Good drugs / Bad drugs

there is nothign wrong with experimenting with different kinds of drugs as long as that is specifically what u intend to do, especially wit coke, heroin, meth. Psychadelics are tight, i always have a great experience with them. Extacy is real cool to especially at techno parties and raves. Ganja i dont really see as a drug, more of a medicine. Whoever the dude up there who said oxycontin isnt very addictive must not have fooled around wit it much, it is dope in a pill, and EXTREMELY addictive, i know from experience...shit ruined my life for bout 4 years.
this made me think of a time when a guy robbed me for a joint......yeah a joint anyway the next day i put heroin, coke and a crushed up e pill in a big two paper joint and walked by the same guy with it in my ear, and he took it again.......never saw him again but i bet he got stoned.

i don't do shit but smoke weed just to let you people know
I think mescaline has got to be the best drug, its natural, bitch to get down, but man the fuck up. and they tested some indian shamen who took it most of there life, and people who never did it once, brain functions are the same. plus its an incredibley smooth experience, vivid in the higher doses, and not hard to prepare, you can make it yourself with out any risk of other crazy drugs being put into it. Just need a big pot, drug of choice for sure!
this made me think of a time when a guy robbed me for a joint......yeah a joint anyway the next day i put heroin, coke and a crushed up e pill in a big two paper joint and walked by the same guy with it in my ear, and he took it again.......never saw him again but i bet he got stoned.

i don't do shit but smoke weed just to let you people know did him a favor lol, i mean, i dont think the joint would light with all that powder...If it were me, i wouldve opened up the joint and snorted it drugs cant beat that. What I also dont get is if you only smoke weed, that would mean you went out and bought coke H and E just to get back at this guy? Why didnt you just put weed in it, with like litt bits of dog shit too or something, or better yet juss come back with a bat and fuck that fool up
ah, salvia...

a hit or two and it hits you hard... if you want to try it, i suggest doing it orally since it produces a more gradual effect compared to smoking it

with that said, i also advise on not using it a lot since all of its effects are not known at this time (although, salvia does have an anti-addictive property which a poster before me mentioned)

hope i helped and remember, salvia is not for everybody...

it's a very powerful plant and should be treated as such
I was considering trying salvia too but Im not sure on that either. Weed is great but even the most potent still is not that powerful as far as really opening up ur mind and having real hallucinations and things.
o.k. I just watch the movie "American Meth" (Val Kilmer). And I have to say, that meth is DEFINITELY a bad drug. if you don't fucking beleive me, watch this movie, and look up the stats and stories about all the lives this filthy drug has ruined, communities gone to shit. It's very sad. just fucking watch this shit:

YouTube - faces of meth
oxycontin="hillbilly heroin"

and I have to add, that I have seen families that were destroyed by meth. my bf's sister suffered with a meth addiction (today, still struggles, I'm sure), used during her pregnancies, and her kids are fucked up for life-psychologically, socially, mentally. The middle child can't even put his shoes on the correct feet...and I think he's like 10 or 11 years old. they are DIRT poor. the oldest son is like 15, looks like he's 12...his school knows he's not "college material", so set him up with an employment program-trying to get him a job at KFC or something food service-ish. Meth is not a joke, peopls. You'll look at those pics and say, I've never seen someone that looked that bad", and think it'll never happen to you. Don't try it. Not even once. Seriously. watch that movie-there's a scene in which they show all the ingredients used to make meth. I've done my share of experimentation with drugs, but I would never want to put that shit in my body. Poison. you'll age 30 years in 2 years of use.
Yeah... i've got absolutely no use for meth or any person that'd sell it to people.

" hope i helped and remember, salvia is not for everybody..."

Damnnnnnnnn right there man. I've handled 12 doses in one night, and one hit of that 20x stuff scared the living shit out of me. When I'm dosing I still get a sort of scared flashbacky feeling if I put my hands in my pockets if i'm wearing tight jeans because of the feeling it causes in my hands... reminds of the feeeling I got around my mouth/head on that salvia experience. Scary, serious stuff.
ecstasy isnt bad. ive dropped arnd 3 pills at one day. was probably the best day of my life. the come down from it isnt as bad as some people make it out to be. apart from the sore jaw from all that clenching. but i've heard good things about taking ecstasy and then marijuana.

serotonin !

1st post! =)
yeah, salvia is not for everyone. you have to be mentally prepared, and spiritually open to fully experience the positive effects of the ska Maria Pastora. She is divine, and I believe she chooses those who are ready to experience her; if you're not ready, this guide will not be kind. Happy to say, she is my friend. Ecstasy is shit nowadays. I won't even buy it at raves anymore, unless someone has some Molly. In fact, I don't even buy drugs anymore; I like to stick to what I can make/create with my own two hands. At least I know what's going in my body that way ;-)
yeah, salvia is not for everyone. you have to be mentally prepared, and spiritually open to fully experience the positive effects of the ska Maria Pastora. She is divine, and I believe she chooses those who are ready to experience her; if you're not ready, this guide will not be kind. Happy to say, she is my friend. Ecstasy is shit nowadays. I won't even buy it at raves anymore, unless someone has some Molly. In fact, I don't even buy drugs anymore; I like to stick to what I can make/create with my own two hands. At least I know what's going in my body that way ;-)

white butterflies are really good.
pretty exxy though. i too like to stick with some mary jane.
i just don't fucking trust anyone who sells E. most people that sell it are just trying to get rid of it bc they impulsively bought a bag of pills, they turned out to be bunk or 80% speed and cough syrup or some shit...had an ex bf who sold bunk pills to people. not a very nice guy. molly is the way to go (molecule=molly). if you can find pure mdma or mda, you are one lucky sonofabitch.
yeah one of my friends snorted some crystals i think. a while back. he was pinging hardcore. and his come down was really bad too.
I think I'm going to order some methylone and see how it compares to MDMA. E effects me more than most people, due to sensitivity and body size, and the come down is a bitch, but I've read that methylone doesn't have such a huge body effect.
in the netherlands they sell that stuff as a "room odorizer" called explosion