911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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New Member
more then that. one call went from a guy to his mom. I can't remember his name but it went something like this:

"Mom, Its John Smith." Now when was the last time you called your mom and used your full name?

We may not know what really happened untill after the 75 year Top Secret files are declassified. Untill then, the rest of the wide-opened-eyed country will understand: there is far too much suspicious activity on the part of the administration to ignore. 9/11 was an inside job.


Well-Known Member
more then that. one call went from a guy to his mom. I can't remember his name but it went something like this:

"Mom, Its John Smith." Now when was the last time you called your mom and used your full name?
doesn't surprise me one bit. when's the last time you were on a plane that you knew was about to become debris scattered in the wind? as far as "knowing" all the "truth", we never will.




New Member
true. but the government could squash all this nonsense by releasing photos and videos that have been requested and allowing a full outside investigation. it is the government which has really kept the whole conspiracy thing brewing. they've behaved far too suspiciously.

if they truely knew 'nothing' of the attack they would have nothing to hide and would have complete disclosure.


New Member
true. but the government could squash all this nonsense by releasing photos and videos that have been requested and allowing a full outside investigation. it is the government which has really kept the whole conspiracy thing brewing. they've behaved far too suspiciously.

if they truely knew 'nothing' of the attack they would have nothing to hide and would have complete disclosure.
Good luck with that, we're still waiting on full disclosure of the JFK assassination, the M.L.King assassination, The RFK assasasination, The elections fraud, the federal judges scandal, etc. Full disclosure is not in the nomenclature used by our government, secrets are what allow it to keep us slaves.


Active Member
zionists did it, theyre behind the banks, the media the irs, everywhere, everything. kenedy was against israel, he got his face blown off. lincoln was against the rothschild banks, got his face blown off. israel did it with the king david hotel bombing trying to blame it on arabs and admitted it. They got caught doing it with the U.S.S liberty, trying to blame it on egypt to get america into the war. They did it on 9/11 to serve israels interests in the middle east.

the 5 dancing israelis admitted they where there to document the event!

the mossads motto goes something like this "thru deception, thou shalt make war" or something to that extent.

its not a coincidence that rothschild, and rockefeller, warburg etc are all jewish. They are ALL today Israel first jews, and DO NOT serve in the interest of the people they rule over.


New Member
yeah, there were a couple widows who reported that kind of scenario... i'm not saying they were lying but when all their hopes and dreams were literally crashing down it wouldn't surprise me one bit if imagination was used to pay a bit of a tribute to lost loved ones... (consciously or not)

Well, they've made a movie of it to cement it into the average Americans mind as to how it went down. I'm pretty sure this will be history's view. Kinda like the flag planting on Iwo-Jima, or Washington crossing the Delaware River.


Well-Known Member
Hi All
Just stopped in to check the poll.
The results so far are not too surprising.

It still seem there are some free thinkers out there. :peace:


Well-Known Member
opps... i clicked terrorist attack gov cover up when i ment to click gov false flag attack!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I like the X-Files too, but that was made for TV...;)

I find the Federal Government a bunch of thieves, liars, and elitists...but I do not subscribe to the notion that 9/11 was an "inside job"


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I like the X-Files too, but that was made for TV...;)

I find the Federal Government a bunch of thieves, liars, and elitists...but I do not subscribe to the notion that 9/11 was an "inside job"
I sort of agree with you. But, I have a close friend who lives in Oklahoma City. She with several dozen other private citizens proved that the official explanation of the Murro Building bombing was false. These were all trained professionals on a shoe-string budget. Yet, they managed to conclusively prove one Federal lie after another.

Now I do not know what to believe anymore.


Well-Known Member
I sort of agree with you. But, I have a close friend who lives in Oklahoma City. She with several dozen other private citizens proved that the official explanation of the Murro Building bombing was false. These were all trained professionals on a shoe-string budget. Yet, they managed to conclusively prove one Federal lie after another.

Now I do not know what to believe anymore.
have you watched the movies? i linked a bunch of them a couple posts back ........^^^^^^^^^

im not telling anyone what to believe or how to take the videos, but it was clear as day after i was enlightened/watched the vids.

ohh, and after you watch the movies, try and debunk any of the facts that they present:mrgreen: id be more than glad to read about your debunking theories.


Well-Known Member
have you watched the movies? i linked a bunch of them a couple posts back ........^^^^^^^^^

im not telling anyone what to believe or how to take the videos, but it was clear as day after i was enlightened/watched the vids.

ohh, and after you watch the movies, try and debunk any of the facts that they present:mrgreen: id be more than glad to read about your debunking theories.
I've been through this before. Some of the movies I have seen are pure hogwash. I have tried to reason with people before, and it was impossible. So people will believe what they choose to believe.

But, with regards to the bombing in Oklahoma City, I have read 3000 pages of documents. I am convinved by written proof. But, not by trick photography from goofs who have an agenda to peddle.


Well-Known Member
I've been through this before. Some of the movies I have seen are pure hogwash. I have tried to reason with people before, and it was impossible. So people will believe what they choose to believe.

But, with regards to the bombing in Oklahoma City, I have read 3000 pages of documents. I am convinved by written proof. But, not by trick photography from goofs who have an agenda to peddle.
so your saying you believe that they did the oklahoma bombing but not 911?:confused:


Well-Known Member
so your saying you believe that they did the oklahoma bombing but not 911?:confused:
When you look at events you sometimes see a lie in the reporting. The Timothy McVey story is a lie. The Warren Commission report on the JFK assassination is a lie. The RFK assassination story is a lie. There are other events with puzzling explanations. The movies that claim to prove some conspiracy or coverup with 911 have shown me nothing, other than profits for the producers. I have not seen one yet that raises any reasonable issues.