Well-Known Member
good tip, do you use fresh or dried mushrooms for this?
if u have a weak stomach eat it with peanutbutter or make a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich it will go down just fine and lessen the taste. but remember it will take a little longer for ur stomach acids to digest because of the food.
good tip, do you use fresh or dried mushrooms for this?
Peanutbutter does work well, and chocolate and tea, but caps are easy to dose exactly and very smooth, quick acting and last fully.
Three of the jars show myc growing, three of them are not showing anything at all. no contams or myc.
How can i maximize this grow? three cakes aint gonna do it if thats all that grow.
One tek says i can break up the cakes with a spoon and layer them in horse poo substrate. from what ive read the Psilocybe Cubensi's like this substrate.
would this work? im worried the cakes are too small to equal enough spawn.
so just stick with cakes with the Psilocybe Cubensi until i can produce my own rye berry quarts? shit
Ive hit a fucking snag, my mom moved in with me after getting out of the hospital, i take care of her daily. She is deathly afraid of PC's and has begged me to not get one. I being a good son cant tell her to fuck off. so im stuck using what i have. Nothing i can say or do will change her beliefs...
So i guess call me Mr. Cakes. Ill make up 10 BRF jars and just try my best to get what i can get.
I need to find a buddy that will let me PC over at his house hmm....