I kept my eyes open during my last trip to hyperspace. It was the most disconnected from reality ive ever felt. The things I really remember from the trip are from the 1st and Last minute, while the middle 4 or 5 minutes were impossible for me to grasp, even during the comedown.
The visuals during the first minute were my backyard turning into a welcoming ceremony for me. I could hear applause, and the grass was all alive and the trees were all alive, and they were welcoming me back. The feeling in the first was of familiarity. I was completely untethered to my body, but I could still make it move through telepathic commands with my brain. Before I knew it, I was on the intergallactic information superhighway experiencing years of education in just a few minutes.
Once the comedown was starting, I felt the sensation of being sucked back through the tunnel and my consciousness being slung back into my body. At this point I had control of my motor functions again, and began to look around. The visuals were incredible. The grass looked like the hands of everybody at a rock concert or giant event where people were giving huge rounds of applause. The grass was celebrating! My dog was walking around like a chinese new years dragon with 6 or 8 legs, i couldnt count em, but there were more than 4. I was sitting in a folding lawn chair in just a pair of shorts, and I looked down at my crotch. The way my pants had ridden up and bunched, it looked like my dick area had turned into a giant bottomless pit with a gravitational pull, I immediately looked away. haha
I couldnt help but smile. Even at that moment, I couldnt grasp the breakthrough, or even remember any of the bits of info.
It takes time for me to actually muster up courage each time I trip, that shows you the type of respect this drug deserves. Compared with Psilocybin and Acid, DMT has the greatest disconnect from reality, and it doesnt get more visually stimulating than DMT.