What was the governments reason for the part of the Civil Rights Act that said you cannot refuse service based on color and so on?
I am guessing it had to do with people bitching about not wanting to have to serve the recently 'freed' black people, and bitched so much and lobbied washington to pass the jim crow laws. Then later when it got repealed it was because a large portion of people where screaming to get the same rights, and you had entire communities suffering because of it, which moved a large portion of the white people at the time that could care less one way or another to agree that they should be changed, and the laws got changed.
At least that is how I am pretty sure it went.
But I am with you, anytime the government gets involved with moral issues it is usually after the horrors took place, and are obvious something needed to be done for a looong time, or they react on stuff that they never should because of how much lobbying and screaming the voters are doing and the politicians are just trying to keep them voting for them so they can keep their job.
The only thing I really said is that restaurants was that economically speaking owners of 'white only' establishments did it most likely for one of two things, they were indeed racist, or the vast majority of their clients were racists or did not want to look like they were not racist. So sadly economically it was their best decision to stay a white establishment, because the black people of the time where dirt poor.
Your premise of total collapse without the fed can't be proven at all, but I can Guarantee that the US Dollar will become worthless due to actions taken by the federal reserve.
The dollar is by far the most important global currency. 85%ish of all foreign transactions involve the us dollar, because it is the only currency that most foreign investors trust when doing multi national deals. Sure they can go to the euro, but that is looking dangerous to keep billions in it, it can go to the yen but they are not the strongest, or the yuan but if they are currency manipulating that is dangerous as an investor. So if you just remove the dollar from that, world business slows as transactions take far longer to complete.
But mostly you look at foreign holding of us currency, the amount of foreign countries that hold a huge portion of us dollars is pretty much all of them. Because they know it is more stable than their dollar. So if the Fed drops out, you yourself understands America is instantly in a depression. All that build up currency is essentially worthless, and when we do into depression, that ends the Americans buying their goods and services, and when you wreck the largest economy by far:
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And you essentially push these countries that depend on us as a huge trading partner for them:
View attachment 976690
Which there is not another country out there yet that can just take over our role and purchase all those goods, and that means huge unemployment, which leads to economic meltdowns as people start to default, on and on. And you can trace it back to us destroying the Fed which is not some evil entity, it is just not at the whim of the economically retarded lawyers we vote into office.
I don't for the life of me understand why anyone would want complete control over our money totally in the hands of our government. All the conspiracy theories (that are mistaken) about the Fed creating money is bullshit, because they cannot issue new treasuries or purchase new treasuries, their control over the money supply is only what is out in the system, all the treasury securities they own, where already at one point purchased by a bank with the money they are holding for the depositors.
And when the Fed buys them it is injecting that money back into the system to stimulate the economy and lower interest rates (because of more dolalrs in banks hands they will usually reduce the interest rates on loans, which leads to more investing, which leads to higher GDP). Or they sell them back to the banks to slow the economy (revers, they are pulling out money from the banks which increases the interest rates, and that lowers investment, and that lowers GDP). That is why they are targeting usually 2.5% inflation, because it is a level that has shown to keep the economies wheel greased and unemployment low.
Its already 96% devalued since 1913, and that can easily be proven. How much longer until it has no value at all?
How many Ipods could you purchase back in good ole 1913? Or cars, or tvs, or anything. The value of the dollar is not in the number that is written on it, it is what you can purchase with it. Imagine how much of your yearly pay you would need to spend to buy anything back then, vs today. Goods are better, less expensive (if you understand to base it off a % of how much you earn), and far more available.
So unless we change currency, or decide to give the government full reigns over our money, I would say we have at least a good hundred years or so before America collapses onto itself. Due to its people becoming too stupid and other countries pushing past us in the global scale meaning that we will have to not be top dog and having to learn how to do things better and smarter again. But I am sure somehow we will pull ourselves up and figure out a way to move again. Because we are humans and as a race we are very resilient.
But that is just looking at how stuff is today, not taking into account a world war that leaves us devastated, or some dude riding down on a horse with lion heads and serpent tails to kill us all.
You are misguided to think that businesses getting bigger is bad. The opposite is true until you get into monopolies and then one needs to weigh in on the facts. Because you have a monopoly doesn't always mean they'll squeeze the market and sky rocket prices.
And to pile onto who ever said that, the monopolies usually get to that position because they are able to do their work at such a low cost due to having large efficiencies that they can sell the goods for far less than any other company can. Which means we benefit greatly when this happens because we can buy our stuff at lower prices and now have other areas open to us spending the rest of the money we would have had to pay for the more expensive good.
So that company that would have tried to compete only to fail because they had to sell it at a higher price, can use their resources to open up a different company in a sector that we can benefit (economically speaking) greater from as a society.