yeah its like HIV, once its got ya its got ya, its just a matter of when it will show up..
Your temps should be fine, fluctating temps often help to strengthen the mycelium, just like outside, sometimes its 100degrees, then it can drop to 60, mushrooms survive this..
Prepping your final substrate
Chop all your straw down to 2-3in pieces, a little bigger or smaller is fine, and submerge it in water while you chop you poo..
You want to grind up the poo until its like premium soil, just tiny chlittle chunks, not dime sized globs. most of the time, misting with the water hose before starting will help it break up easier.
Now pull your chopped straw out by the handfuls, squeezing access water out. Remember Field Capacity
Mix 1-1-1 Poo-Straw-Verm
Youll have to add water and mix by hand, and mix thoroughly.
Now get the final mix to Field Capacity..
Alot of poeple Pasturize, or soak thier mediums in really hot water for over night. I Pressure cook becasue its more of a dead on kill of any contam that pasturizing can let live.
You can Pressure Cook your final substrate 1 of 2 ways.
#1 Load up wide mouth quart mason jars- This requires 90mins of PC'ing, and makes spreading your mix a breeze.
#2 Turkey Bags- Requires a 120min PC Because its a larger, more solid chunk than jars with space between them, therefor it takes more time to heat the core of the substrate.
If you were to go with jars you could easily layer your final sub and spawn. Simplicity is best, and anytime that saves time reduces contamination risks.
Your going to want to use 7-15qt sterilite tubs(about the size of what u said to use for my cloner), they are easy to fill, stackable, and align really well.
While your picking out your smaller tubs, grab up a large tub for your fruiting chamber. It would ideal if you could find a large tub that small ones will sit side by side in, utilizing your space as best as possible, so you can have as many tubs fruiting at once as possible per Fruiting chamber..
So you get home and your jars are colonized, you have your final substrate in jars that just finished cooling, and your tubs to put it all into. Now its time to spawn your corn to your final substrate.
Your going to want to layer your FS(final sub) and your corn. Shake the corn jars enough to break up the corn but not destroy all the mycelium. U should notice signs of blue/green brusing on the corn 
So you take a jar of your FS and cover the bottom of the tub about 1/2-3/4in up side, then in not such a heavy manner dump in some corn, kind of hit and miss, but even across the FS, then layer the the FS over the corn again same amount, then corn again, then one last layer of FS to keep it covered. all of this should be loosely layered Put your lid on the sterilite and put the whole thing inside a black trash bag, stacking multiple tubs if needed, put them in the same enviornment your colonizing jars were in.
You should only have to use 1-2 jars of colonized corn per 2-4 jars of Final substate per tub. about 3-4 inch thick final substrate with spawn mix is perfect.
Leave these in the dark for 3 days with no light exposure, then youll want to open and fan them every night and check for any signs of contamination or cobweb, which at this point if only a small spot contaminates you can carefully remove that section and a small section around it and possibly save that tub.
These tubs usually colonize in a week, week and a half tops. at the rate your specific genotype of PRA is growing, it should be a week or less. Once your tubs are fully colonized, put them in your fruiting chamber. Try to achieve 100% Relative Humidity and temps in the 80's, a cfl can be placed above the fruiting chamber, not directly shining on any individual colonized tub, but the tops of the colonized tubs do need light, 18/6 light cycle is just fine, you can go less than that if you want as mushrooms dont rely on light cycles for fruiting.