What is un-American About The Tea Party

When Ron Paul started his Tea party it was a different brand and had meaning...The teaparty today are mostly a group of redneck nuts who hate Obama just because...they are the same ones who used to claim the title of "birthers"...they love fox news and most are of low education....they seek to take their country back ( from who ??? ) and would rather see America fail then Obama succeed
Please show proof for just one thing you said there.

Oh do you still beat you grandmother?
When Ron Paul started his Tea party it was a different brand and had meaning...The teaparty today are mostly a group of redneck nuts who hate Obama just because...they are the same ones who used to claim the title of "birthers"...they love fox news and most are of low education....they seek to take their country back ( from who ??? ) and would rather see America fail then Obama succeed

Calling an entire group a "group of redneck nuts who hate Obama" is slander and a smear. Let's keep it on ideas and fact instead of derogatory insults which are inflammatory and add nothing to the discussion.
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The picture above shows Dale Robertson at a Tea Party event. Dale Robertson is the Founder and Creator of Teaparty.org.

Or as the OP refers to him, a plant.

Who do you think you fool Fido?

Bendbrewer you are either stupid or disingenuous I dont know which , but please allow me to put your picture into context.

Tea Party n-word sign rebounds

Author // D. Scriber
Dale Robertson, who claims to be the "president and founder" of the Tea Party might not be able to spell very well, but he sure knows how to offend. Robertson owns TeaParty.org, an online clearinghouse for conservative rhetoric that aims to turn America away from the alleged brink of socialism. As the Tea Party gears up for a "national strike" on January 20 to protest the one-year anniversary of Barack Obama's inauguration as president, a photo of Robertson on the Houston Tea Party's website taken nearly a year ago equates his movement to one of the most painful times in American history -- the slavery of African-Americans. Robertson holds a sign reading, “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = Niggar.”
If you are thinking this is the sort of sign an uneducated person in America's hinterland might fly, think again. Robertson, a military veteran, also claims on his site to have "extended training in theology, as well as excelling in the field of Engineering at Southwest College, San Diego, California. He went on to earn a second degree in Political Science at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington." For the record, it is debatable as to whether he's the leader of the Tea Party movement. But that's because it is unclear whether the movement has any leader at all. Robertson claims he begun the movement by standing vigil in protest to politics as usual and was soon joined by a flock of like-minded conservatives. He writes on his site: "Needless to say, this Tea Party movement has grown far beyond me, from 1 person to over 6 million. Many following in my foot steps, some declaring they are the founder, they thought of the Tea Party idea first, to that I can say: 'The true founders of the Tea Party were the brave Patriots who dared challenge the status quo in 1773, we are merely their beneficiaries.'"

I hope you now realize that the sign is correlating todays Taxpayer to a slave.
Why do Tea Party folks call themselves Real Americans?

Why do Tea Party folks think I am not a real American?

Why did the OP try to spin the fact that Tea Party folks consider themselves Real Americans and therefore other folks as Anti-Americans with this extremely misleading thread?

I guess I'll just have to catch the next episode of Soap.
My grandmothers are both past away...I guess when you have no debate you stoop to stupid shit like talking of mothers and grandmothers
Calling an entire group a "group of redneck nuts who hate Obama" is slander and a smear. Let's keep it on ideas and fact instead of derogatory insults which are inflammatory and add nothing to the discussion.

tell you what ...go look up the word mostly..it does not cover all
I hope you now realize that the sign is correlating todays Taxpayer to a slave.

Whatever helps you sleep at night man. No, the Tea Party has no racist element. Not a one. All those black hating folks in America vote for Dems.

Who do you think you fool?
Ok, I am going to show you a picture of a Tea Party leader holding a sign that has the word Nigger misspelled. How are you going to spin that one you Big Doggie? If you do it right, I'll toss you a biscuit. If you don't, you're going to have to sit and stay. Ready?

They send those people their to make them look crazy- their like agent provocatures
Calling an entire group a "group of redneck nuts who hate Obama" is slander and a smear. Let's keep it on ideas and fact instead of derogatory insults which are inflammatory and add nothing to the discussion.

your in the wrong place if you expect that shit bro. get real, theres no need for snotty stuck up crap.
Are Tea Partiers Racist?
A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful

Sunday, Jul 18, 2010 17:19 ET
Tea Party leader expels racist Tea Party Leader Mark Williams

(CNN) -- A California Republican official has apologized for sending an e-mail that depicts President Barack Obama as a young chimpanzee.

Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010