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What do you do when a woman tries to seduce your boyfriend/husband?
What happends if she knows you are with your boyfriend/husband and have a child?
Thoughts on both gender's perspectives...
I forgot about one of my brother's friends. He had another woman and wanted a divorce. In court his wife told the judge she didn't want a divorce and loved her husband. The judge gave them an addition 60 days to see if they could work things out.
She then told both of them-her husband and his lover that she loved him enough to share him with her. The whore left and didn't come back.
End of story? 60 days later they got a divorce.
Well, what did your significant other do? Did he act on this, did he come to you or did you find out on your own?
I mean this scenario can be played out a million different ways and approaches.
What is seduce? Is it pulling and playing with her hair as she laughs at his jokes while you were at dinner? Is it her sitting on his lap and grinding her vjayjay into his crotch while you went and picked your kids up from grandmas?
See what I mean it is a question with a million possible combinations yet you want a definitive perspective.
Let me be frank here, if that is you in the avatar you shouldn't be worried. You're very attractive, and if your man would act on these urges (granted you're a decent person, and by most of your posts seem to be) then you don't want or need him in your life. You shouldn't have to worry if anyone comes on to your man/woman in a secure healthy relationship. There is ALWAYS going to be some type of attraction to other people outside your relationship, it doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you have dinner at home I say. I don't know more of your particulars either, are you married, how long together etc. all that plays a role on how you would handle this. Me and my wife been together for 10 years and we are probably in best relationship we ever been in together, we don't get upset about someone coming on to each other because we are open about it and know each wouldn't act on it. Although sometimes I think I might want too but that's another story (as a consensual thing of course).
Thank you for the compliments. I needed a pick-me-up. I am not married he is my boyfriend. We share a child together and we've been dating for 4 years. I understand people will "come on" to him and I get hit on all the time so thats not the issue. The issue is that he acted apon it.
I don't think you should have checked his phone. (even couples should be able to have privacy)
Fuck that. I'll look through my wife's phone whenever I want, she can look through mine. If someone has a problem with their wife/longtime girlfriend looking through their phone, then they have something to hide. You pretty much relinquish 99.9% of your privacy as soon as you marry someone or live and share a child with someone. If you want privacy don't have kids or get married. Period.
Fuck that. I'll look through my wife's phone whenever I want, she can look through mine. If someone has a problem with their wife/longtime girlfriend looking through their phone, then they have something to hide. You pretty much relinquish 99.9% of your privacy as soon as you marry someone or live and share a child with someone. If you want privacy don't have kids or get married. Period.
I couldn't disagree more with this. How can you say you trust your wife if you are doing shit like this? If a woman I'm with want's to go through my shit, I tell her "OK, but there goes the trust, have at it..".
You sound like Napolitano "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" with that bullshit.
no. it's called privacy and trust.
if you feel compelled to go through your wife's phone every night, just to be sure, then you married a HO'!!!!!
i NEVER go through my woman's phone, and she never goes through mine... but then again we do almost everything together, even going to the pharmacy to get her birth control... i'll tag along, never know what kind of goodies i'll get a craving for in the candy isle....
You gonna let a cop go through your house with that attitude, just because he want's to?
...nothing to hide, nothing to fear, right?!