here we go with the jew hating

Liberals are easily fooled by labels. Maybe lots of folks are.

All one need do is study the period BEFORE the war broke out to see the similarities between the Soviet Union and Germany. Hitler EMULATED Stalin. Molotov visited Germany and was IMPRESSED. Hitler was IMPRESSED on how the Soviets could kill 7 million Ukrainians in a single winter, without firing a shot....

They were each taking notes from each other on how to liquidate their own "dissidents". They were the same... but with different labels...but the ideology was all LEFT. Only left wing politics has resulted in mass genocide upon native populations.

Stay in skool kidzzzzzzzzzzz.
Gaza, more than anything proves the case for Israel. For years, Jews have been warning that if they give it back it will only be used as a base from which to launch rockets and plan terrorist acts. Israel gave back Gaza and that is exactly what happened.

Why are you not asking why the Palestinians haven't made any effort to build anything there? And BTW, Hammas was in fact elected by the Palestinians so they are the official governing body as far as the people are concerned. Of course we don't recognize them, but they are in fact the elected government of the Palestinians. This in itself also kind of puts to bed and notion that the Palestinians want peace.

Gaza is a perfect example of what happens when the Israelis attempt to trade land for peace. It is an example that speaks volumes about the Arab-Israeli conflict and one that the Left has preferred to sweep under the rug.

And now you come along with some theory about how it is an open air prison constructed by Israel and a humanitarian disaster. Well, guess what, when people devote all of their resources toward an un-winable war based on hatred and beliefs from the dark ages, that is bound to be the outcome.

But, the most interesting thing is how your whole take on Gaza can possibly be so ass backward. Obviously, you are reading from the far Left propaganda playbook.

See...again you mistake me for some sort of naive hippie who doesn't know what he's talking about. And this comes after accusing me of being an anti-semite for suggesting peace might be a better option for israel than endless military operations. Keep barking up the wrong tree, bubi...

Are the part of the west bank that the PA runs not land israel traded for peace? It's pretty peaceful there....and yes, of course the fence and the idf help.

As for like to skew some facts and conveniently forget others. After the withdrawal, hamas got elected to run the PA. Nobody recognized them (rightly so in my opinion) and israel cut them off. Then there was a small civil war between hamas and fatah over who controls gaza with the fatah people getting their ass handed to them. And I'm an anti-semite for suggesting that the people caught in between are facing a serious problem?

And I am absolutely asking why the palestinians haven't gotten their shit together. First off, the whole refugee problem is a political creation. There have been millions upon millions of people who have been uprooted by conflict and most of them have moved on. The fact that they took 40 years to accept the idea that israel has a right to exist is also a bit of a problem. A lot of them glorify violence and drown out the more moderate people. But does that justify keeping a million people locked up in a slum? I don't know, but I sure as hell think israel needs to get back to negotiating....

What propaganda playbook are you reading from? Revisionist zionism?

And again....I don't understand why some american jews support this kind of hawkish, anti-arab right-wing bullshit. It's one thing to think that way if someone in your family was killed by a suicide bomber or even if you know someone who was killed or injured by the violence in the past ten years, as almost everyone in israel does. It's a completely different thing when it's coming from someone enjoys a nice comfortable life in america, flips on the evening news to see tanks in gaza and cheers for them like it was some kind of sports event. If you're so gung-ho about teaching the arabs a lesson, maybe you should move to israel and join the army. Maybe that would give you some perspective....
Liberals are easily fooled by labels. Maybe lots of folks are.

All one need do is study the period BEFORE the war broke out to see the similarities between the Soviet Union and Germany. Hitler EMULATED Stalin. Molotov visited Germany and was IMPRESSED. Hitler was IMPRESSED on how the Soviets could kill 7 million Ukrainians in a single winter, without firing a shot....

They were each taking notes from each other on how to liquidate their own "dissidents". They were the same... but with different labels...but the ideology was all LEFT. Only left wing politics has resulted in mass genocide upon native populations.

Stay in skool kidzzzzzzzzzzz.

Yes, and if school kicks you out for being a pompous dimwit, like CJ, try wikipedia....

At the beginning of the 1930s, the Nazi Party's rise to power increased tensions between Germany, the Soviet Union and other countries with ethnic Slavs, which were considered "Untermenschen" according to Nazi racial ideology.[9] Moreover, the anti-Semitic Nazis associated ethnic Jews with both communism and financial capitalism, both of which they opposed.[10][11] Consequently, Nazi theory held that Slavs in the Soviet Union were being ruled by "Jewish Bolshevik" masters.[12] In 1934, Hitler himself had spoken of an inescapable battle against both Pan-Slavism and Neo-Slavism, the victory in which would lead to "permanent mastery of the world", though he stated that they would "walk part of the road with the Russians, if that will help us."[13] The resulting manifestation of German anti-Bolshevism and an increase in Soviet foreign debts caused German–Soviet trade to dramatically decline.[14] Imports of Soviet goods to Germany fell to 223 million Reichsmarks in 1934 as the more isolationist Stalinist regime asserted power and the abandonment of post-World War I Treaty of Versailles military controls decreased Germany's reliance on Soviet imports.[8][15]
In 1936, Germany and Fascist Italy supported Spanish Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, while the Soviets supported the partially socialist-led Second Spanish Republic under the leadership of president Manuel Azaña.[16] In 1936, Germany and Japan entered the Anti-Comintern Pact,[17] and were joined a year later by Italy.[16][18] Thus, in a sense, the Spanish Civil War became also the scene of a proxy war between Germany and the USSR.[19]
Hitler's fierce anti-Soviet rhetoric was one of the reasons why the UK and France decided that Soviet participation in the 1938 Munich Conference regarding Czechoslovakia would be both dangerous and useless.[20] The Munich Agreement that followed[21] marked a partial German annexation of Czechoslovakia in late 1938 followed by its complete dissolution in March 1939,[22] which is seen as part of an appeasement of Germany conducted by Chamberlain's and Daladier's cabinets.[23] This policy immediately raised the question of whether the Soviet Union could avoid being next on Hitler's list.[24] The Soviet leadership believed that the West may want to encourage German aggression in the East[25] and that France and Britain might stay neutral in a war initiated by Germany, hoping that the warring states would wear each other out and put an end to both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.[26]
For Germany, because an autarkic economic approach or an alliance with Britain were impossible, closer relations with the Soviet Union to obtain raw materials became necessary, if not just for economic reasons alone.[27] Moreover, an expected British blockade in the event of war would create massive shortages for Germany in a number of key raw materials.[28] After the Munich agreement, the resulting increase in German military supply needs and Soviet demands for military machinery, talks between the two countries occurred from late 1938 to March 1939.[29] The third Soviet Five Year Plan required massive new infusions of technology and industrial equipment.[27][30]
On 31 March 1939, in response to Nazi Germany's defiance of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia,[31] the United Kingdom pledged the support of itself and France to guarantee the independence of Poland, Belgium, Roumania, Greece, and Turkey.[32] On 6 April Poland and the UK agreed to formalize the guarantee as a military alliance, pending negotiations.[33] On 28 April 1939, Hitler denounced the 1934 German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact and the 1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement.[34]
Wiki.... please.... don't make me laugh...

Kids... if you are in skool, let Uncle Cracker clue you in.... never use Wiki as a source...ever.
Liberals are easily fooled by labels. Maybe lots of folks are.

All one need do is study the period BEFORE the war broke out to see the similarities between the Soviet Union and Germany. Hitler EMULATED Stalin. Molotov visited Germany and was IMPRESSED. Hitler was IMPRESSED on how the Soviets could kill 7 million Ukrainians in a single winter, without firing a shot....

They were each taking notes from each other on how to liquidate their own "dissidents". They were the same... but with different labels...but the ideology was all LEFT. Only left wing politics has resulted in mass genocide upon native populations.

Stay in skool kidzzzzzzzzzzz.


I guess it was coinkydink that Hitler and Mussolini got along so famously?

The fact is

Fascism is an ideology of the right, ask the scholars, do not rely on Glenn Beck as a source

They were strongly anti-communist

The reason most affairs were state run is solely because they wanted to ameliorate social conditions post WW1, not because of egalitarian reasons

Why would a proponent of Social Darwinian policies support helping the feeble?

Hitler opposed the word "Socialist" being in the party's name which was originally proposed by Anton Drexler
they did not get along famously.... you have erred. You should refrain from talking off of the top of your head.... not good.


who said this????

"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Jewry, would be the self-emancipation of our time.... We recognize in Jewry, therefore, a general present-time-oriented anti-social element, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily dissolve itself. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Jewry".
they did not get along famously.... you have erred. You should refrain from talking off of the top of your head.... not good.


who said this????

"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Jewry, would be the self-emancipation of our time.... We recognize in Jewry, therefore, a general present-time-oriented anti-social element, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily dissolve itself. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Jewry".
Who is Karl Marx?
Hahaha.... I should have known... JO ftw!

Yes.... it seems the similarities just keep stacking up..... :wink:

Which countries wore these symbols???

Hahaha.... I should have known... JO ftw!

Yes.... it seems the similarities just keep stacking up..... :wink:

Which countries wore these symbols???



At least we know your source


I wonder if the Hindus who invented it thousands of years ago knew that

This Rex Curry sure does sound credible


Anyone with half a brain can tell that you are misinformed

I'm all about politeness but your stupidity is appalling

The real question is, what does this have to do with Fascism being a right wing ideology?

Deflection is the only thing you successful at
So the picture is forged?

Stay focused.... I think I found one of your problems.

By the way... your sourcing is in error. What a surprise. Not from there. It is a historical document however....

So as anyone who is not brain dead can see..... the two ideologies are LINKED together.... hardly OPPOSITES.

Stay in skool kidzzz....

and don't go to batemans skool....
Yes, wikipedia is a terrible source.... I only trust glenn beck and rexcurry. If you had actually been to school you would understand the difference between fascism and communism and wouldn't need to rely on ridiculous shit from the internet at all.
Progressive ideals are inherently fascist. And Fascism is not limited to one party either.

Meaning the "Right equates to Fascist" paradigm is an invention of the Left.

Consider the following initiatives:

Government Schools (Republican and Democrat) - Fascist

Anti-Tobacco Programs (Republican and Democrat) - National Socialist German Workers Party

Social Justice (Democrat) - Fascist

Social Security (Republican and Democrat) - Fascist

Government Health Care (Democrat) - Fascist

Police State (Republican and Democrat) - Fascist

Fear and loathing of Free Market Capitalism (Democrat) - Fascist

Corporatism (Republican and Democrat) - Fascist

Gun Control (Democrat) - National Socialist German Workers Party

Eugenics (Capital Punishment - Republicans / Abortion - Democrats) - Fascist
Social engineering which is the crusade of the left is what it is all about.

A basic denial of human nature (capitalism) is reinvented by political means...and when the ppl NATURALLY resist (because of human nature).... at some point.... the citizen becomes the ENEMY. Right now we see an example of it with the Tea Party ppl. They want individual freedom restored. they want the govt. to back off and out of their private lives.... and how do the liberals react? Call them the ENEMY.

Left unchecked.... it ends in blood every time. Germany, Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, N. Korea, on and on it goes.... the left, once entrenched and fully in some point...starts shooting everyone.
Social engineering which is the crusade of the left is what it is all about.

A basic denial of human nature (capitalism) is reinvented by political means...and when the ppl NATURALLY resist (because of human nature).... at some point.... the citizen becomes the ENEMY. Right now we see an example of it with the Tea Party ppl. They want individual freedom restored. they want the govt. to back off and out of their private lives.... and how do the liberals react? Call them the ENEMY.

Left unchecked.... it ends in blood every time. Germany, Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, N. Korea, on and on it goes.... the left, once entrenched and fully in some point...starts shooting everyone.

Clear misunderstanding of the term social engineering, as any policy or governance has the effect of changing behaviour and thus is social engineering to an extent

Conservative talking point - big surprise

Teabaggers are not the enemy

They are a crazed mass who has a poor understanding of reality
Hitler gleaned much of his views about Jews from this book.

The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion (Russian: "Протоколы сионских мудрецов" or "Сионские протоколы") is one of many titles given to an antisemitic text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people. Following its first public publication in 1903 in the Russian Empire, a series of articles printed in The Times in 1921 revealed that much of the material was directly plagiarized from earlier works of political satire unrelated to Jews.

And of course there were the pogroms in Russia in which Jews were horribly persecuted.

The real similarities between all totalitarian regimes is that they are universally contrary to human rights. Imagine a number line with equality being on the far left and liberty being on the far right. Note that the two are necessarily polar opposites as when you increase liberty, you necessarily decrease equality and vise versa.

The fact is, the Nazis were hugely into government control and massive social programs so in essence they were toward the left on this line. They were also heavily into state sponsored propaganda which has Left written all over it.

I also know that some people define fascism as being a Right wing trait. If we look at the religious right we see people who want us all to live by a moral code as opposed to the left who wants to see everyone make their own rules as you go. I guess, if you are an anarchist, you could see American Conservatives as fascist in that we believe in having laws. I think however that the comparison is a real stretch and only made to deamonize the Right.

Really, I think it is unfair to try to label either side with a pejorative title, especially when it comes to the Nazis. What we should be doing is looking at the reality of what each side pushes for. The Left is certainly pushing for more of a Socialist type government.
Clear misunderstanding of the term social engineering, as any policy or governance has the effect of changing behaviour and thus is social engineering to an extent

Conservative talking point - big surprise

Teabaggers are not the enemy

They are a crazed mass who has a poor understanding of reality

How far up your ass is your head?

Do you have no concept at all of the current state of affairs in this country? The Right pushes for the free market. The free market of ideas and the financial free market. The Left does everything they can to control and micromanage both. I know people on the Left who have specifically went into teaching for the sole purpose of indoctrinating children with their radical left views. That, is social engineering.
Rick, you do realize that the forgery of the 'protocols' and pogroms all took place under the czarist regime? And for many jews in russia who weren't considered 'bourgois' because they owned a business, life actually got a little bit better under the bolsheviks....until the nazis came, that is. If there's one good thing to be said about the soviets, it's that they treated everyone equally shitty regardless of race, gender or creed.
The point being that it is the left end of the political spectrum which ends up liquidating ppl.... to achieve political and social goals.
How far up your ass is your head?

Do you have no concept at all of the current state of affairs in this country? The Right pushes for the free market. The free market of ideas and the financial free market. The Left does everything they can to control and micromanage both. I know people on the Left who have specifically went into teaching for the sole purpose of indoctrinating children with their radical left views. That, is social engineering.

Apparently not far enough

No, friend

That is not the meaning, that is the connotation added to the term "social engineering" by righty fucktards in order to insight fear, pretty much the only thing you guys are effective at

The world has seen the free market with minimal regulation , its obvious why people are fed up

It's also obvious CrackerJax is only concerned with demonizing anything left of the far right

No matter what facts are before him

Were you home schooled by Glenn Beck?
Apparently not far enough

No, friend

That is not the meaning, that is the connotation added to the term "social engineering" by righty fucktards in order to insight fear, pretty much the only thing you guys are effective at

The world has seen the free market with minimal regulation , its obvious why people are fed up

It's also obvious CrackerJax is only concerned with demonizing anything left of the far right

No matter what facts are before him

Were you home schooled by Glenn Beck?
By 'minimal regulation' are you referring to the SEC regulators spanking their monkeys to porn on taxpayer computers while on the 'job?'

All the regulations in the world are useless if the regulators are playing with themselves. :lol:

Who uses the word 'fucktard' these days? :dunce: