At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
Buck the question is pertaining to Obama and his failure to lead or give the American people anything for their hard earned tax wages that were stole from them. In order to be a Christian leader of the U.S., one must harbor a hatred for all things evil (including muslimism).
i was unaware that the constitution called for the president to be a muslim. article and section, please?

how about the myriad of tax breaks that allow you to keep more of your hard earned money signed into law by obama? don't you think that you are better able to decide how to use your hard-earned wages rather than the government?


Well-Known Member
Persecuted? Depends on your definition i guess. Prepared for what life may throw my way? i try to.
my comment was in regards to your belief that you would receive a 'lead lined punishment' for tax evasion.

does not comport with reality. comports with the inner contents of the mind of a paranoid, delusional stoner.

Jack Fate

New Member
name the top 3 most socialist bills passed by the 111th and 112th congress. this should be GRAND.

thinking about the future? LOL!

more like differentiating between what rape is forcible or not.
HCR bill needs to repealed as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
sadly so.

some people are pretty intolerant and hateful.

not the way to be when lucky enough to be placed on this beautiful spinning ball they call 'earth'.

Actually I'm not intolerant. I'm homosexual. They're the ones that are hateful. Just a few weeks ago Iran hung 3 guys for SUPPOSED sodomy. Give me a frikin' break!!!


Ursus marijanus
Oh I see we must have a liar (lawyer) in our midst. You guys are all the same, just different lying faces. I know. . . I worked for a group of 'em. I MOVE FOR TORTE REFORM!!! LET'S GET RID OF ALL THE LAWYERS!!! THEY ALL LIE FOR THEIR OWN GAIN ANYHOW. <---- Yet another reason of how the leftists liberals are destroying this country.

My heritage is Austrian, so I like my torte unreformed. Gimme dat old-time confection! cn



Well-Known Member
i was unaware that the constitution called for the president to be a muslim. article and section, please?

how about the myriad of tax breaks that allow you to keep more of your hard earned money signed into law by obama? don't you think that you are better able to decide how to use your hard-earned wages rather than the government?
Have no idea what you're talking about the constitution calling for th epresident to be muslim. I never mentioned the constitution. Must be your leftist side of the brain thinking about how best to destroy it.

The only TRUE tax break from the Federal Government will be when they dissolve the federal reserve and pay me back every single cent that was taken from me AND they MUST include interest on ALL of it from the moment they STOLE it from me.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm not intolerant. I'm homosexual. They're the ones that are hateful. Just a few weeks ago Iran hung 3 guys for SUPPOSED sodomy. Give me a frikin' break!!!
good thing we don't live in iran and abide by the united states constitution. the same one that you have failed to cite the article and section requiring the president to be a christian.


King Tut
my comment was in regards to your belief that you would receive a 'lead lined punishment' for tax evasion.

does not comport with reality. comports with the inner contents of the mind of a paranoid, delusional stoner.
My comments were in regards to the idea that i would resist them with lead of my own which, in all likelihood, would end in the scenario mentioned. i guess i didn't imply it strongly enough for you?


Well-Known Member
You should be happy you can now join the military,,,Without fear!,,,Oh wait you would never do nothing like that:neutral:
Yes I suppose I should be happy that I'm not being suppressed by a LARGE OPPRESIVE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT that has no business being involved in marriage in the first place. Civil unions between man and woman, man and man, woman and woman is all that the government should recognize. Marriage is determined by the church.

As far as saying a person should be happy that they FINALLY get to do the same thing we've always done, just with narrow minded breeders acknowledging it now, is the bigotted statement.

Jack Fate

New Member
good luck with that.

hope you have more success with that than answering straightforward questions like the one i posed.
Thanks. I hope we have success also. It's on the way to the USSC.

If I didn't answer a stratight forward question then I didn't do it deliberately. I understand how desperate you, but you don't need to keep building straw men.


Well-Known Member
Yes I suppose I should be happy that I'm not being suppressed by a LARGE OPPRESIVE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT that has no business being involved in marriage in the first place.
Since when have the liberals been the ones to keep the homosexuals down? Are you serious?