The Truth About Flushing

Not exactly half way into flowering is my understanding. I'm going to start the dark drowning about 2 days before they would be mature just leaving the lights on.

If anyone has any comments this what I'm planning:

4-5 days from full maturation, Flush for leaching of substrate. Start running tap water.
2-3 days from full maturation, Flood with fresh PH'd tap water. Shut the lights off.
After 5 days of dark, cut them down and start to dry.
Get high and forget to do important things and generally act like a light weight.
I will write a detailed reply later when I have more time, but my preliminary report from my first test plant is 'this works'.

.....So, you think 3-5 days of constant wetness in the dark will do them some good?

Thanks for your insights!

My first harvest took 4 - 5 days until they were completely dry, in part because of my low humidity. The last plant I harvested, from my first grow, was left in the dark 72 hours then cut and hung whole to dry. It was the best tasting/smelling of my first 5 plants.

I had an afghan bagseed go hermie on me at day 62 so I separated her under her own light for an extra day. The next day I drowned her and left her in the dark for 72 hours after the lights went out. She sucked up half the pail of water when I removed her from the dark, so I am planning to give them 2 or 3 days under the lights next time while being drowned before they go dark.

After 5 days hanging she was still very damp and sticky. Yesterday had been 6 days and I trimmed most of her and hung the couple main branches and sampled a few pieces of popcorn in a bowl. The scissors were super sticky and coated with resin but I should have waited until today to trim them I think.

This morning it is still a bit sticky, especially the bigger ones on the thick branches, but it is just about ready for the jars. Premature, hermaphrodite, almost dry, no cure time, and it tastes better than the bag of my buddies homegrown I got the seed from. It tastes better than any of my first 5 harvested plants did. :hump:

I have a chronic 4 days hanging right now. It went about 52 days before I drowned her the last day of sunshine, and moved her to 72 hours of darkness. She should be smokeable and ready to cure in 3 more days, and I cant wait to sample her.
That's why this thread is called the truth about flushing and not what everybody says about flushing

Explain to me how flushing with water removes Anything from the part you smoke? You flush the soil. The bud would become a puddle of water by this retarded logic. Did you read the pertinent Science of why we say this?
When an answer is "((again, I'm just repeating what others say to answer our question)" I would question it.
You don't remove any "chemicals" Once the plant has used the building blocks of any nutrient (true for organic or chemical), the cell won't just fall apart from water. All this does is make the plant starved for a couple weeks as it needs them.
But if it makes you feel better then why not parrot everyone else.

yes, i agree, and perhaps i should clarify:
homebrewer asked about the "black ash" thing... i myself am not nearly as experienced as others in here and yes, i am guilty of parroting. but i just wanted to answer the guy that some ppl say its from... etc etc and i actually have no idea as to whether its true or not.
if you guys are so clear about it, im with you.
didnt mean to cause any unnecessary confusion
Originally Posted by ashleyroachclip
Riddleme, thanks for the thorough post on final flush vs the drowning technique, very interesting. One question: what's the difference tween "Make It Rain" and drowning? I thought they were the same but now I'm confused.

I'm in week 8 of flowering and ready to finish up before the chop and want to try it, probably on the dark. So, you think 3-5 days of constant wetness in the dark will do them some good?

Thanks for your insights!

answered in your pm :)

crap - i was lookin forward to this answer..
Originally Posted by ashleyroachclip
Riddleme, thanks for the thorough post on final flush vs the drowning technique, very interesting. One question: what's the difference tween "Make It Rain" and drowning? I thought they were the same but now I'm confused.

I'm in week 8 of flowering and ready to finish up before the chop and want to try it, probably on the dark. So, you think 3-5 days of constant wetness in the dark will do them some good?

Thanks for your insights!

crap - i was lookin forward to this answer..

Ok, don't want to come off as an ass here but it is true that I have spent a lot of time here either proving or disproving myths, by either actual experiments or research (the drowning thing is just one of many) all the experiments and research I have done (over 2000 hours, for free) is detailed in my threads (sig links) I explain lights, how to dial in your garden, truth about shade leaves, hermies hell the list goes on and on and every single person that has taken the time (I'm told it takes about 2 weeks if you follow all the links) to read ALL of them to the end is growin and not only growin but helpin others as well, And on top of this there is a who needs help thread started by StreetLegal that I answered like 1000 questions in, just reading that will make you wiser, I actually stopped cause I felt like I had answered every question there was :)

to break it down for everyone, my first grow here was the Goin Loco link I grew one plant with only 97 watts of light pulled an oz and a half off her, just to prove it could be done (lights being one of the most abused and least understood elements) while this was happening I started the Noob Advice thread and in that thread played a kinda scanvenger hunt game that was actually a class on proper growing techniques, after that the thread is full of questions asked & answered. Next came the Calling all Noob growers thread which was advanced info for those that "played the game" there have actually been a few new growers that have taken the class by proxy via PM since it was done like a year ago, they would get to question and go look for the answer then PM it to me before moving forward in the thread where obviously the answers appear and in this way we re-lived the game together (I had fun doing this) if you read it all you will meet them as they post the story in the threads (I have read all my threads several times cause it entertains me) the nuggets link goes to my journal when RIU added it I used it to highlight "some" of the ditties I've written to make it easier to find them and the Max Yield link is a collection of articles published in Maximum Yield magazine that back up/verify some of the stuff I tell folks.
The Balls to wall link was my second grow here (and has 2 actual grows in it) and the current grow is SMOKENGROW VERSUS JACK'S (no link in sig for this one)
Ok so knowing this now that Ive explained it the original explanation of making it rain appears in the first post of the calling all noob growers thread and a more detailed explanation appears in the balls to the wall thread. I have done it this way to kinda force folks to read the threads if they want the info. What I have seen is that some are hungry to learn and read till thier eyes are sore, some are lazy and want the answers spoon fed to em and some can't let go of the myths and bad info for some reason that to be honest I have never understood???

So to all you new growers reading this, it is quite simple to remove the noob from your grower classification simply read my threads, 100's of people have and they are all growin now and have either left the site or are here helpin others. NOTE: people don't follow my threads cause I'm cute, they follow em cause they are full of the truth, good info that will get you over the hump so to speak and while I like soil, there have been hydro growers benefit from the info as well. So if ya find that your liken this drownin thing and want more simply take the time to read my threads :hump:

oh yeah and have fun!
Not exactly half way into flowering is my understanding. I'm going to start the dark drowning about 2 days before they would be mature just leaving the lights on.

If anyone has any comments this what I'm planning:

4-5 days from full maturation, Flush for leaching of substrate. Start running tap water.
2-3 days from full maturation, Flood with fresh PH'd tap water. Shut the lights off.
After 5 days of dark, cut them down and start to dry.
Get high and forget to do important things and generally act like a light weight.

LMAO....hahaha poor LF!~ :)
so i am sitting here trying to wrap my head around this..i love all the informative talk about this subject but damn, can i get a laymens term on how to do this. i understand the the removing the o2 from my rez by removing my air stones 5 days b4 being fully done. now here is my question.. should i turn the lights off after 2 days of "flooding" or should i wait for the full 5 and then turn the lights off? Riddleme you said that you turn your lights off during the middle of flower period for 5 days.. how does this not affect the plants? or am i reading this all wrong? can i just get a clear method of doing this preharvest fermenting
ps. i read all 15 pgs. to get here and just hasnt clicked yet
so i am sitting here trying to wrap my head around this..i love all the informative talk about this subject but damn, can i get a laymens term on how to do this. i understand the the removing the o2 from my rez by removing my air stones 5 days b4 being fully done. now here is my question.. should i turn the lights off after 2 days of "flooding" or should i wait for the full 5 and then turn the lights off? Riddleme you said that you turn your lights off during the middle of flower period for 5 days.. how does this not affect the plants? or am i reading this all wrong? can i just get a clear method of doing this preharvest fermenting
ps. i read all 15 pgs. to get here and just hasnt clicked yet

the only definitive is to "somehow" drown them and trust me I know this is a bit of a bitch because everyone here is all about DON'T OVERWATER EM but it's over they are done have a friggin pool party, call the bikini babes, chill the beer, fire up a phatty and OVER WATER THEM BITCHES!!!!!

Here is what I do I have big drain pans that my pots sit in when I water it runs into buckets< I simply plug the drain holes and flood the drain pans bout 5~6 inches deep then I water the plants by dipping water from the drain pans and pouring it thru the pots 4 times a day (overwatering at its classic best) I wait till they are done to do this, not 5 days before I think they might be done :)

I leave the light on th first day let em get all excited and try to wick all that water off (and they will as long as they have light) then on day 2, I turn the lights off and leave em in the dark for 5 days then I turn the lights on and wait till they wake up and start to get excited then whoosh I start the harvest and go all reaper on em LOL

But here is the thing every garden is different so each of you has to do what works best for you there is no right or wrong way to drown a done/dying plant, the only potential hazzard is mold so try to keep the humidity low and check on em often (peace of mind is a terrible thing to waste)

this harvesting ditty first appeared in the calling all noob growers thread around post #401 (I think) it was a 4 part ditty, what I put here was just the last part and after I posted it folks started experimentin, the results are in the thread of all that we did. It was Rasta that figured out the extended dark part speedin things up. most of us are still tweakin our methods (or madness depending on your point of view) not like we have a harvest every week but that would be nice too :)

bottom line is several of us have done it, it has worked everytime, only one grower had mold (so far), I can honestly say that I tend to do things without hesitation that would terrify the bejesus out of some (ok maybe most) cause I'm not afraid to and cause I don't fear the loss if it happens, I learn and move on. I realize that a lot of you have chewed all your fingernails off gettin to your first harvest and don't wanna screw anthing up, so maybe only do it to one plant if you have doubts. but folks this is how we learn and how we find ways to get better buds and trust me I'm all about better buds :hump:
Riddleme, dude thats what iam about too BETTER BUDS. and ive read so many of your treads and post, that it all seems to get lost sometimes with what is "hott" right now. but dude you cleared this up for me and i will be doing this on my grape god and super lemon haze in about 3 weeks. and also i read your make it rain thread and i thought it wasnt really for hydro but you do it huh? im also like you and act with lil hesitation hell i just cut down a four foot ww that i thought was male, i didnt start flowering period i just cut it without double checking. anyways thanks for all the work that goes into MY garden riddle,by work i mean the hrs spent researching. it has made me a better grower!
Riddleme, dude thats what iam about too BETTER BUDS. and ive read so many of your treads and post, that it all seems to get lost sometimes with what is "hott" right now. but dude you cleared this up for me and i will be doing this on my grape god and super lemon haze in about 3 weeks. and also i read your make it rain thread and i thought it wasnt really for hydro but you do it huh? im also like you and act with lil hesitation hell i just cut down a four foot ww that i thought was male, i didnt start flowering period i just cut it without double checking. anyways thanks for all the work that goes into MY garden riddle,by work i mean the hrs spent researching. it has made me a better grower!

Your welcome! I'm in soil, no way I would go hydro LOL and makin it rain is a soil thing does not work in hydro, hell we like to say that makin it rain is like doin hydro in soil :)
I'm gonna try a 36 to 40 hr. dark on the one I was gonna harvest tomorrow. Made a point legallytrying for checking it out. The one I'm drowning started on Sunday, so a few days still for it. I hope some of you try this, even 1 a first time and it works for you.
His Make it Rain technique works good & I use a version of it.
Your welcome! I'm in soil, no way I would go hydro LOL and makin it rain is a soil thing does not work in hydro, hell we like to say that makin it rain is like doin hydro in soil :)
sorry, i thought i read in this thread that you've done it in hydro also by removing the nutrient h20 at night and replacing it with ph'd h20 and switching back when the lights go back on. i have often wondered about "soilponics" hell i even made a thread asking if it would work lol! .but anyways im stuck on dwc and dont really want to change what i have already tuned if you feel me!
sorry, i thought i read in this thread that you've done it in hydro also by removing the nutrient h20 at night and replacing it with ph'd h20 and switching back when the lights go back on. i have often wondered about "soilponics" hell i even made a thread asking if it would work lol! .but anyways im stuck on dwc and dont really want to change what i have already tuned if you feel me!

It works, this is a Super Skunk with Soil/Perlite mixed 65/35'ish ration. This pick was from Jan 21st, so she has grown much more since then. It happens by accident if your not careful and you just go with it. MatureSmoker had a journal doing it, Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots, or something like that. Never called it soilponics though

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Hope you dont mind riddleme.
sorry, i thought i read in this thread that you've done it in hydro also by removing the nutrient h20 at night and replacing it with ph'd h20 and switching back when the lights go back on. i have often wondered about "soilponics" hell i even made a thread asking if it would work lol! .but anyways im stuck on dwc and dont really want to change what i have already tuned if you feel me!

Hey I feel ya totally, my way is not the only way, there are 100's of different ways to grow this wonderful plant. We all do what works best for us and hopefully find/figure out a few tweaks along the way. Like Daniels just said he uses a version of my technique and those versions were created by others trying different things after reading my threads. What makes this community so special as we get to share ideas :hump:
It works, this is a Super Skunk with Soil/Perlite mixed 65/35'ish ration. This pick was from Jan 21st, so she has grown much more since then. It happens by accident if your not careful and you just go with it. MatureSmoker had a journal doing it, Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots, or something like that. Never called it soilponics though

Hope you dont mind riddleme.

You know I don't my friend :)
It works, this is a Super Skunk with Soil/Perlite mixed 65/35'ish ration. This pick was from Jan 21st, so she has grown much more since then. It happens by accident if your not careful and you just go with it. MatureSmoker had a journal doing it, Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots, or something like that. Never called it soilponics though.
thanks for the info but what happens by accident? that it grows faster lmao if thats the case:bigjoint:
Hey I feel ya totally, my way is not the only way, there are 100's of different ways to grow this wonderful plant. We all do what works best for us and hopefully find/figure out a few tweaks along the way. Like Daniels just said he uses a version of my technique and those versions were created by others trying different things after reading my threads. What makes this community so special as we get to share ideas :hump:
thats why i joined this forum to share info " give a lil, take a lil "
thanks for the info but what happens by accident? that it grows faster lmao if thats the case:bigjoint:

well I had her 16 oz cup sitting into another larger cup which would catch the run off. After that the roots started reaching for the runoff in the "little rez" Once the roots hit that little rez she did grow faster to me. I didnt have an airstone or air in the rez at all because the plant cycles through the water very quickly, like a day. But it is a combination of hydroponics and soil, so soilponics.