First time shroom grow

I really didnt mean to come off as a dick, earilier, but after re-reading my post, i was. Sorry for that. Alot of times i can be a hard ass when people question my methods, and im Not trying to start a pisssing contest either, It just kind of seemed like you were trashing my advice. No hard feelings?
In my experience, cowpoo and straw is the way to go, Aev asked for my help, so I only post what im 100% has worked mutliple times for me. Nice size shroom! Give me just a sec and ill post up some of my babies, not for comparison(or a pissing match) but we need to give Aev a idea of whats to come..

No prob bro! I reread and sounded just like I did! I apologize for that. I was just thinking about all that goes into this difficult process and cow poo is another variable that can really fuck you! if you dont do every thing to get the consistency right you have a mess! and all that work to colonize can be left at the door! I sounded a bit pompous...ill admit! I read your instructions again and they sound very good! Best of luck to you Aev! BUT!!! I still think horse poo is the shit....Just much easier to get right and much easier for a beginner or a hardened mid beginner! lol! We with our knowledge are here to help and thats what we should do. Posting is like argueing with your gf over text...It always comes off wrong!
that was a big ass mush.. lol

Thanks man! Im 6' 1" and wear a xl glove....That one mushie had me puking my guts up! I always eat the big ones! I was featle position for an hour at 6am on the hill behind my house for quite some time. It was funnnnnn!
I HATE TO VOMIT, Luckily i dont have that problem with mush.

Ive got about 15 of these Puerto Rican Angel Prints left if anyone wants one PM me, we can work something out..
Aevia, did you end up loosening those lids? Everything looks good right now but if those start to stall out its definately because of no gas exchange.
Thanks man! Im 6' 1" and wear a xl glove....That one mushie had me puking my guts up! I always eat the big ones! I was featle position for an hour at 6am on the hill behind my house for quite some time. It was funnnnnn!
Right on was the trip?
I HATE TO VOMIT, Luckily i dont have that problem with mush.

Ive got about 15 of these Puerto Rican Angel Prints left if anyone wants one PM me, we can work something out..
I want one.
Aevia, did you end up loosening those lids? Everything looks good right now but if those start to stall out its definately because of no gas exchange.
No i didnt loosen the lids. I am going to wait it out and see how other jars do. What is an average time for this size jar (for complete colonization)? At 50percent colonization I am going to shake up the popcorn a bit and I think this will further help development.
Subbed I'd love to grow my own shrooms! I just wouldn't know where to start. But it looks like this is a good place.
yeah, loosening the lids is pretty sketchy... You need to use filters on the lids next time... if those jars stall and and dont finish colonizing, know that its because you have no way for gas to escape.
Subbed I'd love to grow my own shrooms! I just wouldn't know where to start. But it looks like this is a good place.
Yes there are probably some peeps around here willing to trade prints. Try PMing them.
yeah, loosening the lids is pretty sketchy... You need to use filters on the lids next time... if those jars stall and and dont finish colonizing, know that its because you have no way for gas to escape.
Yes i will keep this in mind. What causes the two to take off so much faster then the others? Perhaps they got more of the spore water? How many days would you go until deciding to crack jars? How many days does it take you for mycelium to completely colonize?

temps are 94.5 degrees is that ok? should i lower?
yeah, loosening the lids is pretty sketchy... You need to use filters on the lids next time... if those jars stall and and dont finish colonizing, know that its because you have no way for gas to escape.
What is your opinion of growing with cow poo?
sorry it will be my first time with poo I've only used coir before. looking forward to seeing your results though!!

um any one know how to sterilize old spore syringes so I can use them for my lc???
sorry it will be my first time with poo I've only used coir before. looking forward to seeing your results though!!

um any one know how to sterilize old spore syringes so I can use them for my lc???
pressure cook them or boil in water. you may be able to soak in alcohol as well?
do you guys know if pf tek cakes can be used for bulk casing methods
using coir, verm, pickling lime, crushed oyster shells, and EWC????????

+rep for those who answer
yes you can spawn to bulk with crumbled cakes, but you dont want to case them directly, spawn first with crumbled cake like you would with grain or any other bulk sub
95deg is way too hot! It will contam in no time at that heat. Room temp is fine(70-80) As far as 2 jars being faster, could be moisture content, could be less spores in the jar... did you say you made your own syringe from a print? make sure and shake syringes to break up spores also. Never grown on cow manure but im sure its fine with the right aditives... And yes HeatlessBBQ, fully colonized BRF cakes can be broken up as spawn for bulk substrates... just make sure its 100% by waiting a week after you think its done, then break it up with clean hands into you substrate of choice at field capacity
you dont want to case them directly spawn first with crumbled cake like you would with grain or any other bulk sub

when you say "directly spawn"
do you mean knocking up the casings instead of using the pf cakes from jars?

cuz thatd be simply foolish