Holy smokes, you're still at it?
I admitted when I made a mistake in that sentence-- I assume that since you prefer digging yourself deeper that this is out of the question in your psyche.
You totally blew my mind by sharing that a couple conversions would change metric to "american scale", I thought for sure a black hole would open up if someone figured out how to do that! I should
not need to explain the common sense that any measurement of similar type can be converted to another, such as length (inches to light years, lol!), volume, force, etc., but when the conversions are unnecessary, to do so would be asinine. Since that word is apparently foreign to you:
But let me try to explain it in the form of a story...
Sally needs to go to the store. The storeisacross the street. Sally can take infinitely many routes to go to the store, but the easiest way would be to walk across the street. This is my preferred method. Your method would have Sally take a bus across town, then walk to the store. Sure, she got to the store that way too, but why did it take her so long? Because the person giving directions enjoys being asinine. Do you poop outside, scoop it up and take it home to flush? I just do my business in the toilet to being with... but to each his own I suppose.
And if you want, Google the word "wrong" so you can understand its meaning, then Google the information in your original post to see its meaning used in an example. Wait, judging by your thought process, Google is a foreign word too. Damn.... nvm, I give up. Let me know how that tape measure + newtons density calculation works out for ya, chief. Btw, do you have a broken ruler too, or did it just recently break? Nvm, IDGAF.