Read KofcOwned's question again:
He was already aware of lime's ability to raise pH; However, since lime, which is straight Calcium and Magnesium, was already present in his soil, he thought it would be a bad idea to simply use more lime to adjust the pH of his nutrient solution.
Since EJ's Natural up is potassium bicarbonate, rather than calcium magnesium bicarbonate, it's a good choice for KofcOwned to raise the pH of his nutrients without upsetting the balance of Ca/Mg in his soil, and at 2 lbs. for $17.50, it's actually a great price; I don't think you can buy potassium carbonate, even in bulk, for much cheaper.
I will go ahead and state right now that the importance of the Ca:Mg ratio in soil is debated, and that Ca and Mg toxicities are rare; however, if KofcOwned wants to play it safe and not add more lime if there's another option, that seems wise to me.
As I said, I don't even own a pH meter, and have rarely (if ever) experienced pH problems, so all of this pH adjusting business seems a bit unnecessary to me, but who am I to call another man "silly"?