Question to Fat People!


Well-Known Member
If you really want to lose weight dont starve your BODY.... it needs the calories. lol Starve the fat. Cut back to a quarter of the carbs you were getting normally, and drop out all the fat in your diet. Well, most of it. That way you wont take on more fat, and you'll starve the fat you already have. =)
I watched my grandma and my uncles ex-wife each lose 40+ lbs by cutting carbs, it was a pretty impressive diet.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm 5'2" and 120. That is too much for me, I need to take off about 10 pounds. I just shut my mouth and only eat once a day when I need to lose weight. Works for me, but I hate the headaches.


Well-Known Member
I'm about 5'2 and used to be 120. Then I did the crazy exercising, cut out nearly all carbs and dairy and ate once a day/every two days. After a few years it really does screw with you.

120 is not bad at all. Don't get yourself into the same spot I am, love yourself WW.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Eating less may be the dumbest thing a person can do when it comes to losing weight. x) As counter-intuitive as it may seem, you need to eat more. Or at least, eat more often. Eating less is going to bring your metabolism to a grinding halt.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I've been 120 for years. I would like to lose 10 pounds, but just too lazy during the day for exercise and I have the munchies at night. One time I went down to 99 pounds and got so sick. My body didn't have any reserves. I didn't stop eating to get there I just worked out too much. I had flat abs and and coulda cracked a nut with my ass cheeks. But, that was then and this is now. My husband says, I have a pokie outie butt and says he likes it.

A number of years ago I
I'm about 5'2 and used to be 120. Then I did the crazy exercising, cut out nearly all carbs and dairy and ate once a day/every two days. After a few years it really does screw with you.

120 is not bad at all. Don't get yourself into the same spot I am, love yourself WW.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I hate cigarettes but smoke them as you like whenever you like. =) By me you have infinite liberty. Accept the consequences of your actions, is all I ask.