Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

wedges every time. It's half the reason i buy it, i mean it's not that great. Same reason i buy cheese strings haha, the novelty overcomes the quality for me teehee. This is coming from a man that works in some of the most expensive gourmet food companies in the conutry :lol:

Ironically, did you know that a group of pensioners were arrested a day before the wedding, conspiracy to cause a breach of the police or something, basically they were street artists against monarchy's and one was dressed as an executioner with a fake guillotine
The event the three were planning was billed as a "Royal Zombie Wedding Celebration". According to a website poster it is scheduled to start at 10am in Soho Square before moving to Piccadilly Circus and then to Westminster Abbey. At 1pm a "Royal Zombie Flash Mob" is advertised.
Haha, i was thinking just earlier how they maintain their spot. I'd creep n middle of the night and slifde their tents into the middle of the M25 :lol: I dont eat much at all as it is but i've been a bit ill of late and just no appetite, bit of milk here and there but having a hard time stomaching solids. I bought some beer thoguht so it all becomes irrelevant :D
yeah somehow, to the 2yr old mind, cubes = food. wedges = playdough. (now picture mommy wrestling said 2 yr old for the last cheese string.)

which is funny, because most of the cheese we buy comes from here:
(damn kid. eats all my goat gouda too.)
Haha it's all good :D i have no beef against you, i question you wanting to be a princess but hey, some people live to stick their hands down mud holes after catfish :D I'm now sat watxching all of monty pythons flying circus and my my, well, probably best to start ignoring me haha. Carribou nibbling at the croquet hoops!

not even relevant but i'm off on a bender now haha

Rflmao i'm a country girl from a town of 900, we live in old houses, i'm surrounded by nothing, do u still question why i want to be a princess?
lmfao i love Mr Bean, my fav was always the paint bomb episode, poor teddy lol then he did movies, he's brilliant!!
yeah somehow, to the 2yr old mind, cubes = food. wedges = playdough. (now picture mommy wrestling said 2 yr old for the last cheese string.)

which is funny, because most of the cheese we buy comes from here:
(damn kid. eats all my goat gouda too.)

Damn girl with all the gourmet cheese u eat, have u ever given your man a ducth oven? lol
Damn girl with all the gourmet cheese u eat, have u ever given your man a ducth oven? lol

ALL THE TIME.... but think about this: he's a coffee-drinking vegetarian. the only time i felt i came remotely close to competing was during the 3rd tri... *whooeeee*

EDIT: i really really really want a dutch oven. you know, the cast iron kind.
ALL THE TIME.... but think about this: he's a coffee-drinking vegetarian. the only time i felt i came remotely close to competing was during the 3rd tri... *whooeeee*

EDIT: i really really really want a dutch oven. you know, the cast iron kind.

:shock: bahahaha nice, grass eaters stink, i guess meat filters the smell? ;-)

Every time we pass the cookware section in any store it's like a magnet, i too want a real dutch over, i love 1 pot meals, so easy to cook and clean
will this message ever go away, i wanna love my kitty!! i'm gonna watch that later, thanks !
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mellokitty again.
:shock: bahahaha nice, grass eaters stink, i guess meat filters the smell? ;-)

Every time we pass the cookware section in any store it's like a magnet, i too want a real dutch over, i love 1 pot meals, so easy to cook and clean

idk but whenever i`m feeling particularly vengeful i feed the kid some asparagus... mwa ha ha ha.
will this message ever go away, i wanna love my kitty!! i'm gonna watch that later, thanks !
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mellokitty again.

i loooove
should check out "village on a diet" if you have time too.... it was my guilty reality tv fix....
Rflmao i'm a country girl from a town of 900, we live in old houses, i'm surrounded by nothing, do u still question why i want to be a princess?
lmfao i love Mr Bean, my fav was always the paint bomb episode, poor teddy lol then he did movies, he's brilliant!!

I'm a country boy from a village of around that, i grew up on the farm over the wall until i was around 12. Come 20 or so i decided to move out and get to the city where it was all flahs and glamerous and pretty people and fancy things and such. All i want now is to return to a humble country life in the fields. I just can't get over the inablity to walk to the end of the road and pick myself a basket of blackberries. When growing up if i was hungry there were apples pears plums tomatoes grapes strawberries blackberries blueberries blackcurrants red currants rhubarb peas asparagus runner beans flowres for salads, alljust ready and near free other than man hours lost. I moved to the most expensive part of the city, i love my place and the surroundings, but in terms of overall happiness, i think i want out. Not to mention there's more room for your money for growing cannabis when living in the conutry :D

edit: (see what i did there :D) have you ever watched any or r atkinson in black adder? :D
Thanks for the negative rep Socata, your true colours shine so bright in this thread
It's funny how people are proud to be rude and ignorant, and giving me negative rep? lmfao wow

Ah yes, my true colors... the colors of saneness, honesty, and logic.

I negatively repped you saying "I love you. -SocataSmoker"... that's not rude or ignorant... I just didn't feel positivity coming from your comments, I felt negativity... so it is only logical to choose a negative rep, right?

And who really cares about rep anyways? Unless you're trying to be a little popular princess or something...
I'm a country boy from a village of around that, i grew up on the farm over the wall until i was around 12. Come 20 or so i decided to move out and get to the city where it was all flahs and glamerous and pretty people and fancy things and such. All i want now is to return to a humble country life in the fields. I just can't get over the inablity to walk to the end of the road and pick myself a basket of blackberries. When growing up if i was hungry there were apples pears plums tomatoes grapes strawberries blackberries blueberries blackcurrants red currants rhubarb peas asparagus runner beans flowres for salads, alljust ready and near free other than man hours lost. I moved to the most expensive part of the city, i love my place and the surroundings, but in terms of overall happiness, i think i want out. Not to mention there's more room for your money for growing cannabis when living in the conutry :D

I left the city well burbs a few years ago, i prefer the country, my garden of over 30 different veggies and fruit plus flower garden do trump concrete walls and smog, but to live in a castle would be amazing, i would have soo many secret rooms, and a butt wiper, no nevermind that's just wrong how would the rooms be keept secret?

I left a 9-5 job , small house in the city to live my fantasy life, just wish i had that castle

I used this as a boat last summer,nb17.jpgnb19.jpg even had a toilet, see arrow, well we had a curtain, oh ya classy, fuck i want a carriage
Ah yes, my true colors... the colors of saneness, honesty, and logic.

I negatively repped you saying "I love you. -SocataSmoker"... that's not rude or ignorant... I just didn't feel positivity coming from your comments, I felt negativity... so it is only logical to choose a negative rep, right?

And who really cares about rep anyways? Unless you're trying to be a little popular princess or something...

But i am a fucking princess, and i'm not popular people "like" me , alot.
