Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

Go to church and have a tacco and tobacco.American are all shit they've fucked the indians learning them to booze and the indians make even teaching them to smoke,now all the world have get fine with chainsmokers and drunks :). They made people drink XANAX instead of weed
I linked so u can find answers to your questions .I am no MASTER SUNGAZER its a talk about water. My posts were in order to inform people interested in practicing. I tired of proving truth < The master sungazer said : TRUTH IS THE LAST THING MODERN PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE>! TOCHET u r just too advanced with your knowledge :). Mayans built pyramids thats cool /we build scyscrapers , They had a weapon of mass destruction we have two... their was just more powerful than ours they vanished from the first try We would need a couple more of WORLD WARS. We are all misguided .... No matter if u r mayan tracian indian ot whatever STRAINS OF PEOPLE THEY ARE DETERMINED. U MUST BE HAPPY THAT U LEAVE IN TIME WHEN TRUTH CAN BE SEEN AND U CAN CHECK IT ON YOUR OWN. BUT THIS IS A TIME WHEN A LIE IS ALSO EASY To OCCUR. START SEARCHING TRUTH do not waste your time with lies
How many moayans do u know in person.Mayans were so advanced that they've killed all their people,,,, they use the power wrong cause they are misguided.....

I'll leave out the part about reading cause you obviously haven't done any outside this topic.

All of the Mayans did not disappear; although millions did vanish, all at once, about 1,200 years ago, in the ninth century AD. There are many, many Mayans living today, principally in Guatemala. There are approximately 5 million Mayans living today in Guatemala and southern Mexico. There are approximately 20,000 of them living in southern California. These fled the Guatemalan persecution by the army in the 1980's.

and those are facts.

I probably know more about this guy (HRM) than you do, I read three site worth of his "information" in the last 20 minutes.

In regards to the Balkan State of Mind forum post about "the most accurate calendar" in the world, your kidding right? The Mayans developed the concept of zero. Let the Bulgarians do math with out that little important piece of info. Odd part is, that was the only thing I could find out on the topic of this calendar of "your people" is posted in a couple of forums, no factual claim what so ever.
I will explain first how did i get to this information. I've been practicing Sungazing.There many people in the world who practice this so if u r interested check online it improved my quality of life very much.Plants are the second forms of light,Sun illuminate earth and charges her to produce plants,animals are 3rd form of light and they feed from plants ,predators are the 4th form of light they eat the 3 form. After going from one for in another the light looses its purity.Advanced sungazers don't need food and drink like a glass of water a week believe it or not ,the guy i've met was an indian engineer just a regular guy,he hasnt eaten since year 2000 . So sun is the ultimate source of energy the purest energy (no carbohydrates ,no fats , no polution :) First u start gazing when sun go up there is like 1h30m to watch it and the same amount of time before sundown) u start with 15 seconds increasing the amount with 15 seconds every next day till u reach 45 mins of sungazing (can take up to two years to reach that) than u r completely healed and dont need almost any food or water and can contain this with 10 minutes of profilaktic sungazing a day I can upload a video with this guy if someone is interested.
So to the theme how to make Suncharged Water:
First u need a glass vessel like a jar .the bigger the garden the bigger the jars or many..
Fill the jar with water, close it and put it in the sun.When the water gets warm than means that it is already ionized and suncharged .The charge last for 24-48 hours decreasing with time.This water is very good for you and your plants.The moment it enters the body it raises energy levels ,more than every energy drink try it yourself and do not drink before u go to sleep :) or u will have hard time getting a nice sleep.
Plants love sunlight in every form .Watering with charged water is like giving them sunlight injection.Indoor plants just love it :). Try it one your plants try it on you .. Its just water no harm could be done . View attachment 942489

I heard this same shit about 4 years ago. When i was working in iraq, we had tons of little indian dudes that worked with us. and one of them told me his father had not eaten for like 10 years. ive been doing the same shit with my plant's water ever since then. i even do my fert tea the same way. except i leave my bottles open to alow any free radicals and gasses to excape. Also i just seen a thing on Yahoo about an old ass indian man who says he hasnt eaten in 70 years. doctors kept him confined for 2 weeks and sure as shit no food or nothing and this dude is still alive.
"his (hrm) information is lacking facts and science and seems to be written simply for everyone to understand, in a way. the theory can be supported scientifically but isnt. Which is disappointing.
Go to church and have a tacco and tobacco.American are all shit they've fucked the indians learning them to booze and the indians make even teaching them to smoke,now all the world have get fine with chainsmokers and drunks :). They made people drink XANAX instead of weed

Ok, now its personal you piece of shit, what an ignorant fool you are to classify an entire race of people, last time I checked that made you a racist. And even more so the fact that you are communicating with a Lakota tribe member, so don't talk to me about my people you piece of worth less shit. You are completely uneducated and I'm starting to believe slightly mentally challenged as is your Guru, (self admitted fyi)

Furthermore, being an American Lakota I take great pride in laughing at your ignorant looking ass typing 50 mistakes per post in spelling and grammar and then telling me not to tell you how to use English.

You take the cake my friend, more advanced than the Mayan calendar, they built a couple pyramids, lol, your a stooge!! Try irrigation, aqueducts, water storage, conduit piping, Next time you take a shit on your Bulgarian toilet you better thank a Mayan for making that fucker work properly cause with out them you'd be wiping your ass with a leaf, barefoot, while sungazing.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I won't keep arguing this out. Your an idiot so I am outgunned.

"Don&#8217;t argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".Greg King
Its sadly that no goverment will let this in a research ? Why to teach people to the use of no or less resources. If u meet this guy ,visit one of his courses(they are totally free,) he will explain it to u like a Physics Degree DUDE . He said that makin some scientist observe him was the hardest part ... no one trusted him he couldnt eat for years even he was a fellow scientist .
"his (hrm) information is lacking facts and science and seems to be written simply for everyone to understand, in a way. the theory can be supported scientifically but isnt. Which is disappointing.
Its sadly that no goverment will let this in a research ? .

it just gets thicker and thicker, no research is because of lack of private funding buddy, means no believes in it, and more than likely for a reason.

and I hope this wasn't to me,

"closed hearts never find truth and are always misguided until they are opened."
Hahahahhahah .Go get a handjob in order to realease some energy then u go and have a sleep like a baby after its shower... Gladly It came to light that u r a just a guy thats counting peoples grammar mistakes and not getting to the essense ...a shame for your tribe cause i read that Most prized lakota's ability is to be able to laugh at the jokes or the offends they make to you.
Ok, now its personal you piece of shit, what an ignorant fool you are to classify an entire race of people, last time I checked that made you a racist. And even more so the fact that you are communicating with a Lakota tribe member, so don't talk to me about my people you piece of worth less shit. You are completely uneducated and I'm starting to believe slightly mentally challenged as is your Guru, (self admitted fyi)

Furthermore, being an American Lakota I take great pride in laughing at your ignorant looking ass typing 50 mistakes per post in spelling and grammar and then telling me not to tell you how to use English.

You take the cake my friend, more advanced than the Mayan calendar, they built a couple pyramids, lol, your a stooge!! Try irrigation, aqueducts, water storage, conduit piping, Next time you take a shit on your Bulgarian toilet you better thank a Mayan for making that fucker work properly cause with out them you'd be wiping your ass with a leaf, barefoot, while sungazing.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I won't keep arguing this out. Your an idiot so I am outgunned.

"Don&#8217;t argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".Greg King

Sry if i have offended u :) it was in the circle of joke :), Go get the BIG TATANKA :) and make peace to your soul :). If i am making u angry ,i am doing a harm to you.Do not be angry :) be cheerful :)/ That the INDIANS main quest.
There happens to be a lot of "spiritual truth" in the historic religious texts. The trick is to establish you faith in a creator on a private basis and then make your own journey towards that creator utilizing your own mind and spiritual instincts. Read anything and everything that has integrity and decide for yourself within your own authority what fits and what doesn't. Each person is given their own authority and tools to seek out a creator. The problem with religion is they don't tell you that and they get your money too.

There is nothing wrong with knowing yourself, knowing your place in the universe, and seeking out a creator if it's there. Personally I love life and all the living things in it because it's mind blowing. All created things are mindblowingly divine if they are seen with the right perspective.

Just remember, your journey belongs to you and no one has authority over your faith or your spiritual path. Within this understanding there is nothing wrong with learning from wise people who have come before us (Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed). Maybe they have something to offer us to help us move our human family forward towards Peace. I like to not criticize other people's way because we are all created of the same stuff and we all are challenged to know ourselves and find our place in this universe. If anything war, greed, and the military industrial complex is rotting our future as a family. We must stop fighting each other. We must collaborate and cooperate and cultivate and nurture the good in each other. IMHO, take it or leave it.



Or because If people used less, less money would be made. maybe money would be unnecessary, we all got to where we are now for want of more of everything. We are slaves to our own creation, Money consumes our lives. Open your heart to that ideal.
Or because If people used less, less money would be made. maybe money would be unnecessary, we all got to where we are now for want of more of everything. Open your heart to that ideal.
See everyone has something valuable to offer. I agree we should try to be open to ideas as much as possible. Anyone with anything to learn must be open to the learning of it.
If there are no money then what >? what will make u obey YOUR GOVERnMENT (By obeying i mean shit like taxes and going in jail for a joint )
There happens to be a lot of "spiritual truth" in the historic religious texts. The trick is to establish you faith in a creator on a private basis and then make your own journey towards that creator utilizing your own mind and spiritual instincts. Read anything and everything that has integrity and decide for yourself within your own authority what fits and what doesn't. Each person is given their own authority and tools to seek out a creator. The problem with religion is they don't tell you that and they get your money too.

There is nothing wrong with knowing yourself, knowing your place in the universe, and seeking out a creator if it's there. Personally I love life and all the living things in it because it's mind blowing. All created things are mindblowingly divine if they are seen with the right perspective.

Just remember, your journey belongs to you and no one has authority over your faith or your spiritual path. Within this understanding there is nothing wrong with learning from wise people who have come before us (Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed). Maybe they have something to offer us to help us move our human family forward towards Peace. I like to not criticize other people's way because we are all created of the same stuff and we all are challenged to know ourselves and find our place in this universe. If anything war, greed, and the military industrial complex is rotting our future as a family. We must stop fighting each other. We must collaborate and cooperate and cultivate and nurture the good in each other. IMHO, take it or leave it.




I agree with every word of this, there have been many great spiritual teachers in history but stories fade and new lines are written and things become tainted and diluted by the motives and views of others. This is why religions are so dangerous. They are also important because they provide a moral foundation to stand upon. If you cant see the truth between the lines then religion isn't for you.
Wisdom is taken out of its time ? Do u know what means turn the other cheek ? It doesnt mean love.... or whatever it is supposed to mean, If u read one of the jewish holy books that happens to be a bit older than the bible.. There are many racist text like The property of a goya belongs to that jew that first attends to it ... .So face if Christianity is a jewish product that leads to obediance :) ... I wonder who was farming the jews before they started farming the rest of the world ;).

I dont say there are not good thoughts that can be used today but they will be out of context and time... I will make an example TODAY 05-19-2010 i am saying :"SHIT"
After 378 years someone will say :) : Shit is the best think i have ever heard.It made me a better person :)

I have a personal question : are the words determining the race or religion offendful in Your country ? I mean not to offend any religious Dudes. I have friends that are jews, moslems ,christians ... etc. but in my country mojority of people are very poor and unhappy and i think those bad things unite us :) more than they divide us :) I am a middle class for my country living with 150 $ a month.(that is quite enough)
If there are no money then what >? what will make u obey YOUR GOVERnMENT (By obeying i mean shit like taxes and going in jail for a joint )
Ironic thing is we pay them partly to make us pay them, or put us in jail for a joint. Isn't that the most retarded part of it all?
You are so off base to think you even have a clue brother. I pointed out your grammar because it was atrocious, pointed it out further after you assumed you comprehend the English language better than me.

There are three kinds of people in the world,
those that can,
those that cant,
and those that wont.

if you can speak in English correctly why wouldn't you? leaves us with cant or wont, if you cant, just say so its all good, its not required where you live probably, if you won't, well, that says volumes in itself.

And please don't patronize me with phrases like "Big Tanaka" acting as if you've done more than Google the word Lakota and click the third answer down man, its an insult. The "Bull Buffalo" are protected.

The INDIANS main quest? LOL, thats already long gone my friend. See the white man traded us small pox covered blankets for our corn. Once we realized those fuckers tried to kill us we stepped back and took a look at the situation over a few piece pipes and decided that we couldn't beat em' so we would have to join em'. In the most literal sense of the word. They didn't kill us off, lol, we bred into every cultural group that came here!! Why do you think so many American's have " indian in them somewhere" Our quest has long been fulfilled, our blood will carry on.

Post Scriptum: Now you know why our nature is to laugh. Try not to forget we were also known for something not so funny
You are so off base to think you even have a clue brother. I pointed out your grammar because it was atrocious, pointed it out further after you assumed you comprehend the English language better than me.

There are three kinds of people in the world,
those that can,
those that cant,
and those that wont.

if you can speak in English correctly why wouldn't you? leaves us with cant or wont, if you cant, just say so its all good, its not required where you live probably, if you won't, well, that says volumes in itself.

And please don't patronize me with phrases like "Big Tanaka" acting as if you've done more than Google the word Lakota and click the third answer down man, its an insult. The "Bull Buffalo" are protected.

The INDIANS main quest? LOL, thats already long gone my friend. See the white man traded us small pox covered blankets for our corn. Once we realized those fuckers tried to kill us we stepped back and took a look at the situation over a few piece pipes and decided that we couldn't beat em' so we would have to join em'. In the most literal sense of the word. They didn't kill us off, lol, we bred into every cultural group that came here!! Why do you think so many American's have " indian in them somewhere" Our quest has long been fulfilled, our blood will carry on.

18 million native north americans were wiped out by europeans. The best I can do is never forget and never stand by that kind of insanity again.
well Im just a pure filthy American derived from Russian, bohemian, Italian, German, Irish, swed, and dutch.