Good drugs / Bad drugs

I always made it a rule of thumb to never do anything highly addictive or immediately dangerous to your physical health. I also made it a rule to never do anything with overdose potential.

For me it was YES to





A big NO to


Cocaine (and cocaine byproducts)





as time went on it just became marijuana which is perfect. although I would sure love to try some pure LSD or Mescaline again...just dont believe the sources for the good stuff are out there anymore like they used to be.

I see nothing wrong with experimenting with LSD or Mescaline as long as it comes from a very good & pure source. The only reason Im not big on mushrooms is because you can poison yourself with them if done improperly. That is something I've never been able to do with marijuana, LSD or Mescaline.

I do all of those accept a lil oxy every now and then and I do SHROOMS! =)

But I got fields and I know most of the poisonous mushrooms that look a like. I just go pick some psilocybe cubensis and im set
What's salvia? Any one know a good place to buy a mushroom grow kit. Or how to do it with just buying the spores. How much do those kits yeild anyway. I always wanted to do it, but never got around to it. I have some time now, so I'll give it a try...How long do they take?
no such thing as "bad" drugs all should be legal govt has no right whatsoever to tell any of us what we can put into our owbn bodies if you dont have the sense not to shoot up a 8 ball of ice a day then you are gonna fuck yourself but its not the govtys business
have done: weed, hydrocodon, percecet(sp?), salvia, alcohol heh
will try: shrooms, lsd, that cactus thing...
is it only 3 i thought it was like 10 to get peak potency thats awsome i didnt know you could get sees online either id like to check into that my fiance has been having crazy luck growing cactuses which i was suprised and they do these cool things where they grow like an arm and it goes down to the soil and roots and then breaks off and clones itself its really wierd lol
peyote cactus (contains mescaline)

do oxycontin!! 80mg, crush it up, snort it and take it straight to the dome!!:hump:

and what he said about the oc or even better take 1.5 80s cook in spoon and put it straight to the vein if upir frp, georgia l;ike it says i bet your from atl ;)
I want to do DMT. Like super duper bad!

is not as mind blowing as people say but its definately fun id like to do while on l and srooms i bet it would be unreal or smnoke some dmt and thenn shoot some k but regardless the problem with dmt is once you really satart tripppin good its hard to keep smoking and really getting gone but if you do it listen to some shpongle while you do heres a sample of them for ya they have a song about dmt called divine moment of truth

YouTube - Shpongle DMT

enjoy ;)
not for nothin, but telling kids to use 80mg of oxi is so wrong. A person with out a tolerance could most definately wind up dead from that much there first time. So, play it safe, no more then 10 mgs your first time kids...oh ya, don't use needles. They lead to infection, HIV, HEP C, Abseses which burst and not to forget death and those nasty track marks that run up and down your arms.
That's a bunch of BS. I took 10 mg's the first time i took it, and I got pretty messed up. Most people without a tollerenece to Opiates would certainly know it if they took 2 perks. And we all know that taking two 5 mg perks, is the same as taking 10mgs of Oxicontin, considering they both have the same active ingredients (oxicodone) I started with 10 and slowley worked my way up to the almighty 80mg, and then 2, and 3 and then, well we all know how this ends, with the needles, heroin, detox, prison, yata yata yata. I guess what I'm saying is this, No amount of Oxi is o.k. to take, but if you are, PLEASE start with a small amount, 10mg would be fine, and if that doesn't work in a half hour or so, then try 10mg more. Taking to much would probibly make you very sick anyway, and you wouldn't even enjoy being high. Play it smart, I know people who have died taking Oxicontin or the heroin that is almost sure to follow. I don't know you people, but it makes feel a little bit better inside by sharing my experiances. It took me a long time to beat the habit I picked up by using OXI (almost 10 years, WAISTED). Knowing this Please Be carefull.