Wonder Woman from Nirvana

Time for an update xD

My EC has raised from 1.0 to 1.3 and the PH has dropped to 5.5, adding a gallon of 1.0 EC and 6.0 PH for top-off tomorrow. Can I boost my nutes a little? I noticed my foliar feeding of the anti-wilt had slowed and in some cases reversed some of the leaf damage. Im going to try a cal-mag foliar feeding soon, try to clear this leaf def up.

I also spent 40$ on 25' of 6" duct, a roll of metal ductwork tape, and 3x 6.5" clamps xD~! My roomie & I set my 600w light up today. Posting pics of everything after this text update.

I also realized 2-3 days ago that my closet isnt going to cutt it. So Ive designed a 6'x8'x80" room. So far Im keeping it cheap, using 1"x1" stock for studs, 2x4 for the joists/rim (1/2" plywood for floor), and then a 3/8" luan sheets for walls. Will be adding foil back'd fiberglass for insulation (will be in a barn thats unheated). Between a small space heater and the heat from my 600w.. it should be fine. The fiberglass has an R-Value of like 30 xD
Day 51 (600w) (12).jpgDay 51 (600w) (6).jpgDay 51 (600w) (4).jpgDay 51 (600w) (2).jpgDay 51 (600w) (9).jpgDay 51 (600w) (8).jpgDay 51 (600w) (7).jpgDay 51 (600w) (11).jpgDay 51 (600w) (5).jpgDay 51 (600w) (3).jpgDay 51 (600w) (10).jpgDay 51 (600w).jpg

Ive got a good video too (just has the noisy fan in the background ><) however Im not comfortable with uploading to youtube, hulu, or facebook. </3 I may filefront it, if enough are interested.
The HID light seems to drop the humidity by about 20% as well. I putt a GHETTO humidifier infront of my fan (yes.. its that washed out half gallon of milk carton filled with water and a white tee shirt as a wick). So hopefully that'll help. I feel like 51 Days of Veg is too long =P however I cant flower without the nutes, an hps bulb, and a lightproof closet (havnt tested mine yet). Ive had my rockwool cubes sitting in PH'd water for a lil over 24 hrs now. I suppose I can take clones whenever I get around to it. I attempted earlier with a semi-yellowing branch that wasnt getting enough light. After 24 hrs of being cutt (root gel applied, heat matt was at 75, and humidome + water sprayed) the leaves were shriveled right up and the thing looked DEAD. The stem was green/fine but the leaves werent having it at all lol. So hopefully my actual clones wont turn out so shittty~!
Youtube requires an account to post videos, right? I dont want MJ vids on my youtube accnt ^_^.
I post pics and give you 3 posts of updates and all you comment on is the lack of video?! =O!@?!?@!?>@ PIHEPIF&SDP(*FYAS
Be back in an hour, Ive got physics tutoring to go to.
Im going to start taking clones tonight, 2 clones per plant. I will be labeling clone to parent. The clones will be cutt with a sterile razor at a 45 degree angle from the stem (diagonial cutt). Then dipped in Root Gel and putt into rockwool cubes. The cubes will remain moist but not flooded. I will have my heat mat set on 75 and I will have a humidity dome over the clone's tray. The dome and rockwool cubes will be sprayed with water to keep humidity up. Then theres the issue with the lights

Do I need to have CFL lights on them? If so, is above the humidity-dome okay?

Once my clones have been cutt, dipped, sprayed, and covered... when will I know if they have successfully survived? Will the leaves go to shit or should they look lively?
Im going to start taking clones tonight, 2 clones per plant. I will be labeling clone to parent. The clones will be cutt with a sterile razor at a 45 degree angle from the stem (diagonial cutt). Then dipped in Root Gel and putt into rockwool cubes. The cubes will remain moist but not flooded. I will have my heat mat set on 75 and I will have a humidity dome over the clone's tray. The dome and rockwool cubes will be sprayed with water to keep humidity up. Then theres the issue with the lights

Do I need to have CFL lights on them? If so, is above the humidity-dome okay?

Once my clones have been cutt, dipped, sprayed, and covered... when will I know if they have successfully survived? Will the leaves go to shit or should they look lively?

If they aren't droopy.. you'll know they're doing good.
I scarify the clone too and it seems to work a treat. I make a small incision about a cm up from where u cut at 45 degrees. More like just touch it with the knife and peel the "bark" off to expose the fresh inside of the stem. Did that make sense???? lol
And be REALLY careful not to get those rockwool cubes too wet. Its the easiest mistake to make with rockwool. And once you have done it and they are sitting in there humidi-crib don't touch them at all until you see roots. Just give em light spray say two times a day. Works for me and I get 100% success rate. POST SOME PICS WHEN YA DONE BRA! :)
Clones Oct 6 (3).jpgClones Oct 6 (5).jpgClones Oct 6 (2).jpgClones Oct 6.jpgClones Oct 6 (6).jpgClones Oct 6 (4).jpg

Okay. Heres my setup, 50 insert slotted tray, heat mat w/thermo set to 80F, Humidome, and 2 85w CFLs (veg/flower combo). Rootech Gel, Anti-Wilt Foliar Spray, and I have some Olivia's Cloning Solution (diluted) I'll be misting the rockwool with. I mist the humidome with tap water and the leaves arent being misted (dont wanna wash off the Anti-Wilt~!). Thoughts? Advice? Opinions? :weed::leaf:

It's :sleep::sleep::sleep: time, Catch the post updates in the AM. Lets get some discussion and advice going~!
I am no clone expert, but I believe that is too much light for young clones. I would personally change those bulbs to 26w cfls or even less. Good luck with the grow
Thanks for the input! Im doubtful these clones will root but we'll see. This whole cloning thing looks great on paper but now Im testing it out and sort of a none believer. Or I just have no confidence in myself xP
Thanks for the input! Im doubtful these clones will root but we'll see. This whole cloning thing looks great on paper but now Im testing it out and sort of a none believer. Or I just have no confidence in myself xP

Don't give up.. my clones always took f@#$ing forever to root for some reason. If they aren't droopy, they're alive.. so don't f@#$ with em!
Some of the clones arent upright, they're top heavy and have fallen over. Will this be a problem? U can see it in the pics. Should I use tap water to keep moist or would my cloning solution be better for a spray?
Some of the clones arent upright, they're top heavy and have fallen over. Will this be a problem? U can see it in the pics. Should I use tap water to keep moist or would my cloning solution be better for a spray?

I don't think it's that they're "too heavy.." Just dying =/

Drooping isn't a good sign man. /sigh

Good luck!
Should I plant my seeds with the heavy side down (kinda oval shaped)? I had one grow in upside down last time. Want to avoid that. Ive got 3 bagseeds (From headies), any suggestions? Figure Id throw them in with the clones. And VO; Im keeping a strong faith in these... they arent droppy, just bend over a lil haha. The leaves look fine... no soggyness and the same bright green color. I sprayed Anti-Wilt on them... they cant be dying just yet. I can expect roots in as little as 4 days to 2 weeks right?