Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

if u have a weak stomach eat it with peanutbutter or make a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich it will go down just fine and lessen the taste. but remember it will take a little longer for ur stomach acids to digest because of the food.

Peanutbutter does work well, and chocolate and tea, but caps are easy to dose exactly and very smooth, quick acting and last fully.
Three of the jars show myc growing, three of them are not showing anything at all. no contams or myc.

How can i maximize this grow? three cakes aint gonna do it if thats all that grow.

One tek says i can break up the cakes with a spoon and layer them in horse poo substrate. from what ive read the Psilocybe Cubensi's like this substrate.

would this work? im worried the cakes are too small to equal enough spawn.

Peanutbutter does work well, and chocolate and tea, but caps are easy to dose exactly and very smooth, quick acting and last fully.

UMMMMM i forgot yaaaaaa truffels are the absolute best!!!!!!!! very slight amount of mushroom taste probably the best way to injest shrooms.. taste wise
Three of the jars show myc growing, three of them are not showing anything at all. no contams or myc.

How can i maximize this grow? three cakes aint gonna do it if thats all that grow.

One tek says i can break up the cakes with a spoon and layer them in horse poo substrate. from what ive read the Psilocybe Cubensi's like this substrate.

would this work? im worried the cakes are too small to equal enough spawn.


just fruit them as cakes while you get a PC and get some grain jars going, on such a small number of 1/2 pint cakes you really aren't going to get much more then as cakes.

I guess you could make a small tray with some coir and a bit of poo and verm, but it would be a very small tray, as you would want a ratio of 1:2 spawn to sub...
so just stick with cakes with the Psilocybe Cubensi until i can produce my own rye berry quarts? shit

Ive hit a fucking snag, my mom moved in with me after getting out of the hospital, i take care of her daily. She is deathly afraid of PC's and has begged me to not get one. I being a good son cant tell her to fuck off. so im stuck using what i have. Nothing i can say or do will change her beliefs...

So i guess call me Mr. Cakes. Ill make up 10 BRF jars and just try my best to get what i can get.

I need to find a buddy that will let me PC over at his house hmm....

so just stick with cakes with the Psilocybe Cubensi until i can produce my own rye berry quarts? shit

Ive hit a fucking snag, my mom moved in with me after getting out of the hospital, i take care of her daily. She is deathly afraid of PC's and has begged me to not get one. I being a good son cant tell her to fuck off. so im stuck using what i have. Nothing i can say or do will change her beliefs...

So i guess call me Mr. Cakes. Ill make up 10 BRF jars and just try my best to get what i can get.

I need to find a buddy that will let me PC over at his house hmm....


Well, I would do it at a friends house then. It only takes a couple hours to do a batch.

If you want bulk you want quarts of spawn and for that they have to be PCed. Fractional stearilization can work but it takes like 3 days and a gamble in the end that you won't end up with contams.
Yeah im hoping the caregiver wont mind me doing it there, I simply have to have one if im going to succeed in this hobby.

how much mycilleum do i need for a live culture?

I was thinking about making a glove box, have you found the need for one?

All you need is 1cc of spore solution per jar of LC.

I only use a glovebox for grain2grain, which I do not do often

If you are thinking of doing a live myc transfer from a fully colonized brf jar, all you need is a very small piece, and you would need to have a glovebox. It is better to just use a spore syringe, much better chance of a clean LC.

I know somene who PCs outside with a propane burner, so that's an option for you.
I have three spore syringes coming in any day now.

I will be trying my best to get all i can from the golden teachers. I will be getting a PC one day soon for my caregivers house.

I hope to take prints from one or two choice caps and make dark spore syringes.
I have 10 new syringes that i ordered a while back. they are 10 ml/cc syringes. I will be using the foil print tek. it seems the easiest to do.

Growth is expanding slowly. I dont mess with the jars as i figure they should be left alone as much as possible.

two show no signs at all, one is still possible.


me either!

I was inspecting the jars for growth and the fourth jar is now showing myc growth. That is four out of six!
It hasnt been a full two weeks yet so there is still hope. Its possible i didnt shake the syringe enough or something.

I made a larger fruiting chamber today. I took a clear 64 quart tote and drilled a shit load of holes in it ever two inches. If i need a high humidity enviroment i just add a 5 inch layer of wet perlite in there.
I can put a milk crate in there if i choose to. Besides taking forever to drill, they are simple to make.



If anyone has any tips or suggestions for me, please feel free to post them here. This is a catch all thread for this grow.

keep your jars in the dark for the next week or so, less light the better. light can be a problem for some while colonizing for others it makes little to no difference. but keeping it in the dark with out checking it never hurts, i dont look at them for two weeks after innoculation