, I doubt much of that exists on the right. How's that Rush Limbaugh and Beck and Hannity head going?
Gee, I wish more countries were run like the Arabs run theirs...........

They can't be pro Arab (what's to emulate?)... not without looking idiotic .......... so they are just anti Jewish.....and then they just look like bigots. Lesser of two negatives I suppose.

Must be frustrating.

you can also be against israel and not be 'pro arab' (whatever the fuck that means). Just as one can beleive in both evolution and jesus at the same time.
LOL this is too funny, a bunch of stoners on a forum are gonna solve a problem thats existed for 1,000's of years. The ego of some people is amazing.
.....original thought, I doubt much of that exists on the right.
do you really think there are any fresh ideas coming from the left these days? it's the same tired pseudo-marxist babble, proffering a nightmare that has been tried so many times before and seen to fail miserably. the incremental movement of the nation toward some totalitarian socialistic nanny-state is no more rational than the bloody revolution of the bolsheviks. the use of force to attain an illusion of fairness is still a pitiful act of cowardice. the greed of no class is any less offensive than that of any other and the envy of the have-nots can't make larceny any less of a crime. all this has been tried before, but no society has ever had the strength of character to stay the painful path of individual liberty for long enough to let it play out to an end. voices like yours have always pled for relief from their responsibilities or the powerful have changed the course, feigning compassion or merely resorting to murder and mayhem. weakness and mediocrity become the acceptable norm and the lowing of the herd is resumed.
Padawan, you have a lot more to answer than I do.

What is your position exactly? Are you claiming that the Jews have no right to Israel due to what you have mentioned? Are you claiming that the 7.5 million people living there ought to be pushed into the sea?

I see that you are actively seeking any stone you can find to hurl at Israel but you have yet to make a cogent point. And why have you not mentioned a single thing the Arabs have done?

I can only guess you feel that Israel was taken by force and therefore has no right to exist. I ask you then, what other countries do you feel have no right to exist?

My position is that Democracy in that region is absolutely essential to pulling the Middle east out of the 15th century

I believe that the claiming of land on the basis of religion and prophecy holds no merit

When we look back at the history of, for example, North America

It is obvious that settlers violently took land away from those who were here prior to them

We accept now that the way our ancestors acted was wrong

That essentially invading a country and taking advantage of its people is not a moral thing to do

The same way we accept Germany invading Poland and placing people of a certain religion in internment camps is not a moral thing to do

History has granted us the ability to actively make the distinction between moral and immoral behaviour

So yes, I personally believe the way in which Israel was granted to the Jewish people does reflect as immoral and therefore I choose not to support it

For the same reasons I choose not to support Arab - Muslim countries who would see the Jewish people wiped off the planet and still engage in many immoral behaviours

The demonization of Israel is largely because of circumstance

The reason I say this is because in modern times, where people have access to many different types of media, there is much more accountability than centuries ago when North America was taken from the Natives

I believe that a people has the right not to be persecuted based on religion or ethnicity as has happened to the Jewish people throughout history

However they have tried to assure sovereignty through unjust means
All Israel has ever done is to defend themselves from attack.

Israel has humiliated the Arabs over and over again.... and they can't forget it.

Israel is the beacon of hope to that region and the Arab leaders wish to snuff out that beacon, else it spread to their lands, and the dictatorships would come to an end.

Religion is the "public" issue. The "private" one is Democracy. then again,,, these countries sided with the Nazis.... so....