Good drugs / Bad drugs

Molly's the only form of mdma I've got any desire to try anymore. I don't trust most of the beans that are around. Plus E doesn't make me feel good anymore. The first time I ever took it it was great (early last summer I took two real gs up hoes down, nowadays any gs that around are almost def. fake in my area), but every time I've taken it since then it just makes me feel kind of like hollow and cold... empty sorta feeling.
Candyflipping though... now that's another story :P
The best i have ever had is my pic. its like OMFG soo gooooodddd.
Lets put it like this, sex = 6 hours.

Dont forget water!
wow. yeah my ex was actually a chem major. always talking about making the "perfect drug"...fucking dumbass couldn't take his mid off drugs (literally) long enough to hit the books. i hope he fucking poisons himself or ends up with permanent brain damage.
wow. yeah my ex was actually a chem major. always talking about making the "perfect drug"...fucking dumbass couldn't take his mid off drugs (literally) long enough to hit the books. i hope he fucking poisons himself or ends up with permanent brain damage.
I would only major in chemistry so i could make me some mdma and lsd.
i dont want to even considering the consequences and testing, etc...

i just want something i could easily do (after education). lol
I'll do anything but dont really like phams or Heroin. Downers aint that fun to me, I'd rather be up and retarded then sitting down, laid back feeling good. Yeah X can have anything in it but I still love it. go to Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports to learn some things they've been cut with. My favorites are weed and acid. Shrooms are great. DMT is wild and I love it. I'm more of a psychedelic person.....if the name doesnt give that away. But all in all everyone likes their own drugs, whatever they might be. Crackheads say acid is too crazy for them and hippies say crack is to crazy.
I'll do anything but dont really like phams or Heroin. Downers aint that fun to me, I'd rather be up and retarded then sitting down, laid back feeling good. Yeah X can have anything in it but I still love it. go to Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports to learn some things they've been cut with. My favorites are weed and acid. Shrooms are great. DMT is wild and I love it. I'm more of a psychedelic person.....if the name doesnt give that away. But all in all everyone likes their own drugs, whatever they might be. Crackheads say acid is too crazy for them and hippies say crack is to crazy.
hallucinogens RULE!!!!:blsmoke:
I have to chime in on this. DON'T DO METH, ever, under any condition. JUST DON'T. I have seen to many lives and familys ruined (including my own) mainly because of the "I'll just try it once attitude". I know dozens of people who said they only wanted to try it. Almost everyone of them has since, been to jail, are totally hooked, are using the needle and they will be dead in a few years if they don't stop. Which they wont. I know, I am new around these forums, But please Don't ever try meth. Well I said my Peace, Please don't hate on me...
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weed acid and shrooms are okay and dooable to me. personally, anything harder is not for me. i tried dmt once, but felt drunk and passed out for 2 hours. anyonlse have that happen?
I have to chime in on this. DON'T DO METH, ever, under any condition. JUST DON'T. I have seen to many lives and familys ruined (including my own) mainly because of the "I'll just try it once attitude". I know dozens of people who said they only wanted to try it. Almost everyone of them has since, been to jail, are totally hooked, are using the needle and they will be dead in a few years if they don't stop. Which they wont. I know, I am new around these forums, But please Don't ever try meth. Well I said my Peace, Please don't hate on me...
My best friend feels the same way :/ Dont do meth
Yeah I got stuck on that shit for a while, definitely stay away...dont even hang out with tweakers, and definitely dont trust them...
I was considering trying salvia too but Im not sure on that either. Weed is great but even the most potent still is not that powerful as far as really opening up ur mind and having real hallucinations and things.
yea i feel you. i wanna try salvia. i think when i get some money im gunna buy some and ill smoke it and see how i is. but i hurd its good though
its a waste of money but Im sure you wont take my word for it

What is? Salvia?

Im never doin meth either or any of the harder drugs (coke, heroin, meth, and all the others). Im tryin to stay as natural as I can right now. Im kind of mentally messed up right now so Im not gonna try shrooms or salvia anytime soon. I havent even smoked weed for 3 weeks now, Im starting to get the weird feelings of being completely sober back lol. As soon as Im good though Im gonna smoke my weed again and then maybe try shrooms and salvia or DMT after Im sure that I can handle it and nothing bad will happen.
I always made it a rule of thumb to never do anything highly addictive or immediately dangerous to your physical health. I also made it a rule to never do anything with overdose potential.

For me it was YES to





A big NO to


Cocaine (and cocaine byproducts)





as time went on it just became marijuana which is perfect. although I would sure love to try some pure LSD or Mescaline again...just dont believe the sources for the good stuff are out there anymore like they used to be.

I see nothing wrong with experimenting with LSD or Mescaline as long as it comes from a very good & pure source. The only reason Im not big on mushrooms is because you can poison yourself with them if done improperly. That is something I've never been able to do with marijuana, LSD or Mescaline.